User Agreement !
Do not use RECIPE, if you do not agree with the terms of use below. Your use of RECIPE means that you agree with RECIPES terms of use.
User must be 13 years or older to use RECIPE app.
Password protection
User is solely responsible for protecting his/her password. Under no circumstances RECIPE team will be held responsible for damages, in case user shares password with someone else. If user thinks his password is compromised ,user can reset the password on signIn.php page.
RECIPE can only be used in Canada.
Personal and professional use
RECIPE can be used both for personal and professional purposes.
User should collaborate and timeshare recipes with only trusted users who cannot reproduce/imitate/take screenshots of user's recipe in any form. RECIPE will not be responsible for any damages/consequences arising out of user's conflict/disagreement with other collaborators or other non-users.
Images and Videos
User must upload only images and videos relevant to the recipe. Failure to do so will result in termination of user's account.
Users are the owners of the content of their recipes.
Data breach
RECIPE makes every possible effort to secure user account and recipes. However, in case of data breach, RECIPE will not be held responsible for any losses.