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Here's the type of the foldMap function:

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m

foldMap f xs applies f to every element in the container to obtain a value of type m. m is required to be a monoid, so we can use all of these values of type m and combine them into a single value of type m using the monoid multiplication (<>).

Let's play with this a little. We have the Sum and Product monoids. Remember that data constructors are really just functions. So we have Sum :: a -> Sum a and Product :: a -> Product a. We also have the accessors getSum and getProduct to extract the value of type a from a Sum a or Product a. With these monoids, we can add or multiply the values in a list:

>>> import Data.Monoid
>>> getSum $ foldMap Sum [1..10]
>>> getProduct $ foldMap Product [1..10]

We can do the same for trees:

>>> tree = Node Empty 5 (Node (Node Empty 3 Empty) 1 (Node Empty 2 Empty))
>>> getSum $ foldMap Sum tree
>>> getProduct $ foldMap Product tree

Of course, this isn't as elegant as just using foldl and (+) or (*), but there are more interesting (but also more complicated) monoids where foldMap is the only way to go. I use Sum and Product here only to illustrate that foldMap does the right thing. In the first example, we do get the sum of all list elements. In the second example, we get their product. In both cases, the monoid multiplication of the monoid is used, which is addition for Sum and multiplication for Product.

A more useful application of foldMap is to collect a list of all elements in a container. If we import the Data.List module, then we gain access to the function

singleton :: a -> [a]
singleton x = [x]

It builds a list containing its argument as the only element:

>>> import Data.List
>>> singleton 1

By applying this function to every element in a container, we obtain a container whose elements are all singleton lists. Concatenating these lists gives the list of all elements in the container. It so happens that the multiplication operation of the list monoid is list concatenation:

>>> [1,2] <> [3,4,5]

Thus, to collect all the elements of a container in a list, we can use foldMap singleton.

For a list, we get the original list back:

>>> foldMap singleton [1,2,3,4,5]

For Maybe, we get the empty list if the value we're converting to a list is Nothing. That's correct because Nothing does not store any elements. Just x stores x as its only element, so foldMap singleton (Just x) should produce the list containing only x:

>>> foldMap singleton Nothing
>>> foldMap singleton (Just 5)

Finally, given that a tree is a foldable container, we can also collect its elements in a list:

>>> tree = Node Empty 5 (Node (Node Empty 3 Empty) 1 (Node Empty 2 Empty))
>>> foldMap singleton tree

The default implementation of foldMap is

foldMap f xs = foldr ((<>) . f) mempty xs

Ugh. Maybe this needs some explanation. Remember, we want to produce a value of type m. If we want to do so using foldr, we need an initial accumulator value of type m, and mempty is the natural choice.1 Indeed, our implementations of sum and product using foldl for lists above used the unit for addition and multiplication as the initial accumulator value. The elements in xs are of type a. So the accumulator function we provide to foldr needs to be of type a -> m -> m. The function f has type a -> m. It maps each element of xs into a monoid value of type m. The monoid multiplication (<>) has type m -> m -> m. The composition (<>) . f thus has type a -> m -> m. It has the right type, and it does the right thing: It uses f to map the current list element to a monoid value and then uses monoid multiplication to combine this monoid value with the current accumulator value, to produce the new accumulator value.

Since any instance of Foldable needs to implement only one of foldl and foldMap, we need default implementations of these three functions (including foldr) in terms of each other. We've just given the default implementation of foldMap in terms of foldr. This leaves implementing foldl and foldr in terms of foldMap.

These implementations are a mouthful, and reproducing them here would lead us too far astray. If we assume we have custom implementations of foldl and foldr for lists, as the ones discussed before, we can use them to obtain simple implementations of foldl and foldr for arbitrary foldable containers that first use foldMap to collect the elements of the container in a list and then fold up the list using the list versions of foldl and foldr:

foldl f init xs = foldl f init $ foldMap singleton xs
foldr f init xs = foldr f init $ foldMap singleton xs

Haha, we're using foldMap singleton to "flatten" a container into a list again, as we did for Maybe and trees above. foldl f init and foldr f init then fold up this list from left to right or from right to left, as required.

  1. In fact, given that all that foldMap knows is that m is a monoid, mempty is the only value it knows how to generate. So mempty is in fact the only choice for the initial accumulator value in this implementation of foldMap via foldr