Involved Student Surveys
Council Members
Results & Findings

Please submit your comments about the DSU Executive.

Entering your name/email address is completely optional.

Your Name:
Your Email Address:
1. What is your involvement with the DSU?

2. On what campus do you attend most of your classes?
3. What year of study are you in?
4. How much do you think you pay in DSU fees each year (not including the Health Plan)?$
5. Have you had the chance to work with any of the executive? If yes, which member(s)?
President (Kevin Wasko)
Executive VP (Angela Bowie)
VP Finance (Glenn Woods)
VP Community Affairs (Katie MacNeil)
VP Education (Curtis McGrath)
6. On a scale of one to ten, rate ONLY the executives that you checked in number 5.
     Competence: (1 = Poor, 10 = Excellent)     
     Approachability: (1 = Poor, 10 = Excellent)
Executive VP:
     Competence: (1 = Poor, 10 = Excellent)     
     Approachability: (1 = Poor, 10 = Excellent)
VP Finance:
     Competence: (1 = Poor, 10 = Excellent)     
     Approachability: (1 = Poor, 10 = Excellent)
VP Community Affairs:
     Competence: (1 = Poor, 10 = Excellent)     
     Approachability: (1 = Poor, 10 = Excellent)
VP Education:
     Competence: (1 = Poor, 10 = Excellent)     
     Approachability: (1 = Poor, 10 = Excellent)
7. How well do you feel the DSU executive is performing as a whole?
(1 = Very Poorly, 10 = Very Well)
   Don't Know    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10
8. How visible do you think that DSU Executive has been so far this year?
(1 = Not Very Visible, 10 = Visible)
   Don't Know    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10
9. How well do you think the DSU executive represents student interests?
(1 = Very Poorly, 10 = Very Well)
   Don't Know    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10
10. Please provide any other comments that you feel will help us in our evaluation of the DSU executive or elaborate on any of your answers above.