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Some software, from snippets to packages, is included below and it is tentatively sorted based on the time of the most recent modifications, starting from the most recent to older:
1. CGI::AuthRegister (dir) AuthRegister module for simple CGI authentication and registration in Perl
Version 1.404 released on 2022-09-19 (CPAN, github)
2. Text::Ngrams (dir) Perl module for flexible Ngram analysis
Version 2.007 released on 2022-09-10 (CPAN, github)
3. App-Utils Perl package with some useful command-line scripts
Version 0.055 released on 2022-02-04 (CPAN, github)
4. Starfish (dir) A Perl-based System for Preprocessing and Text-Embedded Programming
Version 1.39 released on 2021-08-10.
5. AI::NaiveBayes1 (dir) Perl module for Naive Bayes classification
Version 2.012 released on 2021-05-29 (CPAN, github)
6. Calendar::Schedule (dir) Perl module to manage a calendar schedule
Version 1.21 released on 2020-11-13 (CPAN, github)
7. dpc-system DPC System for programming contests and practicums
Status: in process of making open-source (github)
8. Stefs 2.0 System with TypEd Feature Structures (or Java parser for HPSGs)
9. srcperl/ Selected Perl-based software
10. srcperl/snip/ Perl Code Snippets

© 2006-2024 Vlado Keselj, last update: 19-Sep-2022