CS3172 > Course > Assig. #4

J. Blustein

Web-centric Computing

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Assignment 4: Student's Choice



A capstone assignment to give you (the student) an opportunity to show what you have learned about the topics of this course.


Sun. 09 Nov.
Thurs. 27 Nov. (at 10:05a.m.)


Create your own project and explain what grade you deserve and why.   Your assignment will consist of four parts: (1)  a webpage or website, (2)  a description of the features of your webpage or website, (3)  the grade you think you deserve for the assignment, and (4)  why that grade is justified.

Unless you provide an excellent justification why it is inappropriate for your specific assignment then your assignment must : (a) degrade gracefully for all Web browsers, (b) meet level double-A of the W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative, and (c) be coded in only valid XHTML 1.   It would be better to show progressive enhancement than merely graceful degradation.

As usual, your assignment must run on your server (from assig. #1).   If the grader cannot access or use the files from your server then your assignment cannot be graded.


A few examples of possible assignments are:

Tips & Suggestions


The grade for your assignment will depend on

  1. what you clearly demonstrate you have learned in this course,
  2. what technical skills you demonstrate.
  1. What you learned

    Part of your assignment must be a justification of the grade you think you deserve for your assignment.   You may use any external resources you want to but you must give proper and clear credit so the grader can assess your contribution.   Dalhousie's academic integrity policy (see Dalhousie's academic integrity website and the addendum to the course syllabus for details) applies to this assignment.

    Be certain to describe the features of your assignment and how they relate to all three of: (1) the course description, (2) topics, and (3) Grade Scale and Definitions section of the 2007-2008 Undergraduate Academic Calendar (which are summarized below):

    Grade Criteria
    • Considerable evidence of original thinking;
    • demonstrated outstanding capacity to analyze and synthesize;
    • outstanding grasp of subject matter;
    • evidence of extensive knowledge base.

    • Evidence of grasp of subject matter, some evidence of critical capacity and analytical ability;
    • reasonable understanding of relevant issues;
    • evidence of familiarity with the literature.

    • Evidence of some understanding of the subject matter;
    • ability to develop solutions to simple problems;
    • benefiting from his/her university experience.

    Marginal Pass
    • Evidence of minimally acceptable familiarity with subject matter, critical and analytical skills

    • Insufficient evidence of understanding of the subject matter;
    • weakness in critical and analytical skills;
    • limited or irrelevant use of the literature.
  2. Demonstration of Technical Skills

    Below are examples of the types of technical skills that you could demonstrate. This is in not an exhaustive list, these are only examples.

    Database interaction
    initial baseline: A-
    Ruby on Rails
    initial baseline: B+
    See Chs. 14 and 15 of your textbook
    There are specific Ruby on Rails resources at the following sites:
    initial baseline: B+
    Application of toolkit
    initial baseline: B (flat)
    For example
    • Yahoo! Interface Library
    • script.aculo.us
    Include a site-specific search engine in your website
    initial baseline: B-
    Note: this initial baseline assumes that you do not code the search engine, etc. yourself.

Submission Instructions

As usual, your assignment must run on your server (from assig. #1).   If the grader cannot access or use the files from your server then your assignment cannot be graded.

  1. You will be submitting an entire directory of files electronically.
  2. The files you submit must all be in a directory named assig4.
  3. Your webpage must be named A4.html.
  4. You may name the other files whatever you like.
  5. Be sure that your name and student number are in all program source code files and XHTML pages.
  6. Be sure that your webpage clearly says which browser and version it is intended for.  If the marker doesn't know which browser to use and your program doesn't work on the browser he/she chooses then your program does not work and you will lose many marks.
  7. turn in all the files in your assig4 directory using the /opt/bin/submit program on torch.
    1. Before you run the program, make sure that your current directory is the parent of the directory you will be submitting.  For example, if your assignment is in your ~/cs3172/assig4/ directory then use cd to make ~/cs3172 your current directory before you run submit.
    2. When submit prompts you for a file or directory name, input assig4.

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