J. Blustein
Late Polcy
The course syllabus says:
Late work will be penalized 5% per day (or part thereof) for the
first day, and 10% per day after that.
Saturday and Sunday will count as one day for this policy.
You may not receive credit for work that is more than 4 days late.
Here are some examples to make this policy clearer.
Imagine that an assignment is due on Wednesday the
nth day of June.
at the beginning of class on Wednesday the
- then there is no late penalty
5 minutes after the beginning of class on Wednesday the
nth, or
at the end of class (on Wednesday the nth), or
before midnight on Wednesday the nth then
- there is a 5% late penalty
anytime during Thursday the n+1 of June then
- there is a 15% late penalty
- (15% is 5% for the first day plus 10% for part of the second day)
anytime during Friday the n+2 of June then
- there is a 25% late penalty
- (25% is 15% for the first two days plus 10% for part of the third day)
anytime during Saturday or Sunday (the n+3 and n+4 of
June) then
- there is a 35% late penalty
- (35% is 25% for the first three days plus 10% for part of the weekend)
anytime during Monday the n+5 of June then
- there is a 45% late penalty
after 12:00:01a.m. on Monday the n+5 of June then
- the assignment will receive a grade of zero
Completion Requirement
Note also that to earn a grade higher than C+ you you must have
submitted at least 60% of the assignments and homeworks within five
days of their being due.
I count Saturday and Sunday as a single `day' for late penalties but
as two days for the completion requirement.
- Version:
- Monday, 05-May-2003 20:04:30 ADT
- CS 3171 Prof.:
- J. Blustein <jamie@cs.dal.ca>