SurfClipse Troubleshooting


Go to tools, Surfclipse manual page

OS: Ubuntu

JDK Version

To find out your JDK version, execute
java -version

Please make sure you have JDK 7+ installed. The plug-in is not compatible below JDK 7. You can install openjdk 7 and set as default JDK using the following commands.

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
sudo update-alternatives --config java
sudo update-alternatives --config javac

org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles [Unknown Mozilla Path (MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME not set)]

This error happens when Mozilla browser does not come with the Linux package. You need to install libwebkitgtk package to get rid of the error using the following command.

sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0

Got a new issue? Inform me below.

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