
Dirk V. Arnold
Faculty of Computer Science
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3H 4R2

Phone : 902.494.2691
Email : dirk@dal.ca

Curriculum Vitae


My research is in evolutionary computation. My current work focuses on constraint handling and on the use of surrogate modelling techniques. I also have research interests in neighbouring areas of optimization and machine learning. A complete listing of publications can be found below or on my Google scholar page.


In 2023/24 I teach the following courses:

CSCI 6514: Strategies for Search and Optimization (Fall term)
CSCI 1300: Calculus in Computer Science (Winter term)
CSCI 3162: Digital Media (Winter term)

Course matrials and further information are available on Brightspace.



D. V. Arnold
Noisy Optimization with Evolution Strategies
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

Journal Papers

P. Spettel, Z. Ba, and D. V. Arnold
Active sets for explicitly constrained evolutionary optimization
Evolutionary Computation, 30(4):531-553, 2022.

X. Gao, S. Brooks, and D. V. Arnold
A feature-based quality metric for tone mapped images
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 14(4), 26:1-26:11, 2017.

M. Hellwig and D. V. Arnold
Comparison of constraint handling mechanisms for the (1,λ)-ES on a simple constrained problem
Evolutionary Computation, 24(1):1-23, 2016.

X. Gao, S. Brooks, and D. V. Arnold
Automated parameter tuning for tone mapping using visual saliency
Computers & Graphics, 52:171-180, 2015.

D. V. Arnold
On the behaviour of the (1,λ)-ES for conically constrained linear problems
Evolutionary Computation, 22(3):503-523, 2014.

D. V. Arnold
Resampling versus repair in evolution strategies applied to a constrained linear problem
Evolutionary Computation, 21(3):389-411, 2013.

G. LeBlanc, A. Shouldice, D. V. Arnold, and S. Brooks
Multi-band Fourier synthesis of ocean waves
Journal of Graphics Tools, 16(2):57-70, 2012.

D. V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer
On the behaviour of evolution strategies optimising cigar functions
Evolutionary Computation, 18(4):661-682, 2010.

T. Burrell, D. Arnold, and S. Brooks
Advected river textures
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 20(2-3):163-173, 2009.

D. V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer
Evolution strategies with cumulative step length adaptation on the noisy parabolic ridge
Natural Computing, 7(4):555-587, 2008.

D. V. Arnold and A. MacLeod
Step length adaptation on ridge functions
Evolutionary Computation, 16(2):151-184, 2008.

D. V. Arnold and R. Salomon
Evolutionary gradient search revisited
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 11(4):480-495, 2007.

D. V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer
Optimum tracking with evolution strategies
Evolutionary Computation, 14(3):291-308, 2006.

D. V. Arnold
Weighted multirecombination evolution strategies
Theoretical Computer Science, 361(1):18-37, 2006.

D. V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer
A general noise model and its effects on evolution strategy performance
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 10(4):380-391, 2006.

D. V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer
Expected sample moments of concomitants of selected order statistics
Statistics and Computing, 15(3):241-250, 2005.

H.-G. Beyer, D. V. Arnold, and S. Meyer-Nieberg
A new approach for predicting the final outcome of evolution strategy optimization under noise
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 6(1):7-24, 2005.

D. V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer
Performance analysis of evolutionary optimization with cumulative step length adaptation
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 49(4):617-622, 2004.

D. V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer
On the benefits of populations for noisy optimization
Evolutionary Computation, 11(2):111-127, 2003.

D. V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer
A comparison of evolution strategies with other direct search methods in the presence of noise
Computational Optimization and Applications, 24(1):135-159, 2003.

H.-G. Beyer and D. V. Arnold
Qualms regarding the optimality of cumulative path length control in CSA/CMA-evolution strategies
Evolutionary Computation, 11(1):19-28, 2003.

D. V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer
Performance analysis of evolution strategies with multi-recombination in high-dimensional RN-search spaces disturbed by noise
Theoretical Computer Science, 289(1):629-647, 2002.

D. V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer
Local performance of the (1+1)-ES in a noisy environment
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 6(1):30-41, 2002.

R. F. Hadley, A. Rotaru-Varga, D. V. Arnold, and V. C. Cardei
Syntactic systematicity arising from semantic predictions in a Hebbian-competitive network
Connection Science, 13(1):73-94, 2001.

