Selected Publications
- Curry R., Heywood M.I. (Oct. 2007)
One-Class Learning with Multi-Objective Genetic Programming, IEEE Conference
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE Press.
- Curry R., Lichodzijewski P., Heywood M.I. (2007)
Scaling Genetic Programming to Large Datasets using Hierarchical Dynamic Subset
Selection, IEEE Transactions on Systems,
Man and Cybernetics -- Part B: Cybernetics. 37(4): 1065-1073.
- Curry R.., Heywood M.I., One-Class Learning wih Multi-objective Genetic
IEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics, 2007.
- Curry R.., Heywood M.I., Towards Efficient Training on
Datasets for Genetic Programming, 17th Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies
of Intelligence, Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3060. May 2004.
- Doucette J., Heywood M.I. (2008)
Classification under Imbalanced Data Sets: Active Sub-sampling and AUC approximation European
Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP). LNCS 4971
- Dunphy A., Heywood M.I., "Free Cell" Neural
Network Heuristics, IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, July 20th-24th 2003.
- George A.,
Heywood M.I., ImprovinGP Classifier Generalization using a Cluster Separation
Metric, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO-06, ACM
SIGEVO, July 2006
- Heywood M.I., Zincir-Heywood A.N., Dynamic Page
Crossover in Linear Genetic Programming, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B
Cybernetics, 32(3), pp 360-388, 2002.
- Heywood M.I., Zincir-Heywood A.N., Page-based Linear Genetic Programming, IEEE Conference on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, October 2000.
- Heywood M.I., Zincir-Heywood A.N., Register Based Genetic Programming on FPGA Computing
Platforms, Proceedings of the European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP'00. Poli R. et al.,
(eds) LNCS 1802, Springer-Verlag, pp 44-59, 2000.
- Hu P., Heywood M.I., Predicting
Intrusions with Local Linear Models, IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, July
20th-24th 2003.
- Hu X., Zincir-Heywood A.N., Heywood M.I., Testing a Cognitive Packet Concept on a LAN, Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 12th-15th 2002.
- Kayacik H.G.,
Heywood M.I., Zincir-Heywood A.N. (2007) Evolving Buffer Overflow Attacks with Detector Feedback, 4th European
Workshop on the Application of Nature-inspired Techniques to Telecommunication Networks and other Connected Systems
(EvoCOMNET'07). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag.
- Kayacik H.G.,
Zincir-Heywood A.N., Heywood M.I. (2007) Automatically Evading IDS Using GP Authored Attacks, IEEE Computational
Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications. IEEE Press, 2007
- Kayacik H.G.,
Heywood M.I., Zincir-Heywood A.N. On Evolving Buffer Overflow Attacks using
Genetic Programming, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference,
GECCO-06, ACM SIGEVO, July 2006.
- Kayacik H.G.,
Zincir-Heywood A.N., Heywood M.I., On Dataset Biases in
a Learning System with Minimum a priori Information for Intrusion Detection. Communication Networks and Services Research
Conference, June 2004.
- Kayacik H.G., Zincir-Heywood A.N., Heywood M.I.,
ËOn the Capability of an SOM based Intrusion Detection System, IEEE
International Joint
Conference on
Neural Networks, July 20th-24th 2003.
- Klassen T.J., Heywood M.I., Towards the On-line Recognition of Arabic
IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, May 2002.
- Lemczyk M., Heywood M.I. (2007) Training
Binary GP Classifiers Efficiently: a
Pareto-coevolutionary Approach, 10th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP'07. M. Ebner et al.
(eds), Lecture
in Computer Science 4445: 229-240
- Liang S.,
Zincir-Heywood A.N., Heywood M.I. (2006)
Adding More Intelligence to the
Network Routing Problem:
Antnet and GA-Agents,
Applied Soft Computing, 6(3), pp 244-257
- Liang S., Zincir-Heywood A.N., Heywood M.I., Intelligent Packets for Dynamic Network Routing using Distributed Genetic Algorithm, GECCO-2002, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, July 2002.
(Recipient of Best Paper Award - A-Life, Adaptive Behavior, Agents, and Ant Colony Optimization)
- Liang S., Zincir-Heywood A.N., Heywood M.I., The Effect of Routing under Local Information using a Social Insect Metaphor, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, May 2002.
- Lichodzijewski P., Heywood M.I. (2008)
Coevolutionary Bid-Based Genetic
Programming for Problem Decomposition in Classification. Genetic Programming and Evolvable
Machines. 9(4)
- Lichodzijewski P., Heywood M.I. (2008)
Team-based Problem Solving with Sybolic Bid-based Genetic Programming
. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO'08,
ACM Press
- Lichodzijewski P., Heywood M.I. (2007)
Pareto-Coevolutionary Genetic Programming for Problem Decomposition in Multi-Class
Classification. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO'07, ACM Press. 1:464-471
- Lichodzijewski P., Heywood M.I. (2007)
GP Classifier Problem Decomposition using First-Price and Second-Price
European Conference on Genetic
Programming, EuroGP'07. M. Ebner et al. (eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4445: 137-147
- Lichodzijewski P., Heywood M.I.,
Zincir-Heywood A.N., CasGP: Building Cascaded Hierarchical
Models using Niching,
CEC'05, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Sept 2005.
