The following incomplete and typically belated publication list serves the principle purpose of providing an electronic copy for academic purposes of published peer reviewed research. Some differences will undoubtedly appear between the local academic copy and the published articles... enjoy!
For complete and up-to-date declaration of research please see:
- Zhilei Zhou, Ziyu Qiu, Brad Niblett, Andrew Johnston, Jeffrey Schwartzentruber, Nur
Zincir-Heywood, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
A Boosting Approach to Constructing an Ensemble StackEuroGP LNCS
- Mihyar Al Masalma, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Benchmarking ensemble genetic programming with a linked list external memory on scalable partially observable tasks Genetic programming and evolvable machines
- Stephen Kelly, Robert J. Smith, Malcolm Heywood, Wolfgang Banzhaf (pdf)
Emergent tangled program graphs in partially observable recursive forecasting ans ViZDoom navigation tasks ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization 1(3)
- Alexandru Ianta, Ryan Amaral, Caleidgh Bayer, Robert J. Smith, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
On the impact of tangled program graph marking schemes under the atari reinforcement learning benchmark ACM GECCO: 111-119
- Duc Le, Nur Zincir-Heywood, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Analysing data granularity levels for insider threat detection using machine learning IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 17(1)
- Alexander Loginov, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
On the different impacts of fixed versus floating bid-ask spreads on an automated intraday stock tradingThe North American Journal of Economics and Finance 54
- Alexander Loginov, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Stock selection heuristics for performing frequent intraday trading with genetic programming Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines
- Duc Le, Nur Zincir-Heywood, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Unsupervised monitoring of network and service behaviour using self
organizing maps Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility 8 (1)
- Duc Le, Nur Zincir-Heywood and Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Dynamic Insider Threat Detection Based on Adaptable Genetic Programming
IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) pp. 2579-2586
- Stephen Kelly, Robert Smith, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Emergent Policy Discovery for Visual Reinforcement Learning through
Tangled Program Graphs: A Tutorial Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XVI, Springer
- Robert Smith, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Evolving Dota 2 Shadow Fiend Bots using Genetic Programming with External Memory ACM GECCO: 179-186 Nominated for Best Paper - DETA Track
- Sara Khanchi, Nur Zincir-Heywood, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Network analytics for streaming traffic analysis IFIP/IEEE
International Symposium on Integrated Network Management
- Stephen Kelly, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Emergent solutions to high-dimensional multi-task reinforcement
learning Evolutionary Computation. 26(3) Silver placed at Human-Competitive (Humies) Competition
- Stephen Kelly, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Discovering agent behaviours through code reuse: Examples from
half-field offense and Ms.Pac-Man IEEE Transactions on Games. 10(2): 195-208
- Sara Khanchi, Ali Vahdat, Malcolm Heywood, Nur Zincir-Heywood (pdf)
On botnet detection with genetic programming under streaming data, label budgets and class
imbalance Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. 39:123-140
- Samuel Champagne, Tokunbo Makanju, Chengchao Yao, Nur Zincir-Heywood, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
A genetic algorithm for dynamic controller placement in Softward
Defined networking SecDef Workshop at ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
- Duc C. Le, Sara Khanchi, Nur Zincir-Heywood, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Benchmarking Evolutionary Computation approaches to Insider Threat
Detection ACM GECCO: 1286-1293 Best Paper - RWA track
- Sara Khanchi, Nur Zincir-Heywood, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Streaming Botnet traffic analysis using bio-inspired active learning
- Shephen Kelly, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Emergent Tangled Program Graphs in Multi-task Learning Int. Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence: 5294-5298 Invited Paper
- Robert J. Smith, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Scaling tangled program graphs to visual reinforcement learning in
VizDoom EuroGP, LNCS
- Stephen Kelly, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Emergent tangled graph representations for Atari game playing agents
EuroGP, LNCS 10196:64--79.
For slides and animation visit Stephen Kelly's homepage. Best Paper
- EuroGP
- Stephen Kelly, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Multi-task learning in Atari video games with emergent tangled
program graphs ACM GECCO: 195-202 Best Paper - DETA track
- Sara Khanchi, Malcolm Heywood, Nur Zincir-Heywood (pdf)
Properties of a GP active learning framework for streaming data
with class imbalance ACM GECCO: 945-952
- Robert Smith, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Coevolving deep hierarchies of programs to solve complex tasks ACM
GECCO: 1009-1016
- Olivia Lucca Fraser, Nur Zincir-Heywood, Malcolm Heywood, John T. Jacobs (pdf)
Return-orientated programme evolution with ROPER: a proof of concept ACM
GECCO (SecDef Workshop): 1447-1454
- Jessica Bonson, Andrew McIntyre, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
On novelty driven evolution in Poker IEEE SSCI.
