J. Blustein

Network Computing

[Crs | Ann | Mats | Res]

Topics and Readings

As of Tuesday, 05-Aug-2003 21:46:30 ADT

Upcoming Events
Day Event
Day Event
09 Jul (W) Test #2
04 Aug (M) no classes
05 Aug (Tu) Provincial Election
07 Aug (Th) 9:00a.m. Exam in Life Sciences Centre, room 242
Lectures & Events
Day Topics Activities
Day Topics Activities
Welcome to CS3171
05 May (M) Intro to the course and the prof
  1. Syllabus:
  2. Intake Form:

Computer Networks and The Internet
07 May (W) Intro to the Internet as a network
Office Hours:
I won't be in my office this morning. Please make an appointment if you need to see me.
Reading in Kurose & Ross:
Foreword, and Chapter 1 (especially section 1.1)
Lecture materials:
chapter1 (in PPT format)
  1. Section 1.1: What is the Internet
  2. Section 1.2: Network edge
  3. Ipic the super small web server in HTML format
09 May (F) Detail of Internet design and structure
Lecture materials:
chapter1 (in PPT format) (cont.)
  • Section 1.3: Network core
12 May (M) Detail of Internet design and structure
Lecture materials:
chapter1 (in PPT format) (cont.)
  • Section 1.3: Network core
  • Section 1.4: Network access and physical media
  • Section 1.5: Internet structure and ISPs
Timing Diagram for Store-and-Forward Message/Packet Passing
14 May (W)
  • Detail of Internet design and structure;
  • Nuts and bolts of the networks;
  • Delay and loss in packet-switched networks;
  • Protocol layers and service models
Lecture materials:
chapter1 (in PPT format) (cont.)
  • Section 1.4: Network access and physical media
  • Section 1.5: Internet structure and ISPs
  • Section 1.6: Delay and loss in packet-switched networks
Propogation and Transmission Delays: When passing a packet from host A to host B
16 May (F)
  • Delay and loss in packet-switched networks;
  • Protocol layers and service models
Assignment #1 due on 26 May
Lecture materials:
chapter1 (in PPT format) (cont.)
  • Section 1.6: Delay and loss in packet-switched networks
  • Section 1.7: Protocol layers, and service models
19 May (M) No classes today
21 May (W)
  • Delay and loss in packet-switched networks;
  • Protocol layers and service models
Lecture materials:
chapter1 (in PPT format) (cont.)
  • Section 1.6: Delay and loss in packet-switched networks
  • Section 1.7: Protocol layers, and service models
Internet Network Layer Model

The Internet Application Layer
23 May (F)
  • Protocol layers and service models
  • Introduction to the application layer
Assignment #1 has been updated with some extra notes
Lecture materials:
chapter1 (in PPT format) (cont.)
  • Section 1.7: Protocol layers, and service models
26 May (M)
  • Protocol layers and service models
  • Introduction to the application layer
  • Application layer protocols in general
  • Bandwidth requirements
  • Client-server and perr-to-peer paradigms
  • interoperability
Lecture materials:
  • chapter1 (in PPT format) (cont.)
    • Section 1.7: Protocol layers, and service models
  • chapter2 (in PPT format)
    • Section 2.1: Principles of Application Layer Protocols
28 May (W)
  • Introduction to the application layer
  • Transport layer service models
    • What does TCP do for us?
    • What does UDP do for us?
  • The WWW: interoperability revisited
Lecture materials:
chapter2 (in PPT format)
  • Section 2.1: Principles of Application Layer Protocols
  • Section 2.2: The Web and HTTP
30 May (F) The WWW:
  • interoperability revisited
  • as a client-server example
  • message formats
assignment #2 is available
Lecture materials:
02 June (M) Client-Server Protocol Examples continued
  • The WWW (cont.)
  • FTP
  • Electronic Mail
Test #2 re-scheduled to Wednesday 09 July.
Today is our last day in the Tupper Building.
Lecture materials:
  • chapter2 (in PPT format)
    • Section 2.2: The Web and HTTP
    • Section 2.3: File Transfer: FTP
    • Section 2.4: Electronic Mail in the Internet
  • www-form.html in XHTML format
04 June (W) Assignment #1
06 June (F) Client-Server Protocol Examples continued
  • The WWW (cont.)
  • FTP
  • E-mail protocols and issues
Assig. #1 question 2 solution
Lecture materials:
chapter2 (in PPT format)
  • Section 2.2: The Web and HTTP
  • Section 2.3: File Transfer: FTP
  • Section 2.4: Electronic Mail in the Internet
09 June (M) Client-Server Protocol Examples continued
  • The WWW (cont.)
  • FTP
  • E-mail protocols and issues
Assig. # 2 due
Lecture materials:
chapter2 (in PPT format)
  • Section 2.2: The Web and HTTP
  • Section 2.3: File Transfer: FTP
  • Section 2.4: Electronic Mail in the Internet
11 June (W) Test # 1
Chapter 1
Sections 1 – 7
Chapter 2
Sections 1 – 2.2.4
13 June (F)
  • The WWW
  • FTP
  • E-mail protocols and issues
return of Assignment #2
Lecture materials:
chapter2 (in PPT format)
  • Section 2.2: The Web and HTTP
  • Section 2.3: File Transfer: FTP
  • Section 2.4: Electronic Mail in the Internet
16 June (M)
  • E-mail protocols and issues
  • DNS
Lecture materials:
chapter2 (in PPT format)
  • Section 2.4: Electronic Mail in the Internet
  • Section 2.5: DNS —The Internet's Directory Service
18 June (W) DNS
Lecture materials:
chapter2 (in PPT format)
  • Section 2.5: DNS —The Internet's Directory Service
20 June (F) Take up Test #1
23 June (M) Socket Programming:
  • in Java and in C
Lecture materials:
chapter2 (in PPT format)
  • Section 2.6: Socket Programming with TCP
  • Section 2.7: Socket Programming with UDP
  • Section 2.8: Building a simple web server
Java source files (from Dr. E. Grundke):
25 June (W)
  • Socket Programming in Java
  • Content-Disribution on the WWW
Lecture materials:
chapter2 (in PPT format)
  • Section 2.6: Socket Programming with TCP
  • Section 2.7: Socket Programming with UDP
  • Section 2.8: Building a simple web server
  • Section 2.9: Content Distribution
Assignment #3 due on 04 July
27 June (F)
  • content-distribution networks
  • peer-to-peer paradigms
  • caching proxies
  • non-transparent proxies
Lecture materials:
chapter2 (in PPT format)
  • Section 2.9: Content Distribution
  • Section 2.10: Summary
30 June (M)
  • sockets in C
Lecture materials:
sockets in C (in PPT format)