D. V. Arnold
Information-theoretic analysis of phase transitions
Complex Systems, 10(2):143-155, 1996.

Book Chapters

N. Hansen, D. V. Arnold, and A. Auger
Evolution strategies
in J. Kacprzyk and W. Pedrycz (eds.), Handbook of Computational Intelligence, Springer, 2015.

J. Porter and D. V. Arnold
Analyzing the behaviour of multi-recombinative evolution strategies applied to a conically constrained problem
in R. Datta and K. Deb (eds.), Evolutionary Constrained Optimization, Springer, 2015.

R. Salomon and D. V. Arnold
The evolutionary-gradient-search procedure in theory and practice
in R. Chiong (ed.), Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Optimisation. Springer, 2009.

D. V. Arnold
Evolution strategies in noisy environments — A survey of existing work
in L. Kallel et al. (eds.), Theoretical Aspects of Evolutionary Computing. Springer, 2001.

H.-G. Beyer and D. V. Arnold
Theory of evolution strategies — A tutorial
in L. Kallel et al. (eds.), Theoretical Aspects of Evolutionary Computing. Springer, 2001.

Refereed Conference and Workshop Papers

J. Porter and D. V. Arnold
Direct augmented Lagrangian evolution strategies
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Melbourne, 2024.

Y. Hong and D. V. Arnold
Evolutionary mixed-integer optimization with explicit constraints
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Lisbon, 2023.

A. Abbasnejad and D. V. Arnold
Adaptive function value warping for surrogate model assisted evolutionary optimization
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN XVII. Dortmund, 2022.

L. Toal and D. V. Arnold
Simple surrogate model assisted optimization with covarianve matrix adaptation
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN XVI. Leiden, 2020.

J. Yang and D. V. Arnold    corrected version
A surrogate model assisted (1+1)-ES with increased exploitation of the model
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Prague, 2019.

A. Kayhani and D. V. Arnold
Design of a surrogate model assisted (1+1)-ES
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN XV. Coimbra, 2018.

X. Gao, J. Porter, S. Brooks, and D. V. Arnold
Evolutionary optimization of tone mapped image quality index
Evolution Artificielle. Paris, 2017.

D. V. Arnold
Reconsidering constraint release for active-set evolution strategies
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Berlin, 2017.

D. V. Arnold
An active-set evolution strategy for optimization with known constraints
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN XIV. Edinburgh, 2016.

A. Lu and D. V. Arnold
An evolutionary algorithm for depth image based camera pose estimation in indoor environments
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Vancouver, 2016.

X. Gao, S. Brooks, and D. V. Arnold
Automatic blended tone mapping through evolutionary optimization
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Vancouver, 2016.

D. V. Arnold and J. Porter    Best Paper Award, Continuous Optimization Track
Towards an augmented Lagrangian constraint handling approach for the (1+1)-ES
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Madrid, 2015.

X. Gao, S. Brooks, and D. V. Arnold
Saliency-based parameter tuning for tone mapping
11th European Conference on Visual Media Production. London, 2014.

D. V. Arnold
On the use of evolution strategies for optimization on spherical manifolds
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN XIII. Ljubljana, 2014.

S. Nourashrafeddin, E. Milios, and D. V. Arnold    Best Student Paper Award
An ensemble approach for text document clustering using Wikipedia concepts
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering. Fort Collins, 2014.

K. Fraser, D. V. Arnold, and G. Dellaire
Projected Barzilai-Borwein method with infeasible iterates for nonnegative least-squares image deblurring
Computer and Robot Vision. Montreal, 2014

S. Nourashrafeddin, E. Milios and D. V. Arnold
Interactive text document clustering using feature labeling
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering. Florence, 2013.

X. Gao, S. Brooks, and D. V. Arnold
Virtual photograph based saliency analysis of high dynamic range images
International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging. Anaheim, 2013.

D. V. Arnold    Best Paper Award, ES/EP Track
On the behaviour of the (1,λ)-ES for a conically constrained problem
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Amsterdam, 2013.

S. Nourashrafeddin, E. Milios and D. V. Arnold
An evolutionary algorithm for feature selective double clustering of text documents
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Cancun, 2013.

J. Porter and D. V. Arnold
An evolutionary spline fitting algorithm for identifying filamentous cyanobacteria
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Coimbra, 2013.

D. V. Arnold    Best Paper Award
On the behaviour of the (1,λ)-σSA-ES for a constrained linear problem
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN XII. Taormina, 2012.