- Sara Khanchi, Malcolm Heywood, Nur Zincir-Heywood (pdf)
On the Impact of Class Imbalance in GP Streaming Classification with Label Budgets. EuroGP, LNCS 9594:35-50.
- Robert Smith, Stephen Kelly, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Discovering Rubik's Cube Subgroups using Coevolutionary GP: A Five Twist Experiment ACM GECCO: 789-796
- Jessica Bonson, Stephen Kelly, Andrew McIntyre, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
On Synergies between Diversity and Task Decomposition in Constructing Complex Systems with GP ACM GECCO (Companion): 969-976
- Robert Smith, Nur Zincir-Heywood, Malcolm Heywood, John Jacobs (pdf)
Initiating a Moving Target Network Defense with a Real-time Neuro-evolutionary Detector. ACM GECCO (Companion): 1095-1102
- Alexander Loginov, Malcolm Heywood, Garnett Wilson (pdf)
Benchmarking a coevolutionary streaming classifier under the individual household electric power consumption dataset IEEE IJCNN: 2834-2841
- Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Evolutionary model building under streaming data for classification tasks: opportunities
and challenges Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 16(3):283-326
- Ali Vahdat, Jillian Morgan, Andrew McIntyre, Malcolm Heywood, Nur Zincir-Heywood (pdf)
Evolving GP classifiers for streaming data tasks with concept change and
label budgets: A benchmarking study Chapter 18, Gandomi et al (eds), Handbook of Genetic
Programming Applications. Springer.
- Alexander Loginov, Garnett Wilson, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Better Trade Exits for Foreign Exchange Currency Trading using FXGP. IEEE CEC: 2510-2517
- Ali Vahdat, Jillian Morgan, Andrew McIntyre, Malcolm Heywood, Nur Zincir-Heywood (pdf)
Tapped Delay Lines for GP Streaming Data Classification with Label Budgets EuroGP. LNCS 9025:126-138
- Stephen Kelly, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Knowledge Transfer from Keepaway Soccer to Half-field Offense through Program Symbiosis: Building Simple Programs for a Complex Task ACM GECCO: 1143-1150
- Ali Vahdat, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
On evolutionary subspace clustering with symbiosis Evolutionary Intelligence 6(4):
- Stephen Kelly, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
On Diversity, Teaming, and Hierarchical Policies: Observations from the Keepaway Soccer Task EuroGP, LNCS 8599: 75-86
- Alexander Loginov, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
On Evolving Multi-agent FX Traders EvoAPPS, LNCS 8602: 203-214
- Fariba Haddadi, Dylan Runkel, Nur Zincir-Heywood, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
On botnet behaviour analysis using GP and C4.5 ACM GECCO (Companion):1253-1260
- Ali Vahdat, Aaron Atwater, Andrew McIntyre, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
On the application of GP to streaming data classification tasks with
label budgets ACM GECCO (Companion): 1287-1294
- Alexander Loginov, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
On the utility of trading criteria based retraining in Forex markets
EvoAPPS, LNCS 7835:192-202
- Aaron Atwater, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Benchmarking Pareto archiving heuristics in the presence of concept
drift: diversity versus age ACM GECCO:885-892
- Alexander Loginov, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
On the impact of streaming interface heuristics on GP trading agents:
An FX bechmarking study ACM GECCO:1341-1348
- John Doccette, Andrew McIntyre, Peter Lichodzijewski, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Symbiotic coevolutionary genetic programming: a benchmarking study under large attribute
spaces Genetic Programming and Evolvable
Machines 13(1): 71-101
- Stephen Kelly, Peter Lichodzijewski, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
On run time libraries and hierarchical symbiosis IEEE CEC:1-8
- Ali Vahdat, Malcolm Heywood, Nur Zincir-Heywood (pdf)
Symbiotic evolutionary subspace clustering IEEE CEC:1-8
- John Doccette, Peter Lichodzijewski, Malcolm Heywood (pdf)
Hierarchical task decomposition through symbiosis in reinforcement learning
ACM GECCO:97-104
- Aaron Atwater, Malcolm Heywood, Nur Zincir-Heywood (pdf)
GP under streaming data constraints: a case for pareto archiving?
ACM GECCO:703-710