(List of publications at DBLP and Google Scholar).
Journal (31)
Conference proceedings (64)
Theses (2)
Student supervision
Journal (selected) papers
Khan, Z., Sivakumar, S., Phillips, W., Robertson, B., & Javaid, N. (2015).
QPRD: QoS-aware Peering Routing Protocol for Delay Sensitive Data in Hospital Body Area Network Communication., Mobile Information Systems, Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 153232, 16 pages.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/153232 2015.
(ISI Indexed, IF=0.949) Download: Mobile Information Systems
Muhammad Babar Rasheed, Nadeem Javaid, Muhammad Imran, Zahoor Ali Khan, Umar Qasim, Athanasios Vasilakos (2015).
Delay and energy consumption analysis of priority guaranteed MAC protocol for wireless body area networks., Wireless Networks,
2015 (Accepted).
(ISI Indexed, IF=0.961) Download: Researchgate
Ahmad, A.; Javaid, N.; Alrajeh, N.; Khan, Z.A.; Qasim, U.; Khan, A.
A Modified Feature Selection and Artificial Neural Network-Based Day-Ahead Load Forecasting Model for a Smart Grid., Appl. Sci. 2015, 5, 1756-1772.
doi:10.3390/app5041756 2015.
(ISI Indexed, IF=1.484) Download: Applied Sciences
Javaid, N.; Ilyas, N.; Ahmad, A.; Alrajeh, N.; Qasim, U.; Khan, Z.A.; Liaqat, T.; Khan, M.I.
An Efficient Data-Gathering Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks., Sensors 2015, 15, 29149-29181.
doi:10.3390/s151129149 2015.
(ISI Indexed, IF=2.245)
Download: Sensors
Kamran Latif, Nadeem Javaid, Malik Najmus Saqib, Zahoor Ali Khan, Umar Qasim, Basharat Mahmood, and Manzoor Ilahi,
Energy Hole Minimization with Field Division for Energy Efficient Routing in WSNs.
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2015, Article ID 953134, 13 pages, 2015.
(ISI Indexed, IF=0.665)
Download: International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Rasheed, M.B.; Javaid, N.; Ahmad, A.; Khan, Z.A.; Qasim, U.; Alrajeh, N.
An Efficient Power Scheduling Scheme for Residential Load Management in Smart Homes. Appl. Sci. 2015, 5, 1134-1163.
doi:10.3390/app5041134 2015.
(ISI Indexed, IF=0.762)
Download: Applied Sciences
Mariam Akbar, Nadeem Javaid, Zahoor Ali Khan, Umar Qasim, Turki Ali Alghamdi, Saad Noor Mohammad, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Majid Iqbal Khan, and Safdar Hussain Bouk.,
Towards Network Lifetime Maximization: Sink Mobility Aware Multihop Scalable Hybrid Energy Efficient Protocols for Terrestrial WSNs,
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2015, Article ID 908495, 16 pages.
doi:10.1155/2015/908495, 2015.
(ISI Indexed, IF=0.665)
Download: International Journal of Distruibuted Sensor Networks
Javaid, N., Jafri, M., Khan, Z., Alrajeh, N., Imran, M., & Vasilakos, A. (2015).
Chain-Based Communication in Cylindrical Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensors, 15(2), 3625-3649.
doi:10.3390/s150203625, 2015.
(ISI Indexed, IF=2.245)
Download: Sensors
Umar, A., Javaid, N., Ahmad, A., Khan, Z., Qasim, U., Alrajeh, N., & Hayat, A. (2015).
DEADS: Depth and Energy Aware Dominating Set Based Algorithm for Cooperative Routing along with Sink Mobility in Underwater WSNs. Sensors, 15(6), 14458-14486.
doi:10.3390/s150614458 2015.
(ISI Indexed, IF=2.245)
Download: Sensors
Javaid, N., Rasheed, M., Imran, M., Guizani, M., Khan, Z., Alghamdi, T., & Ilahi, M. (2015).
An energy-efficient distributed clustering algorithm for heterogeneous WSNs.
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2015(151).
doi:10.1186/s13638-015-0376-4 2015.
(ISI Indexed, IF=0.72)
Download: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Akram, S., Javaid, N., Ahmad, A., Khan, Z., Imran, M., Guizani, M., Ilahi, M. (2015).
A Fatigue Measuring Protocol for Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks. Journal of Medical Systems, 2015 Dec;39(12):193.
doi: 10.1007/s10916-015-0338-8 2015.
(ISI Indexed, IF=2.213)
Download: Journal of Medical Systems or Researchgate
Ahmed, S., Javaid, N., Khan, F., Durrani, M., Ali, A., Shaukat, A., Sandhu, M., Khan, Z., Qasim, U. (2015).
Co-UWSN: Cooperative Energy-Efficient Protocol for Underwater WSNs. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 1-16.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/891410 2015.
(ISI Indexed, IF=0.665)
Download: International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Khan, M., Javaid, N., Mahmood, A., Khan, Z., & Alrajeh, N. (2015).
A generic demand-side management model for smart grid. International Journal of Energy Research, 39(7), 954-964.
doi:10.1002/er.3304 2015.
(ISI Indexed, IF=2.418)
Download: International Journal of Energy Research or Researchgate
Ahmed, S., Javaid, N., Yousaf, S., Ahmad, A., Sandhu, M., Imran, M., Khan, Z.A., Alrajeh, N. (2015).
Co-LAEEBA: Cooperative link aware and energy efficient protocol for wireless body area networks, Computers in Human Behavior, Available online 7 February 2015. ISSN 0747-5632,
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2014.12.051 2015.
