J. Blustein

Answers to General Questions from Graduate Applicants

List of Questions

  1. What courses should I take?
  2. Graduate Admission and Policies

See Also

What courses should I take?

  1. I strongly recommend that all of my students have a course in research methods.

  2. I recommend that all of my students take CSCI 6606 (Human Factors in On-Line Information Systems) and CSCI 6610 (Human-Computer Interaction) while at Dalhousie.

  3. Undergraduates at Dalhousie who plan to study for their Masters degree under my supervision are advised to take CSCI 4163 (Human-Computer Interaction).

  4. the MyGradSkills.ca website has highly recommended courses about Academic and Research Integrity and Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism.

Other Potential Courses

The following courses might be particularly suitable for some of my students.  Note that INFO courses are offered by the School of Information Management in the Faculty of Management not by the Faculty of Computer Science.

CSCI 6403 (Advanced Topics in Information Retrieval)
CSCI 6404 (Web Information Systems)
CSCI 6404 has not been offered for many years.
CSCI 6406 (Visualisation)
INFO 6620 (Electronic Text Design)
A gentle introduction to Web-based text technology such as XML, TEI, XSLT, and CSS.
INFO 6630 (Designing Interaction with Information Systems)
Similar to CSCI 6606
INFO 6840 (Digital Libraries)

Graduate Admission and Policies

I cannot answer specific questions about the policies for graduate admissions.  Before you ask the Faculty's graduate admissions officers or the graduate coordinator review the following documents to see if they answer your questions:

  1. FCS Graduate FAQ
  2. Graduate Admission Requirements
  3. Process for Scholarship funding: MCS and PhD programs
  4. Scholarships Available from the Faculty of Computer Science
  5. Tuition Information
  6. Funding on Admission to the Graduate Programme see Process for Scholarship funding
  7. Cost of Living
  8. Various Forms for Graduate Students
Graduate FAQ
<URL:http://www.dal.ca/faculty/computerscience/programs/graduate/advising_resources/gradfaq.html> link verified on 2013-06-03
Graduate Admission Requirements
<URL:http://www.dal.ca/faculty/computerscience/programs/graduate/advising_resources/grad_admissions.html> link verified on 2013-06-03
See also the What I Seek in Students section of my Research Opportunities and Thesis Topic Suggestions webpage.
To be eligible for funding from Dalhousie, PhD applications must be complete by 10 January.
Process for Scholarship funding: MCS and PhD programs
<URL:http://web.cs.dal.ca/~mheywood/Admin/MCS-PhD_ScholarshipFunding.html> link verified on 2013-06-03
After all other considerations I prefer applicants who have scholarships but I supervise many students who do not hold scholarships.
To be eligible for funding from Dalhousie, PhD applications must be complete by 10 January.
Scholarships Available from the Faculty of Computer Science
See also
Tuition Information
The above link was current as of 2011-12-30.
Funding on Admission to the Graduate Programme
See Process for Scholarship funding above
Cost of Living
<URL:http://www.dal.ca/admissions/money_matters/budgeting_your_money/cost_of_living_inhalifax.html> link verified on 2013-06-03
Various Forms for Graduate Students
<URL:http://www.dal.ca/faculty/computerscience/programs/graduate/advising_resources/gradforms1.html> link verified on 2013-06-03

Notices for My Students

Notices for students under my supervision are in a separate webpage.

Research Opportunities and Topic Suggestions

I am an active researcher looking to supervise research projects and theses.  My research interests are in helping people find and use information more effectively.  Topics within this general area are welcome.  I am always looking for innovative ideas.  Please note that I do not do research in the field of data mining.

Please see my Research Opportunities and Thesis Topic Suggestions webpage for further details about projects and what I look for in applicants.


Created on 24 May 2012 by J. Blustein.
Last updated on 27 September 2016 by J. Blustein.

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