Dalhousie University    [  http://web.cs.dal.ca/~vlado/csci2132/assignments.html  ]
Fall 2018 (Sep4-Dec4)
Faculty of Computer Science
Dalhousie University

CSCI 2132 - Assignments

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Command: submit

The submit command is provided for you to submit your work electronically. The following instructions explain how to submit files for Assignment 1 (abbreviated also as a1). The instructions for other assignments are similar, except different numbers, and if some labs require submission, then they would be called "Lab 1" with abbreviation lab1, and similar.

For example, to submit the files for Assignment 1 (or Lab 1), you need:

  1. Place all the files (and only those files) to be submitted in a directory named a1 (or lab1)
  2. Change the current working directory to the parent of a1 (or lab1)
  3. Type the command: submit a1 cs2132 or submit lab1 cs2132

You can submit as many times as you want using this command till the deadline. Therefore, it makes sense to submit early to make sure that there are no technical problems. Problems such as Internet outage in your home right before the deadline cannot be used as valid reasons for submitting late, as you were given one week or more for each assignment.

Command: script

You can use the command script to record shell activities. The command script copies everything that is printed to the terminal to a file. It is typically used to record a sequence of commands and their output for later inspection.

For example, if you enter the command script a1q1.txt, all the future shell activity will be recorded in the file a1q1.txt, until you enter the exit command to end the script session.

The script command, however, records control characters such as backspace in their raw form. Therefore, the files recorded do not display nicely if you inspect them using editors such as emacs, vi, or notepad. However, you will get a nice readable view of the file if you use the Unix command more.

For your assignment questions that require you to use this command, only record your successful attempts. You need find out the correct command to perform the actions required by each question, test it on bluenose, and then evoke script to record the successful attempt by running the commands that you know will work for sure.

Currently maintained by: Vlado Keselj, last update: 18-Jun-2019