There is a big gap before the buttons.
The text is red on a grey background.
The buttons have very little space around the words.
The top and left edge of the buttons is white and the other edges are purple.
There is underling of the abbreviations.
The text in the buttons is centred in lots of space.
The text is red on a grey background.
The top and left edge of the buttons is yellow and the other edges are black.
The words Homepage sections are centred in the middle of the screen.
Each word of the text that should be in a button is in a vertical list.
The text that should be in buttons is in red on a bright green background.
There are no borders around the words (to make them appear to be buttons).
None of the words that should be in the buttons are capitalized.
There are no edges around the words. The grad in Grad
students has no background colour and is in italics. The
grad leans right and is cut off by the first
letter of Students.