Middleware Layer and Distributed Systems
02 July (W) Topic: Introduction to Middleware
  • What is a distributed system
  • What is middleware
  • How does middleware function
Lecture Materials
  • rpc (in PPT format)
  • 09 in Adobe's PDF (chapter 9 Distributed Object-Based Systems from Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms by Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen)
  • JavaRMI (in PPT format)
  • distrSys (in PPT format)
  • chapter8 (in PPT format)
04 July (F) Topic: Introduction to Middleware
  • Remote Procedure Calls
    • Paramater Marshalling
    • External Data Representation
    • Stubs
    • Interface Definition Language
  • Distributed Computing Environment
    • Services
    • Names and Registries
    • Naming
  • Introduction to CORBA's Common Data Representation
Lecture Materials
rpc (in PPT format)
07 July (M)
  1. Official course evaluation
  2. Review for test #2
  3. Java's Serialization Model
Major Topics for Test #2
in Postscript format, and
in PDF.
09 July (W) Test #2
11 July (F)
  1. Java's Serialization Model
  2. Distributed Systems in General
Lecture Materials
14 July (M) CORBA
Lecture Materials
16 July (W)
  • Distributed Systems: CORBA
  • Transport Layer: Introduction
Lecture Materials

Transport Layer
16 July (W)
  • Distributed Systems: CORBA
  • Transport Layer: Multiplexing and Demultiplexing
Lecture Materials
chapter3 (in PPT format)
18 July (F) Topic: Transport Layer
  • 3.2: Mutliplexing and demultiplexing
  • 3.3: Connectionless transport (UDP)
  • Return and discuss Test #2
Lecture Materials
chapter3 (in PPT format)
21 July (M) Topic: Transport Layer
  • 3.3: Connectionless transport (UDP)
  • 3.4: Principles of Reliable Data Transport
  • 3.5: Connection-oriented transport (TCP)
Lecture Materials
chapter3 (in PPT format)
Assignment #4: Reliable Data Transport Simulation (due 30 July)
Reliable Data Transfer Protocol handout
23 July (W) Topic: Transport Layer
  • 3.4: Principles of Reliable Data Transport
  • 3.5: Connection-oriented transport (TCP)
  • 3.6: Congestion control (in general)
  • 3.7: Congestion control in TCP
Lecture Materials
chapter3 (in PPT format)
Reliable Data Transfer Protocol handout
25 July (F) Topic: Transport Layer
  • 3.4: Principles of Reliable Data Transport
  • 3.5: Connection-oriented transport (TCP)
  • 3.6: Congestion control (in general)
  • 3.7: Congestion control in TCP
Lecture Materials
chapter3 (in PPT format)
28 July (M) Topics: Transport layer
  • 3.5: Connection-oriented transport (TCP)
  • 3.6: Congestion control (in general)
  • 3.7: Congestion control in TCP
Lecture Materials
chapter3 (in PPT format)
TCP life cycle (by Richard Stevens)
30 July (W) Topics: Transport layer
  • 3.6: Congestion control (in general)
  • 3.7: Congestion control in TCP
Lecture Materials
chapter3 (in PPT format)

01 August (F) Topic: Security
Lecture Materials
security-brief (in PPT format)
A model of security (from a presentation by Konstantin Beznosov)

01 August Topic:
Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 7

Final Examination
07 Aug (Th)
Final examination
Chapter 1
  • Sections 1.1 - 1.7
Chapter 2
Middleware concepts
Chapter 3
  • Sections 3.1 - 3.6.2, 3.7.1
Chapter 7
  • Sections 7.1, 7.2, 7.5
9a.m. until noon
Life Sciences Centre, room 242

Tuesday, 05-Aug-2003 21:46:30 ADT
CS 3171 Prof.:
J. Blustein <jamie@cs.dal.ca>

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