- Lichodzijewski P., Heywood M.I., Zincir-Heywood A.N., Cascaded GP
Models for Data Mining, CEC'04, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, July 2004.
- Lichodzijewski P., Zincir-Heywood A.N., Heywood M.I., Dynamic Intrusion Detection Using Self Organizing Maps, 14th Annual Canadian Information Technology Security Symposium, May 2002.
- Lichodzijewski P., Zincir-Heywood A.N., Heywood M.I.,
Host-Based Intrusion Detection Using
Maps, IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, May 2002.
- McIntyre A., Heywood M.I.,
(2008) Pareto Cooperative-Competitive Genetic Programming: A
Classification benchmarking study. Genetic Programming Theory and Practice VI. Springer-Verlag
- McIntyre A., Heywood M.I.,
(2008) Cooperative Problem Decomposition in
Pareto Competitive Classifier Models of Coevolution, European
Conference on
Genetic Programming (EuroGP). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4971
- McIntyre A., Heywood M.I. (Oct. 2007)
Multi-Objective Competitive Coevolution for Efficient GP Classifier Problem
IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE Press.
- McIntyre A., Heywood M.I.,
MOGE: GP Classifiaction Problem Decomposition
using Multi-objective Optimization, GECCO-06,
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, ACM SIGEVO, July 2006.
- McIntyre A., Heywood M.I.,
Toward Co-evolutionary Training of a Multi-Class Classifier, CEC-05, IEEE Congress on
Evolutionary Computation, Sept 2005.
- McIntyre A., Heywood M.I., On Multi-Class Classification by Way of
Niching, GECCO-04, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, July 2004.
- McIntyre A., Heywood M.I., Artes P.H., Abidi S.S.R.Towards Glaucoma
Classification with
Moment Methods
First Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, June 2004.
- McIntyre A., Heywood M.I., A Grammatical
Evolution Multi-Classifier through Crowding, Late Breaking Papers, GECCO'03, July 12th-16th 2003.
- McIntyre A., Heywood M.I., Exploring Content Based Image Indexing Techniques in the Compressed Domain, Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 12th-15th 2002.
- Shi P., Zincir-Heywood A.N., Heywood M.I., Mirror Site Organization on Packet Switched Networks using Social Insect Metaphor21st Biennial Symposium on Communications, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, June 2-5, 2002.
- Redhead R., Heywood M.I.,
Evaluation of Cluster Combination Functions for
Mixture of Experts, IEEE-INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,
- Song D., Heywood M.I., Zincir-Heywood A.N.,
Training Genetic Programming on Half a Million Patterns: An Example from Anomaly
Detection, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2005
- Song D., Heywood M.I., Zincir-Heywood A.N.,
A Linear Genetic Programming Approach to Intrusion Detection, GECCO'03,
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, July 12th-16th, 2003.
- Terrio M., Heywood M.I., On Naive Crossover Biases with Reproduction for Simple Solutions to
Classification Problems, GECCO, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference,
- Terrio M., Heywood M.I., Directing Crossover For Deduction of Bloat in GP, Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 12th-15th 2002.
- Wilson G.,
Heywood M.I. (2007) Learning Recursive Programs with Cooperative Coevolution of Genetic Code Mapping and Genotype.
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO'07, ACM Press
- Wilson G.,
Heywood M.I. (2007) Introducing Probabilistic Adaptive Mapping Developmental Genetic Programming with Redundant
Mapping, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Special Issue on Developmental Systems. 8(2):187-220.
- Wilson G.,
Heywood M.I., ProbabilistiAdaptive Mapping Developmental Genetic Programming: A
new developmental approach, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Parallel
Solving from Nature, PPSN-06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, September 9-13,
- Wilson G.,
Heywood M.I., Probabilistic (Genotype) Adaptive Mapping Combinations for Developmental Genetic
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC-06, IEEE Press,
July 2006.
- Wilson G., Heywood M.I.,
The use of a Genetic Algorithm in Brill's Transformation-based Part-of-Speech Tagger,
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO'05, SIGEVO, ACM Press,
July 2005.
- Wilson G., Heywood M.I.,
Context-based Repesated Sequences in Genetic Programming, EuroGP'05, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 3447, 2005.
- Wilson G., Heywood M.I., Significance of Instruction Sequence
Bias in Linearly Structured Genetic Programming, Late Breaking Papers -
GECCO'04, July 2004.
- Wilson G., Heywood M.I., Crossover Context in Page-based Linear Genetic Programming, Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 12th-15th 2002.
(Recipient of Best Student Paper Award - AI and Computer Hardware Engineering category)
- Wetmore L., Heywood M.I., Zincir-Heywood A.N. (2005)
Speeding up the
Self-Organizing feature Map using
Dynamic subset Selection,
Neural Processing Letters, 22(1), pp 17-32.
- Wetmore L., Zincir-Heywood A.N.,
Heywood M.I., Training the SOFM Efficiently: An Example from Intrusion
Detection, IEEE-INNS
International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks, 2005.
- Yang Y., Zincir-Heywood A.N., Heywood M.I., Agent Based Routing Algorithms on a LAN, Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 12th-15th 2002.
- Yeloglu O., Zincir-Heywood A.N., Heywood M.I. (Oct. 2007)
Growing Recurrent Self Organizing Map, IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE Press