Web-centric Computing

Assignment 1: Install and Configure Web Server


To gain experience and familiarity with WWW software.  To provide a platform for later assignments.


Mon. 21 Sept.
Tues. 30 Sept.


  1. Part One: Install Your Own Web Server
    1. make a ~/cs3172 directory for yourself
    2. get a copy of the latest stable version of the Apache server from <URL:http://httpd.apache.org/>
    3. install the server in your ~/cs3172 directory
    4. keep a copy of the install log and any configuration files you used
    5. start the server running on a port of your choosing and  leave it running for the duration of the course
    6. bring the port number and your name to class on the due date
  2. Part Two: Create Your Own Website


The criteria given above are the baseline (B+) for the assignment.  Anything you do above of those could increase your overall points for this assignment such as minimizing Priority 2 errors, sensible use of CSS, etc.  These criteria are reflected in a draft of the grading form (in PDF). 

Note that you might get a bonus for content.  Such bonuses might be for content that demonstrates or explains topics that are relevant to the course.  Dalhousie's academic integrity policy (see Dalhousie's academic integrity website and the course syllabus for details) applies to this assignment.

Advice and Help


Bring the port number and your name to class on the due date. You will be using that server all semester.

21 September 2009
CS 3172 Prof:
J. Blustein <jamie@cs.dal.ca>
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