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Next up, Maybe:

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

We have two possibilities here: Either the container is empty, we have a Nothing; or it stores exactly one element x, we have a Just x. The identity law says that applying id to every element in a container should produce the original container. Thus, applying a function to the empty container should produce an empty container. Applying a function f to a Just x should produce Just (f x):

instance Functor Maybe where
    fmap f Nothing  = Nothing
    fmap f (Just x) = Just (f x)


Verify the functor laws for the Maybe functor.



fmap id Nothing  = Nothing        -- First equation of fmap
                 = id Nothing     -- Definition of id

fmap id (Just x) = Just (id x)    -- Second equation of fmap
                 = Just x         -- Definition of id
                 = id (Just x)    -- Definition of id


fmap (f . g) Nothing
    = Nothing                       -- First equation of fmap
    = fmap f Nothing                -- First equation of fmap
    = fmap f (fmap g Nothing)       -- First equation of fmap
    = (fmap f . fmap g) Nothing     -- Definition of function composition

fmap (f . g) (Just x)
    = Just ((f . g) x)              -- Second equation of fmap
    = Just (f (g x))                -- Definition of function composition
    = fmap f (Just (g x))           -- Second equation of fmap
    = fmap f (fmap g (Just x))      -- Second euation of fmap
    = (fmap f . fmap g) (Just x)    -- Definition of function composition


Recall the replicate function we used in earlier exercises. replicate n x builds a list containing n copies of x:

>>> replicate 5 1

If n is negative, then replicate n xs simply produces the empty list:

>>> replicate (-1) 1

Assume we have a function safeReplicate instead, one that makes n copies of x if x is non-negative, and returns Nothing if n is negative:

safeReplicate :: Int -> a -> Maybe [a]
safeReplicate n x | n < 0     = Nothing
                  | otherwise = Just (replicate n x)

We can now use this function to implement a simple and not very meaningful example of a computation that is quite common: We want to map a function over a list of arguments. For some of these arguments, we obtain a result. For others, we don't:

>>> safeReplicate n x = if n < 0 then Nothing else Just (replicate n x)
>>> map (uncurry safeReplicate) [(1,5),(3,4),(-1,8),(2,7),(-9,10)]
[Just [5],Just [4,4,4],Nothing,Just [7,7],Nothing]

Now we're finally coming to the point of this exercise. We want to take a list of type [Maybe [a]] and a function f :: a -> b, and we want to apply f to each of the inner lists. For example, in the example just given, the list produced by map (uncurry safeReplicate) ... has the type [Maybe [Int]]. We may want to double each of values in the inner lists:

>>> mysteryFunction (* 2) xss
[Just [10],Just [8,8,8],Nothing,Just [14,14],Nothing]

The function we're after is

mysteryFunction :: (a -> b) -> [Maybe [a]] -> [Maybe [b]]

Use fmap to implement this function. It will be helpful to peel the onion here:

To apply a function f :: a -> b to a list xs :: [a], we can use fmap f xs. To apply a function g :: [a] -> [b] to a value mxs :: Maybe [a], we can use fmap g mxs. Finally, to apply a function h :: Maybe [a] -> Maybe [b] to a list mxss :: [Maybe [a]], we can use fmap h mxss. Now put the puzzle pieces together.

mysteryFunction = fmap . fmap . fmap

Yup, that's it. You can think of fmap f xs as reaching into a container xs and applying f to each element in xs. (fmap . fmap) f xs then reaches two levels down: Given a container of containers, this applies f to each element in each of the inner containers. In this exercise, we had a container of containers of containers, the outer container being a list, the containers inside it being Maybes, and the containers in each of these second-level containers being lists. So we need to reach three levels down, using fmap . fmap . fmap.

Maybe that's a bit more illuminating when looking at the types involved. If you type the above definition of mysteryFunction into GHCi without specifying its type, you actually get a type of mysteryFunction that is more general than the one given in the exercise:

>>> mysteryFunction = fmap . fmap . fmap
>>> :t mysteryFunction
  :: (Functor f1, Functor f2, Functor f3) =>
     (a -> b) -> f1 (f2 (f3 a)) -> f1 (f2 (f3 b))

All those numbers make me dizzy, so let's rewrite this type using names f, g, and h instead of f1, f2, and f3:

mysteryFunction :: (Functor f, Functor g, Functor h) => (a -> b) -> (f (g (h a))) -> (f (g (h b)))

Remember that a functor is our abstraction of a container. If we have a function of type k :: a -> b and a container of containers of containers of as, then we can use mysteryFunction to obtain a container of contaires of containers of bs, by applying k to every a in this hierarchy of containers. Here, f is the outer container type. This can be a list, a tree, anything. g is the container type nested within it. In our example, this was Maybe, but it can once again be any function. And finally, h is the innermost container type.

Now our three fmap implementations for the three functors have the types:

fmap :: (a -> b) -> (h a -> h b)
fmap :: (c -> d) -> (g c -> g d) 
fmap :: (p -> q) -> (f p -> f q)

Given a function k :: a -> b, fmap k thus has type h a -> h b. Setting c = h a and d = h b, this gives fmap (fmap k) :: g (h a) -> g (h b). And finally, setting p = g (h a) and q = (g h b), we have fmap (fmap (fmap k)) :: f (g (h a)) -> f (g (h b)). Thus, we have

mysteryFunction k xs = fmap (fmap (fmap k)) xs

which we can rewrite to obtain the definition mysteryFunction = fmap . fmap . fmap:

mysteryFunction k xs = fmap (fmap (fmap k)) xs
mysteryFunction k    = fmap (fmap (fmap k))       -- Drop the common argument `xs` from
                                                  -- both sides
                     = (fmap . fmap) (fmap k)     -- Definition of (.)
                     = (fmap . fmap . fmap) k     -- Definition of (.)
mysteryFunction      =  fmap . fmap . fmap        -- Drop the common argument `k` from
                                                  -- both sides