ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Dissertation title: A Novel Patient Monitoring Framework and Routing Protocols for Energy & QoS aware Communication in Body Area Networks
Faculty of Engineering
Dalhousie University
Master of Computer Science (MCSc)
Dissertation title: Advanced Zonal Rectangular LEACH (AZR-LEACH): An Energy Efficient Routing Protocol For Wireless Sensor Networks
Faculty of Computer Science
Dalhousie University
Master of Science (MSc) in Computer Engineering
Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering (CASE)
University of Engineering and Technology Texila
Master of Science (MSc) in Electronics
Department of Electronics
Quaid-I-Azam University
(In addition to the above Master degrees, I have completed all ten courses of M.Eng. in internetworking as non-credit during academic year 2009-2010).
TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION: Certificate in University Teaching and Learning (CUTL)
Centre for Learning and Teaching
Dalhousie University
Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE)
ID # 2254486
Microsoft Corporation
Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA.