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MonadState, MonadReader, MonadWriter, MonadIO

Technically, monad transformers are all we need to build monads that combine different effects. However, all this lifting of functions from the underlying monads into the transformed monad gets tedious. To make working with monad transformers a bit easier, the standard library includes subclasses of Monad that provide the operations we expect from reader, writer, and state monads:

class Monad m => MonadReader r m | m -> r where
    ask    :: m r
    local  :: (r -> r) -> m a -> m a
    reader :: (r -> a) -> m a

class (Monoid w, Monad m) => MonadWriter w m | m -> w where
    tell   :: w -> m ()
    listen :: m a -> m (a, w)
    pass   :: m (a, w -> w) -> m a
    writer :: (a, w) -> m a

class Monad m => MonadState s m | m -> s where
    get   :: m s
    put   :: s -> m ()
    state :: (s -> (a, s)) -> m a

Ignore the additional functions for now, as well as the weird stuff like m -> r in the class header. Then these definitions say that any monad that comes equipped with ask is a reader monad, any monad that comes equipped with tell is a writer monad, and any monad that comes equipped with get and put is a state monad.

As we will see shortly, we can easily define instances where, for example, wrapping State, or in fact any monad m that is an instance of MonadState, in ReaderT, WriterT or MaybeT gives us a monad that is once again an instance of MonadState. Thus, any such monad supports get and put directly. To make this a little more concrete. If we build a monad

type MaybeState s = MaybeT (State s)

then this monad will automatically be an instance of MonadState. Thus, instead of having to lift get and put from State into MaybeState, as in

    currentState <- lift get

we can simply write

    currentState <- get

When only one level of lifting is involved, we could probably live with having to use lift explicitly, but if our State monad is nested many levels deep in a deep transformer stack, then simply get surely beats lift $ lift $ lift $ lift get.

So let's puzzle apart the rest of these class definitions. First, in addition to ask, any reader monad must support two additional functions, local and reader. local mod f takes some computation f in the reader monad and runs it in some modified context. For example, we could have a program that has the ability to log intermediate results of its computation. We could implement such a program using

data LogRecord = ...

data Config = Config { loggingLevel :: Int }

type Prog = ReaderT Config (Writer [LogRecord])

program :: args -> Prog result
program = ...

Many programs that offer logging allow us to choose a logging level: 0 would mean no logging, and higher and higher logging levels mean that more and more detailed information is added to the log. Now, it might make sense to turn logging off in part of our program no matter the logging level chosen by the user. local is the tool to do this:

program = do
    -- Do stuff, including logging at the current level of verbosity

    -- Now call programComponent with logging turned off
    local (\_ -> Config 0) programComponent

    -- And logging is turned back on if it was before the call to programComponent

programComponent :: Prog a
programComponent = ...

In this skeletal example, our program uses the user-specified logging level but it calls programComponent with a modified context where loggingLevel is set to 0. Note that this change really affects only programComponent. Once the call to programComponent returns, the logging level is what it was before the call. Hence the name local. This function modifies the context locally.

The Reader monad wrapped a function of type r -> a, which represents a value of type a that depends on some context r. The reader function in the MonadReader class allows us turn such a function into a computation in any reader monad m. If m is just the Reader monad, then reader f = ReaderT $ return . f. We simply take the function and wrap it in ReaderT. For other instances of MonadReader, the definition will likely look different. For the RWST r w s m monad, for example, we would have reader f = RWST $ \r -> s -> return (f r, s, mempty).

The writer and state functions in the MonadWriter and MonadState classes behave similarly. The Writer monad wrapped a value of type (a, w). That was our abstraction of a computation that produces a log of type w along with its return value. writer lets us turn such a value into a computation in any monad m that is an instance of MonadWriter. If m is just the Writer monad, then writer f = WriterT $ return f. For the RWST r w s m monad, we have writer (a, w) = RWST $ \_ -> s -> return (a, s, w).

The State monad wapped a function of type s -> (a, s). That was our abstraction of a computation that can read and modify some state of type s along with producing a return value of type a. state lets us turn such a function into a computation in any monad that is an instance of MonadState. If m is just the State monad, then state f = StateT $ return . f. For the RWST r w s m monad, we have state f = RWST $ \_ -> s -> let (a, s') = f s in return (a, s', mempty).

