Course Description:
This course provides students an introduction to computer applications and their use in a business environment. The emphasis of the course is on learning the fundamental concepts of computer systems and to solve business problems with the help of commonly used business software packages and programming. MS Excel 2010 is used to enhance the skills of organizing, calculating and evaluating quantitative data. The in-depth study of MS Access 2010 helps to learn the techniques used for database management system.
As this is an introductory level course, there are no formal prerequisites for this course.
Students are not expected to have any specific expertise in the field of computing. Since this course is a part of
the commerce curriculum, students are expected to have some previous exposure to computer use, thorough understanding
of arithmetic and algebra, as well as basic business terminology.
The CISY 1225 custom textbook is available from the SMU bookstore. This textbook is an edited combination of three Prentice Hall/Pearson textbooks. By this customized textbook, you can have the access of course material at a reduced cost. The textbook comes with a software license for MyITLab (a simulation tool for training in the MS Office 2010 environment). The textbook is essential for success in CISY 1225. We will use the MyITLab, please make sure you get the access code with the book and do the necessary registration steps as mentioned on MyITLab section.
Course Format:
CISY 1225 is being taught in a specialized computer lab style teaching room (LA278). Each student in the class will be able to access a computer during class time in order to complete practice examples or other tasks as outlined by the instructor. Students will logon to their computers only when specifically asked to do so. During class time the computers in the lab cannot be used for surfing, chatting, gaming or working on other course material. Failure to follow instructions or the guidelines for proper computer use during class time will result in the dismissal of the student from the class. Students are responsible for arranging the textbook and must bring the textbook in the class. Students must know their network username and password. For good grades in this course, it is essential that the student spend quality time outside class hours reading the textbook, working through examples or exercises in the textbook or distributed in class. You should expect to spend a significant amount of time outside of class time reading the textbook, working through examples or exercises in the textbook or distributed in class, and preparing for class and exams.
MyITLab will be used for in-class computer tests/exams of Excel and Access. The access code and course ID is required to do the registration. It is student's responsibility to do his/her registration on MyITLab website after having the required access code and course ID. If you have trouble in access code or MyITLab, it is your responsibility to contact the MyITLab experts for immediate assistance (click here for more information of MyITLab).
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need any further information.