SurfClipse Tutorial


Product version: 1.0.0

System Requirements

Check Installation, Interactive mode, Pro-active mode

Check the Video Tutorial for quick manual.

For installation and usage troubleshooting, visit troubleshooting page | Back to tool page

SurfClipse Installation

Please go through the following steps to install SurfClipse plug-in. The plug-in update site is

Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:

You need to restart Eclipse to use SurfClipse.

Step 5:

Enabling SurfClipse

Once SurfClipse is installed successfully, you will see a SurfClipse tab in the main menu. Select Enable SurfClispe, and you will see two windows become visible-- one for showing search results (SurfClipse) and the other for shpwing resultant web page (SurfClipse Browser).

Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:

Using SurfClipse

SurfClipse facilitates Eclipse users to conduct web search from within the IDE. More interestingly, the plug-in can capture the context of the search to provide more targeted and useful results specially during exception handling. It works in two modes: interactive mode and pro-active mode.

Working in Interactive Mode

In this mode, you will be responsible to select the search query and initiate the search operation. You can select a phrase (e.g., any error or exception message) from Console View or Error Log) as the query and start search from context-menu option. At first, you have to choose the Interactive mode.

Enabling interactive mode of usage.

Step 1:
Step 2:

During debugging, one exception occurred.

Step 3:

Now, you can search the error or exception message using search solution option.

Step 4:

Surfclipse generally takes a few seconds (around 15 seconds on average). The results will be shown in the panel within the IDE.

Step 5:
Step 6:

You can double-click any result entry and check the results within the SurfClipse Browser.

Step 7:

You also can select an error or exception from the Error Log and initiate the search operation from context-menu.


You can navigate backward, forward, and book mark web pages.


Keyword Based Search

You can also perform keyword based search using the searching feature of SurfClipse result panel. The Keyword input is supported by autosuggestion about the encountered excpetion and automatic completion.

Working in Pro-active Mode

In this mode, the plug-in is responsible to select the search query and initiate the search. Basically, the plug-in continuously checks if there is an exception occurred in the Console View. Once an exception occurred, it automatically extracts necessary information for search query, and initiates the search.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:

Please email Masud Rahman if you face any issue with the installation and usage.