This leaves the listen and pass methods of the MonadWriter class. First listen. When I said that the Writer monad provides us with a write-only log, I lied a little. That's how we should think about the log that this monad provides; it's not some state that we can read and write at will. However, it is possible to inspect the log while our computation runs. listen is what allows us to do this. If f is a computation in our writer monad that produces a result of type a, then listen f is a computation that returns a pair consisting of f's result and the value w that was added to the log by f. In general, since w is an arbitrary monoid, that's really just a value in this monoid. This may be a bit abstract, so let's assume that w = [LogRecord], for an appropriate LogRecord type that we use to represent entries in our program's log. In this case, what listen f returns is the list of log records produced by f. It is important to note that this is not the entire log at the time when listen f returns. For example,

    tell [logRecord1]
    tell [logRecord2, logRecord3]
    (result, logF) <- listen f
    tell [logRecord4, logRecord5]

f :: Writer [LogRecord] a
f = do
    tell [logRecordF1]
    tell [logRecordF2, logRecordF3]

In this case, the log of our whole computation is [logRecord1, logRecord2, logRecord3, logRecordF1, logRecordF2, logRecordF3] immediately after listen f returns, and the final log is [logRecord1, logRecord2, logRecord3, logRecordF1, logRecordF2, logRecordF3, logRecord4, logRecord5]. The value assigned to logF by listen f is only the list of records produced by f: [logRecordF1, logRecordF2, logRecordF3].

pass can be used to filter the log produced by a computation.1 pass f takes a computation f that does not only return a value x of some type a but also a function flt of type w -> w. pass f is a computation that returns x, but the log produced by pass f is whatever we obtain by applying flt to the log produced by f. This should once again become much clearer using an example. Here, we assume that the log is just a list of integers:

f :: Writer [Int] ((), [Int] -> [Int])
f = do
    tell [1]
    tell [10, 7, 8]
    tell [9]
    return ((), filter even)

g :: Writer ()
g = pass f

In this example, f returns a pair consisting of () (void) and the function filter even that transforms a list of integers by throwing away all odd numbers. The log produced by f is [1, 10, 7, 8, 9]. g = pass f. Thus, g returns the first component of the pair returned by f, (). The log produced by g is whatever we obtain by applying the filter returned by f to the log produced by f. Since the filter returned by f is filter even and the log produced by f is [1, 10, 7, 8, 9], g produces the log filter even [1, 10, 7, 8, 9] = [10, 8].

Now let's look at the last strangeness of these class definitions, the function-like annotations m -> r, m -> w, and m -> s in the class headers. These are called functional dependencies. We discussed them briefly when discussing type families. Let's look at the MonadReader type class. This type class takes two parameters r and m. An instance MonadReader r m says that m is a reader monad that provides a context of type r. Without the functional dependency, there is nothing that would prevent us from defining two such instances for the same monad:

instance MonadReader Int (Reader Int) where

instance MonadReader String (Reader Int) where

But this is obvious nonsense. If we have a Reader Int monad, then the context is of type Int. ask will return a value of type Int, not String. In general, if we have a reader monad m that provides some context, then this context has some fixed type r associated with this monad. The functional dependency m -> r says that it must be possible to figure out the context type r from the monad m. In practical terms, this simply means that the compiler will not allow us to define two MonadReader instances for the same monad m. Multiple instances for different monads with the same context type r are fine, though. The dependency goes from m to r, that is, we must be able to determine r from m, but there is no requirement that we know m once we know r.

The other two annotations are analogous. Any state monad m has a state of some fixed type s. We have the dependency m -> s. Any writer monad m has a log of some fixed type w. We have the dependency m -> w.

  1. While filtering the log is surely useful, the way this is done using pass appears strange to me, because the filter is produced by the same computation that produces the log, so it's not clear to me why we can't just produce the right log in the first place without the need to transform it afterwards.

    It seems more reasonable to me to have a function f that produces a log, and the caller of f may decide which of f's log messages it wants to keep as part of f's log. In fact, there exists exactly such a function:

    censor :: MonadWriter w m => (w -> w) -> m a -> m a

    censor flt f runs f and then applies the filter flt to transform the log produced by f