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Mini-Project: Fibonacci Numbers

Let us look at the natural definition of Fibonacci numbers again:

fib :: Integer -> Integer
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)

We already observed that this implementation is inefficient because it calculates the \(n\)th Fibonacci number as the sum of a bunch of ones and zeroes. Now that we know about tail recursion, we also observe that it uses a lot of stack space (not all that much at any given point in time, but it creates and destroys lots of stack frames) because neither fib (n - 1) nor fib (n - 2) is in tail position in the third equation—we add their results together to obtain the result of the current invocation fib n.

Our goal is to turn fib into a tail-recursive function that is essentially a loop, and we want to reduce the number of iterations of this loop from \(F_n\) to \(n\). This will give us a nice performance improvement.

I know I should make you do this in Haskell directly, but whenever we use tail recursion, we're looking for a pattern that's essentially a loop. Looking for this pattern in a language that actually has loops can be helpful. We use Python again.

As a starting point, let's write our Fibonacci function in Python:

def fib(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    elif n == 1:
        return 1
        return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

If you've taken CSCI 3110 already, you have learned about dynamic programming. The idea is to build a table that remembers values you've computed before so you don't need to compute them from scratch again when you need them a second, third or 1,000,001st time. For computing Fibonacci numbers, this approach is rather effective because to compute \(F_n\), we only need to compute \(n\) other Fibonacci numbers: \(F_0, \ldots, F_{n-1}\). Our strategy therefore is to keep a table where we store the Fibonacci numbers we have already computed. Whenever we need to know the value of a Fibonacci number, we first check whether we have already computed it. In this case, we simply look it up in our table. Otherwise, we have no choice but to compute it from scratch, but even that recursive computation can utilize our table to avoid computing Fibonacci numbers again that we have already computed. To make this work, we need an object that holds our table of already computed Fibonacci numbers. The function that computes Fibonacci numbers needs to be a method of this object because it needs access to the table. Our main Fibonacci function creates an object capable of storing \(F_0\) up to \(F_n\) and then calls the fib method of this object to compute \(F_n\):
def fib(n):
    f = Fib(n)
    return f.fib(n)

The constructor of our Fib class takes the index of the Fibonacci number to be computed as argument, to create an array big enough to hold the first \(n + 1\) Fibonacci numbers. Initially, each table entry is None because we haven't computed any Fibonacci numbers yet: (Edit)
def fib(n):
    f = Fib(n)
    return f.fib(n)

class Fib:

    def __init__(self, n):
        self.fibs = [None] * (n + 1)

Now for the core of the program: Fib.fib. This function implements exactly the same logic as our original definition of fib, only it uses the table Fib.fibs to speed up its computation: (Edit)
class Fib:

    def __init__(self, n):
        self.fibs = [None] * (n + 1)

    def fib(self, n):
        if self.fibs[n] is None:
            if n == 0:
                self.fibs[n] = 0
            elif n == 1:
                self.fibs[n] = 1
                self.fibs[n] = self.fib(n - 1) + self.fib(n - 2)
        return self.fibs[n]

First it checks whether self.fibs[n] is not None. In that case, we have already computed the \(n\)th Fibonacci number, and we simply return it. Otherwise, we need to compute it. The body of the if-statement does this, in exactly the same fashion as our original fib function, only it stores its result in self.fibs[n] instead of returning it directly, so any subsequent call to fib with argument n can simply look up the \(n\)th Fibonacci number.

This is illustrated in the following figure, which shows the tree of recursive calls made by the invocation fib(5). The arrows to and from the fibs table show which recursive call stores some value fib(i) in the corresponding slot of the fibs table and which recursive calls simply read their results from the fibs table.

Illustration of dynamic programming for computing Fibonacci numbers

Illustration of dynamic programming for computing Fibonacci numbers

You can try this out. It computes large Fibonacci numbers quickly. Computing \(F_n\) takes \(O(n)\) time now. However, the code is not as space-efficient nor as elegant as it could be. It uses \(O(n)\) space for the table of Fibonacci numbers, but constant space is possible. Let's improve it.

The first improvement is a step in the right direction even though it does not substantially change the amount of space our code needs—we still build a table of the first \(n\) Fibonacci numbers:
def fib(n):
    fibs = [None] * (n + 1)

    for i in range(0, n + 1):
        if i == 0:
            fibs[i] = 0
        elif i == 1:
            fibs[i] = 1
            fibs[i] = fibs[i - 1] + fibs[i - 2]

    return fibs[n]

This code completely does away with recursive calls. It iteratively computes the first \(n + 1\) Fibonacci numbers, again using exactly the standard formula for Fibonacci numbers: fibs[0] = 0, fibs[1] = 1, and fibs[i] = fibs[i - 1] + fibs[i - 2]. This works because we compute Fibonacci numbers by increasing indices, so when it's time to compute fibs[i], we have already computed fibs[i - 1] and fibs[i - 2]. We can simply look them up in the table, add them together, and store the result in fibs[i].

