Instructors (and links to overheads):

Andrew Rau-Chaplin - Carolyn Watters - Evangelos E. Milios

Description of the Module

The Technology Module will cover the basic technology required for electronic commerce, without assuming a technical background (e.g. computer programming).

- Web-page design (ARC)

- Internet basics, HTML, Client-Server concept, XML, CGI, Perl, Servlets, cookies, Push-Pull concept. (CW)

- Domain names and addresses, Domain name servers, IP addresses, IPv6 (CW)

- Basic Network concepts, Network protocols, Dealing with packet errors, Local Area Networks, Packet switching, Scaling up to the Internet, TCP/IP (EEM)

- Security & Payments: Encryption algorithms, Using encryption, Secure Transactions, Secure Hosts in Networks, Electronic Payments (EEM)

- Software Agents: Overview, Agent Examples, E-commerce Agents, Mobile Agents (EEM)

Course Outline, Timetable and Readings

DAY 1 - Monday

09:00 Internet basics, HTML, Client-Server concept, CGI, Perl, Servlets, cookies, Push-Pull concept. (C. Watters)

10:30 Break

10:45 Domain names and addresses, Domain name servers, IP addresses, IPv6 (C. Watters)

12:00 Lunch

01:00 XML (C. Watters)

03:00 Break

03:15 Web Site Usability and Design Principles (A. Rau-Chaplin)

Web Site Usability
- Intro to Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Conceptual models, Visibility, Mapping, Feedback, Navigation, Service
Web Site Design
- Types of Sites, Who is the target audience?, Main page design, Navigation
Tools and techniques
- Storyboards, Scenarios, Site maps, Site structure, Page layout grids

05:30 End of Day 1

DAY 2 - Tuesday

09:00 Web site design (A. Rau-Chaplin)

Hands On
- HTML, Converting word documents, Putting your pages online

10:15 Break

10:30 Basic Network concepts (E. Milios)
Network protocols, Dealing with packet errors, Local Area Networks, Packet switching, Scaling up to the Internet, TCP/IP

12:00 Lunch

Security & Payments: Encryption algorithms, Using encryption (E. Milios)

03:00 Coffee Break

Secure Transactions, Secure Hosts in Networks
Electronic Payments
Software Agents: Overview, Agent Examples, E-commerce Agents, Mobile Agents (E. Milios)

05:30 End of Day 2

Assignment for the technology module

Select an e-commerce topic from the list or feel free to select your own topic.
Search for two key references (research articles) on the topic available on the Web. It is important to select high-quality references. Peer-reviewed journal or conference articles are high-quality (most likely). Not all conferences are peer-reviewed. Reports by consulting organizations may or may not be suitable. Good starting places are articles and technical reports in university web sites (e.g. MIT). Pursue the references in these articles. Searches using web search engines (e.g. Altavista) with your topic as keywords may provide some useful pointers (and most likely a lot of useless stuff, as well).
Articles from the popular press (e.g. Newsweek, McLean's, Economist, newspapers) are useful as a supplementary source, but they should not be among your key references.

Write a critical review of the selected key references (in HTML format), and transfer it into your group's web site on borg according to the instructions on how to use your borg computer account. Length of the review should be a minimum of two pages and a maximum of 15. As a guideline, you may want to first summarize the main points of your key references, and then review them critically. The best reports will be self-contained, easy to read, focussed, and highly informative (of tutorial value) for the reader.
Make sure that you give a technology orientation to your assignment. Discuss resource issues, implementation issues, security issues, sizes of databases, etc.

The quality guidelines for the Business Assignment are also applicable to the technology assignment.

If you select your own topic or if you are in doubt about the quality of a reference you have identified, you may want to send a short description of your topic or URL to the reference to