(ISI Indexed, IF=2.694)
Download: Computers in Human Behavior or Researchgate
Latif, K., Javaid, N., Saqib, M., Khan, Z.A., Alrajeh, N. (2015).
Energy Consumption Model for Density Controlled Divide-and-Rule Scheme for Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (in press),
(ISI Indexed, IF=0.554) 2015.
Download: Researchgate
Javaid, N., Jafri, M., Ahmed, S., Jamil, M., Khan, Z., Qasim, U., & Al-Saleh, S. (2015).
Delay-Sensitive Routing Schemes for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015, 1-13.
(ISI Indexed, IF=0.665) 2015.
Download: International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Javaid, N., Ahmad, A., Khan, Y., Khan, Z., & Alghamdi, T. (2014).
A Relay Based Routing Protocol for Wireless In-Body Sensor Networks., Wireless Pers Commun Wireless Personal Communications, 80(3), 1063-1078.
(ISI Indexed, IF=0.653) Download: Wireless Personal Communications,
Sandhu, M., Javaid, N., Jamil, M., Khan, Z., Imran, M., Ilahi, M., & Khan, M. (2015).
Modeling mobility and psychological stress based human postural changes in wireless body area networks., Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 51, Part B, October 2015, Pages 1042-1053.
doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.09.032 2015.
(ISI Indexed, IF=2.694) Download: Computers in Human Behavior
Javaid, N., Khan, Z., Qasim, U., Jamil, M., Ishfaq, M., & Alghamdi, T. (2015).
Modeling Routing Overhead of Reactive Protocols at Link Layer and Network Layer in Wireless Multihop Networks., Mathematical Problems in Engineering Article ID 105245, 14 pages.
doi:10.1155/2015/105245 2015.
(ISI Indexed, IF=0.762) Download: Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Zahoor Ali Khan, Shyamala Sivakumar, William Phillips, Bill Robertson, ZEQoS: A new energy and QoS aware routing protocol for communication of sensor devices in healthcare systems,
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2014, (2014), Article ID 627689, 18 pages. (ISI Indexed, IF=0.665) Download: Hindawi.
Zahoor Khan, Shyamala Sivakumar, William Phillips, Bill Robertson, QPRR: QoS-aware Peering Routing Protocol for Reliability Sensitive Data in hospital Body Area Network Communication,
The Computer Journal, Oxford, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/bxu114 2014 (Invited paper). (ISI Indexed, IF=0.787) Download: Oxford.
N. Javaid, M. Akbar, Z. A. Khan, T. A. Alghamdi, M. N. Saqib, M. I. Khan, Modeling Enhancements in Routing Protocols under Mobility and Scalability Constraints in VANETs,
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2014, Article ID 261823, 15 pages, 2014. (ISI Indexed, IF=0.665) Download: Hindawai
Ahmad, A.; Javaid, N.; Khan, Z.A.; Qasim, U.; Alghamdi, T.A., (ACH)2: Routing Scheme to Maximize Lifetime and Throughput of Wireless Sensor Networks,
IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume:PP, Issue.99, pages 17, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2014.2328613, 2014. (ISI Indexed, IF=1.762) Download: IEEE Xplore
N. Javaid, M. R. Jafri, Z. A. Khan, U. Qasim, T. A. Alghamdi, M. Ali, iAMCTD: improved Adaptive Mobility of Courier Nodes in Threshold-Optimized DBR Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks,
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 1-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/213012 2014. (ISI Indexed, IF=0.665) Download: Hindawi
N. Javaid, A. Bibi, S. N. Mohammad, Z. A. Khan, N. Alrajeh, Towards Optimizing Routing Overhead in Wireless Multi-hop Networks,
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), 19(1/2), 4-18. doi:10.1504/IJAHUC.2015.069489 2014.
(ISI Indexed, IF=0.554) Download: Inderscience or Researchgate
N. Javaid, A. Ahmad, A. Rahim, Z. A. Khan, M. Ishfaq, U. Qasim, A-MAC: Adaptive Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks,
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2014, Article ID 254397, 10 pages, 2014 . doi:10.1155/2014/254397 (ISI Indexed, IF=0.665)
Download: Hindawai
A. Ahmad, N. Javaid, U. Qasim, M. Ishfaq, Z. A. Khan, T. A. Alghamdi, RE-ATTEMPT: A New Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks,
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2014, Article ID 464010, 9 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/464010. (ISI Indexed, IF=0.665) Download: Hindawai
Zahoor Khan, Shyamala Sivakumar, William Phillips, Nauman Aslam, A new patient monitoring framework and Energy-aware Peering Routing Protocol (EPR) for Body Area Network Communication,
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (JAIHC), Springer, DOI 10.1007/s12652-013-0195-6, 2013, (Invited paper). Download: Springer
M. Tahir, N. Javaid, A. Iqbal, Z. A. Khan, N. Alrajeh, On Adaptive Energy Efficient Transmission in WSNs,
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2013, Article ID 923714, 10 pages, 2013. (ISI Indexed, IF=0.727) Download: Hindawai
N. Javaid, A. BiBi, A. Javaid, Z. A. Khan, K. Latif, M. Ishfaq, Investigating Quality Routing Link Metrics in Wireless Multi-hop Networks,
Annals of Telecommunications, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s12243-013-0409-0, 2013. (ISI Indexed, IF=0.567) Download: Springer
Zahoor Ali Khan, Srinivas Sampalli, AZR-LEACH: An Energy Efficient Routing Protocol For Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences (IJCNS), Vol. 5 No. 11,
pp. 785-795, 2012. (Google-based Journal IF=0.89) Download: Scientific Research.
The figure of proposed AZR-LEACH communication paradigm is printed on the journal's front cover.