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Selected Perl-based Software
Name Size Description
CGI-AuthRegister/ - Simple CGI Authentication and Registration in Perl
NaiveBayes1/ - Naive Bayes classification
Ngrams/ - Flexible Ngram analysis (for characters, words, and more)
snip/ - Miscellaneous functions and code snippets
Schedule/ Calendar scheduling
clean_html 2K Remove HTML tags and comments
find-equal-files 3K Find equal files in a directory tree
fix-filenames 903 Rename filenames to remove unsafe characters
fix-file-names 987 (OLD) Rename filenames to remove unsafe characters
fix-file-names-explained 4K Script fix-file-names with a lot of comments
justify 2K Justify text, left align, ragged right
justify-1.2 1K Older version of justify, less features but shorter
justify-1.4 2K Justify text, left align, ragged right
lastUpdate 2K Updates the 'Last update:' statements (e.g. for html files)
move-merge 4K Merges directories into one target directory
oct 836 Octal manipulation functions
random-string 969 Generate a random string
remove_empty_dirs.pl 863 Remove recursively empty directories
report-new.pl 7K Report new material on a web page
report-new.pl-1.16 7K Report new material on a web page
rm 4K Recursive remove of directories
show-side-by-side.pl 281 Print two files side by side
text2xfig.pl 2K Translating plain text to Xfig format
tree 3K Something like Linux command `tree'
tree-1.0 1K Something like Linux command `tree' - the first simple version (42 lines)
tree-1.6 3K Something like Linux command `tree' v1.6
trees-do 5K Various operations on treebank
trees-extrRules 2K Extract CF rules from a forest
trees-grepTree 2K Find (grep) a CF rule in a forest
trees-prnLeaves 1K Print leaves of the trees given a forest.
vdelatex 6K Spell-checking LaTeX/TeX files
Calendar-Schedule/ -
extract-folder-msgid 3K
fix-file-names.pl 705
give-ssh-access.pl 793
htpasswd-update.pl 2K
justify.html 2K
random_choose 270
remove-empty-dirs 2K
send.pl 456
sort-by-suffix 279
starfish/ -
text2xfig.pl-1.2 2K
untabify 342
© 2001-2024 Vlado Keselj, last update: 04-May-2022