J. Blustein

Network Computing

[Crs | Ann | Mats | Res]


Kurose & Ross Misprints

Page 1, Section 1.1, line 2
principle should be principal.
Page 19, Figure 1.7
Mbs should be Mbps
in three places.
Page 36, paragraph 3
In ADSL: asymmetric digital subscriber loop
(loop should be line)
Page 44, under End-to-End Delay, line 8
pair or routers
should be pair of routers.
Page 54, Figure 1.26
the circles should be concentric (not overlapping)
Page 82, Figure 2.5, the last line
In Typically UPD
UPD should be UDP
Page 112, Paragraph 3, the middle line:
Section 2.3
should be Section 2.2
Page 120, line 14
principle should be principal.
Page 158, last line of the first paragraph
FileName should be fileName
Page 181, section 3.3.2 (about UDT
This is not an error, but you should be aware that the carry bit from the highest order bits is copied to the sum in the lowest order bit. For example (using 4 bits instead of 16): 1000+1000=0001 and 1001+1001=0011.
See RFC 1936 for more details.
Page 187, line 3
receiver should be sender
Page 191, Figure 3.14
sendpkt should be sndpkt
Page 198, Figure 3.19, left-hand side
The window should not be advanced for just any non-corrupted ACK. The window should only advance if the ACK is for a packet that is in the current window, i.e. if (acknum(rcvpkt) == base) || (acknum(rcvpkt) > base). If the ACK is for a packet with sequence number less than base then the packet should be ignored.
The event part (above the line) should read:

&& notcorrupt(rcvpkt)
&& getacknum(rcvpkt)>=base

Page 199, Figure 3.20, the top line
should be rdt_rcv(...)
Page 199, Receipt of an ACK
The description of cumulative acknowledgment is correct but the description of GBN is wrong. There are different ways of implementing GBN and the one described in this paragraph is different from the one described later in the chapter (on page 220, in the section entitled `A Few Interesting Scenarios' inside section 3.5.5).
The GBN protocol that Kurose & Ross discuss later requires that the sender receive an individual ACK for each packet. The version of GBN described here (with cumulative acknowledgments) is inconsistent with the later discussion and is wrong.
Page 207, first line
packet ordering
should be packet re-ordering.
Page 217, Figure 3.31, under event, line 3:
compue should be compute.
Page 220, first partial paragraph
See the note about GBN ACKs on page 199.
Page 262, problem 3:
The reference to Figure 3.12
should be to Figure 3.11.

See Also

See also the web page of misprints maintained by the authors:

  1. Go to the online book's about page, and
  2. follow the errata link.


Most of the errors were reported by Dr. E. Grundke and Yufei Sun. Jason Rouse pointed out the error in Fig. 1.26 (p. 54). Ahmed El-Rayes pointed out the contradiction between the descriptions of Go-Back-N on pp. 199 and 220.

23 July 2002
CS 3171 Prof.:
J. Blustein <jamie@cs.dal.ca>

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