About Me
I am a Canada Research Chair in Persuasive Technology and an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science , Dalhousie University where I direct the Persuasive Computing Lab. My research areas include Human-Computer Interaction, Persuasive Technology, Games for Change, and Digital Health. My research group is particularly interested in investigating user-centered approaches to designing interactive systems to motivate people for actions and causes that are beneficial for them and their communities as well as how interactive systems can be designed for the under-served population (HCI for Development (HCI4D)). We apply our research to tackle real-life problems in various domains including to improve a wide range of health and wellness behaviours such as sexual and other health risk behaviours, healthy eating, physical activity, mental health, and smoking cessation..
I am part of the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Visualization and Graphics. My work is funded by NSERC Discovery Grant. Previously, I was a Banting postdoctoral fellow at the University of Waterloo. I graduated with a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Saskatchewan as a Vanier Scholar . Here is my list of publications , and a blurb about me from the Dalhousie University News.