D. V. Arnold and N. Hansen
A (1+1)-CMA-ES for constrained optimisation
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Philadelphia, 2012.

D. V. Arnold
Analysis of a repair mechanism for the (1,λ)-ES applied to a simple constrained problem
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Dublin, 2011.

D. V. Arnold
On the behaviour of the (1,λ)-ES for a simple constrained problem
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms, 11. Schwarzenberg, Austria, 2011.

D. Brockhoff, A. Auger, N. Hansen, D. V. Arnold, and T. Hohm
Mirrored sampling and sequential selection for evolution strategies
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN XI. Krakow, 2010.

D. V. Arnold and N. Hansen    Best Paper Award, ES/EP Track
Active covariance matrix adaptation for the (1+1)-CMA-ES
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Portland, OR, 2010.

D. V. Arnold and A. S. Castellarin
A novel approach to adaptive isolation in evolution strategies
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Montreal, 2009.

S. B. Chisholm, D. V. Arnold, and S. Brooks
Tone mapping by interactive evolution
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Montreal, 2009.

D. V. Arnold, H.-G. Beyer, and A. Melkozerov
On the behaviour of weighted multi-recombination evolution strategies optimising noisy cigar functions
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Montreal, 2009.

D. V. Arnold and D. Brauer
On the behaviour of the (1+1)-ES for a simple constrained problem
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN X. Dortmund, 2008.

D. V. Arnold and D. C. S. Van Wart
Cumulative step length adaptation for evolution strategies using negative recombination weights
EvoWorkshops 2008. Napoli, 2008.

D. V. Arnold
On the use of evolution strategies for optimising certain positive definite quadratic forms
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. London, 2007.

D. V. Arnold    Best Paper Award
Cumulative step length adaptation on ridge functions
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN IX. Reykjavik, 2006.

D. V. Arnold and A. MacLeod
Hierarchically organised evolution strategies on the parabolic ridge
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Seattle, WA, 2006.

G. A. Jastrebski and D. V. Arnold
Improving evolution strategies through active covariance matrix adaptation
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Vancouver, 2006.

D. V. Arnold and D. MacDonald
Weighted recombination evolution strategies on the parabolic ridge
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Vancouver, 2006.

D. V. Arnold
Evolution strategies with adaptively rescaled mutation vectors
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Edinburgh, 2005.

D. V. Arnold
Optimal weighted recombination
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms, 8. Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, 2005.

D. V. Arnold
An analysis of evolutionary gradient search
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Portland, OR, 2004.

H.-G. Beyer and D. V. Arnold    Best Paper Award, ES/EP Track
The steady state behavior of (μ/μ,λ)-ES on ellipsoidal fitness models disturbed by noise
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Chicago, IL, 2003.

D. V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer
On the effects of outliers on evolutionary optimization
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning. Hong Kong, 2003.

D. V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer
Random dynamics optimum tracking with evolution strategies
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN VII. Granada, 2002.

D. V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer
Investigation of the (μ,λ)-ES in the presence of noise
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Seoul, 2001.

S. Markon, D. V. Arnold, T. Bäck, T. Beielstein, and H.-G. Beyer
Thresholding — A selection operator for noisy ES
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Seoul, 2001.

D. V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer
Efficiency and mutation strength adaptation of the (μ/μ,λ)-ES in a noisy environment
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN VI. Paris, 2000.

D. V. Arnold and H.-G. Beyer
Local performance of the (μ/μ,λ)-ES in a noisy environment
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 6. Charlottesville, VA, 2001.

H.-G. Beyer and D. V. Arnold
Fitness noise and localization errors of the optimum in general quadratic fitness models
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Orlando, FL, 1999

R. F. Hadley, D. Arnold, and V. Cardei
Syntactic systematicity arising from semantic predictions in a Hebbian-competitive network
Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Mahwah, NJ, 1998.


D. Arnold
Local Performance of Evolution Strategies in the Presence of Noise
Dissertation, Universität Dortmund, Fachbereich Informatik, 2001.

D. Arnold
Evolution of Legged Locomotion
M.Sc. Thesis, Simon Fraser University, School of Computing Science, 1997.

D. Arnold
Informationstheoretische Analyse von Phasenübergängen
Diplomarbeit, Universität Dortmund, Fachbereich Informatik, 1994.