Dr. Carlos R. Hernandez Castillo

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Canada Research Chair Tier 2, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University and Scientist at Nova Scotia Health Authority. My research is divided into two interconnected areas. I am interested in understanding the human brain with a particular interest in the cerebellum. What is the interaction between the cerebellum and the neocortex, and what are the consequences of its damage? Second, I seek to apply artificial intelligence algorithms to improve our analytic and diagnostic tools for clinical assessment, primarily for magnetic resonance imaging but also for other techniques and behavioral scales.

I am an electronic engineer born in Mexico where I got a MSc (AI) and PhD (Neuroethology) in Universidad Veracruzana. During my PhD I spent some time in the Biomedical Research Imaging Center at University of North Carolina, Chapel hill. As a postdoc, I worked at UNAM in Mexico City, Queen's University in Kingston and Western University in London.

email icon carlos [dot] hernandez [at] dal [dot] ca phone icon +1 (902) 494 1040 phone icon CarlosCSbrain