Dependencies between table entries in Fibonacci function

Dependencies between table entries in the Fibonacci function

Now let's come up with the final version of our Python function to compute Fibonacci numbers. If you look a little closer, you'll notice that each iteration of the for-loop relies only on the values computed in the previous two iterations: To compute fibs[2], we need access to fibs[0] and fibs[1]. To compute fibs[3], we need access to fibs[2] and fibs[1]. And so on. So keeping the entire table of Fibonacci numbers is wasteful. We only need to remember the two Fibonacci numbers computed in the current iteration and in the previous iteration. To avoid strange hacks such as defining \(F_{-1} = 1\), let us set up the computation so that at the beginning of the ith iteration of the loop, we have variables f_i and f_i_plus_1 containing the ith and (i+1)st Fibonacci numbers. To ensure this invariant holds in the first iteration of the loop, when i = 0, we need to set f_i = 0 (\(F_0\)) and f_i_plus_1 = 1 (\(F_1\)):
def fib(n):
    f_i = 0
    f_i_plus_1 = 1

If f_i holds the ith Fibonacci number and f_i_plus_1 holds the (i+1)st Fibonacci number, then to ensure that the same invariant holds in the next iteration, where i is increased by one, we need to replace f_i with f_i_plus_1 and f_i_plus_1 with f_i + f_i_plus_1: (Edit)
def fib(n):
    f_i = 0
    f_i_plus_1 = 1

    for i in range(0, n):
        f_i, f_i_plus_1 = f_i_plus_1, f_i + f_i_plus_1

After the last iteration, we have i = n. Thus, at the end of this iteration, f_i stores \(F_n\). We can now return this value: (Edit)
def fib(n):
    f_i = 0
    f_i_plus_1 = 1

    for i in range(0, n):
        f_i, f_i_plus_1 = f_i_plus_1, f_i + f_i_plus_1

    return f_i

Now back to Haskell. Let's translate our Python function into a tail-recursive Haskell function. We use the same recipe as in the previous section: We implement the loop as a recursive function. The arguments of this function are the variables that change in the loop of our Python function, here the current index i, f_i, and f_i_plus_1. i changes to i + 1. f_i changes to f_i_plus_1. f_i_plus_1 changes to f_i + f_i_plus_1. This gives the following Haskell function:

fib :: Integer -> Integer
fib n = loop 0 0 1
    loop i f_i f_i_plus_1
        | i == n    = f_i
        | otherwise = loop (i + 1) f_i_plus_1 (f_i + f_i_plus_1)

We initialize i = 0, f_i = 0, and f_i_plus_1 = 1 by passing the arguments 0 0 1 to our loop function. When i == n, f_i stores \(F_n\) by our invariant that f_i stores the ith Fibonacci number. Thus, since loop 0 0 1 should return \(F_n\), we simply return f_i in this case. Otherwise, we run for another "iteration" by calling loop (tail-)recursively with arguments i + 1, f_i_plus_1, and f_i + f_i_plus_1. That's it. You can try it out. It computes large Fibonacci numbers reasonably efficiently:

>>> :l Fib2.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Fib2.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
>>> fib 10000


Now that you know about tail-recursion, let's look at the function

countOccurrences :: Char -> String -> Int

from this exercise again. The implementation I provided in the sample solution was:

countOccurrences :: Char -> String -> Int
countOccurrences x = go
    go (y:ys) | x == y    = 1 + go ys
              | otherwise =     go ys
    go _                  = 0

Explain why this is not a good solution. Develop a better implementation.


This is not a good implementation because it is not tail-recursive. The first branch of the first equation defines go (y:ys) = 1 + go ys when x == y. In this case, we call go ys recursively. When this call returns, we still need to add 1 to the result to produce the result of go (y:ys). Thus, if there are lots of occurrences of x in the given string, this builds up lots of stack frames.

Let's come up with a tail-recursive implementation. As you get better at this, you will start writing down tail-recursive implementations directly. However, as an explanation, let's obtain this solution one more time by translating a loop (in Python) into our tail-recursive Haskell function. Here's how we could count occurrences in Python:

def count_occurrences(x, ys):
    count = 0
    for y in ys:
        if x == y:
            count += 1
    return count

There's a lot of imperative and Python-specific behaviour here. First, Python gives us a syntax for iterating over the characters in a string: for y in ys. Second, we used the shorthand count += 1 to increase count by one. Let's translate this into equivalent code that is easier to translate into Haskell:

def count_occurrences(x, ys):
    count = 0
    while ys:                    # "" = False, any other string counts as True in Python
        if x == y:
            count = count + 1
        ys = ys[1:]              # This replaces ys with its tail ys[1:]
    return count

Now, remember, to translate this into a tail-recursive function, the function arguments need to track the variables that define the state of the loop. Those are the variables that the loop modifies. Here, that's count and ys. count may be incremented in the loop, and each iteration shears the first character off ys. So this looks like a good start:

countOccurrences :: Char -> String -> Int
countOccurrences x = loop 0
    loop count ys = ...

If ys is empty, the loop exits and the result is whatever the current value of count is:

countOccurrences :: Char -> String -> Int
countOccurrences x = loop 0
    loop count "" = count
    loop count ys = ...

If ys is non-empty, the loop replaces ys with its tail. The count gets increased if x == y. Otherwise, the count remains unchanged. We need a pattern guard to differentiate between these two cases:

countOccurrences :: Char -> String -> Int
countOccurrences x = loop 0
    loop count "" = count
    loop count (y:ys)
        | x == y    = loop (count + 1) ys
        | otherwise = loop  count      ys