J. Blustein

Website sections:

Web-centric Computing

Winter 2006–2007

Website navigation:

As of Fall 2007, CSCI 4173 has been replaced by CSCI 3172
This website remains only as a record.

About The Class

A copy of the course description from the university calendar is in the course section.

The Winter 2006–2007 version of this course will concentrate on hypertextual and user-oriented aspects of The Web. The course will cover all of the topics listed in the Course Goals and Topics document.

Students who do not have a basic knowledge of databases, (X)HTML, CSS, and asynchronous client-server programming are strongly advised to get help (through tutorials, websites, and so on) to allow them to progress through this course.

About The Website

The website is composed of these four major sections:

administrative details about CS4173
examples: the schedule, syllabus, assignments and grades
ordered by time, most recent ones first
provided by the prof. to the class
examples: list of example files and lecture notes
like the materials, but not supplied by the prof.
example: list of useful websites, and selected readings

For a more detailed overview of this website go to the website sitemap.

Provisions Of Legal Use

Creative Commons License
Unless otherwise noted, all content on this CS4173 website (including text, coding examples, lectures slides (in whatever format), and any other original works) created by J. Blustein is licensed under a Creative Commons License. This license does not extend to works that are attributed to others but appear at this website.

About This Webpage


Thursday, 08-May-2014 22:38:26 ADT
Author & Professor:
J. Blustein <jamie@cs.dal.ca>
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