Research Collaberations
Currently, I am actively involve in research collaborations within my university as well as with colleagues from other universities internationally.
I have active engagement in collaboration with colleagues in Saint Mary's University (Canada), COMSATS IIT (Pakistan),
University paris Est-Creteil (UPEC) (France), King Saud University (KSA), Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) (South Africa),
Umm Al-Qura University (KSA), University of Alberta (Canada).
Research Interests
Wireless sensor networks
Body area networks
e-Health pervasive wireless applications
Energy and QoS aware routing protocols
Smart Grids
Fault management
Network security
Distributed systems
Best Paper Award, IEEE, Information Technology Trends (ITT-2017), Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 25-26, 2017. (Paper acceptance rate=32% (18 papers were selected out of 55) and then from these 18 papers, our paper titled DSAB: Dual Sink Approach in WBANs was selected as the best paper.
Best Paper Award, IEEE Computer Society, BWCCA-2012, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada, November 12-14, 2012. (Paper acceptance rate=24% (54 papers were selected out of 226) and then from these 54 papers, our paper titled QPRD: QoS-aware Peering Routing Protocol for Delay Sensitive Data in Hospital Body Area Network Communication was selected as the best paper.
Outstanding Service Award, as a Workshops Chair of the 5th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT-2014), sponsored by SEIT, Acadia University, Elsevier, University of Hasselt, Hasselt Belgium (2-5 June, 2014).
Outstanding Service Award, as a Workshop Organizer of the 2nd International Workshop on Body Area Sensor Networks (BASNet-2014), sponsored by SEIT, Acadia University, Elsevier, University of Hasselt, Hasselt Belgium (2-5 June, 2014).
Outstanding Service Award, as a Workshop Chair of the International Workshop on Communications and Sensor Networks (ComSense-2013), sponsored by NSERC, Acadia University, Elsevier, Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation, Niagara Falls ON Canada (21-24 October, 2013).
Outstanding Service Award, as a Workshop Chair of the International Workshop on Body Area Sensor Networks (BASNet-2013), sponsored by NSERC, Acadia University, Elsevier, Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation, Halifax NS Canada (25-28 June, 2013).
Outstanding Service Award, as a Workshop Chair of the International Workshop on Communications and Sensor Networks (ComSense-2013), sponsored by NSERC, Acadia University, Elsevier, Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation, Niagara Falls ON Canada (21-24 October, 2013).