XML Introduction
A markup language is a mechanism to identify structures in a document.
XML (Extensible Markup language) is a markup language for documents
containing structured information. As a meta-language, XML is about
to describe data and its structure; while HTML is about to display the
XML is not to replace HTML, but compliment it by allowing writers to
create and format their own document markups. For HTML, The tags used
to mark up HTML documents and the structure of HTML documents are predefined.
For XML, there is no predefined tag set, so there is no any preconceived
semantics. Writers are provided a facility to define tags and the structural
relationships. That is the extensible feature of XML.
To be valid, XML documents should be well-formed. That means XML documents
follow some strict rules. For example, every opening tag in XML documents
must have a matching closing tag. While in HTML, pairing is optional
for some of the tags, and only the opening tag is required.
Before providing some examples of setting up XML documents, let¡¯s take
a look of some rules for composing XML documents.
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Some Rules
1. Closing Tags
An element in XML must have a closing tag.
For example:
2. Overlapping Elements
An element must be nested properly by closing all child elements before
closing the parent elements.
For example:
It would be incorrectly nested if the student element was closed before
forename element.
3. Single Root Element
An XML document only can have a single root element. All other elements
should be within this root element.
For example:
As above, mec is the root element, and student is its descendant.
4. Case Sensitive
XML is case sensitive, and care should be taken to ensure that Opening
and closing tags are in the same case. An element name of "MEC"
is not the same as "mec".
5. Quoted Attribute Values
In XML, attributes must be specified a value, and the values must be
in quotes, regardless of the data type. Single and double quotes are
both acceptable.
For example:
Correct: <input
type="checkbox" checked="checked"/>
Wrong: <input
type="checkbox" checked>
6. Naming Conventions
In XML, since there is no any pre-defined tag, there are no reserved
words needed to be avoided when naming elements. The following are some
simple rules when naming an element.
a. Elements must start with a character or an underscore but not a number
or punctuation. After the first character, numbers, hyphens and periods
are allowed.
b. Names must not contain spaces.
c. A colon is reserved for namespaces
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Tutorial Examples
1. Create a XML file
Now we use XML to create a student record database for the student information
Each student record includes student¡¯s name and address. The name has
two parts: First name and last name. The address has four parts: Street,
City, Email and Phone Number. So the structure of the student record
can be presented as:

Using notepad.exe as our editor tool, we can create the xml file students1.xml.
In this file, we input two students¡¯ information.
version = "1.0"?>
<firstname> James </firstname>
<lastname> Smith </lastname>
<street> 101 South Street</street>
<city> Halifax </city>
<email> james@dal.ca </email>
<phone> 4940001 </phone>
<firstname> Tom </firstname>
<lastname> White </lastname>
<street> 202 Victoria Road </street>
<city> Dartmouth </city>
<email> tom@dal.ca</email>
<phone> 4940002 </phone>
When you save this file, you should use
the ¡°Save As¡± menu of the notepad.exe. You must change the ¡°Save
As Type:¡± to ¡°All Files¡±. And the suffix of file name must be ¡°.xml¡±
Just as below figure shows:

When the file is finished, we can use IE
to browse it.

Until now, the process for create a xml file is completed.
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2.Create a DTD file for the XML file
A DTD (Document Type Definition) is a set of rules that defines what
tags appear in a XML document, how and where these tags appear, what
the relationship the tags have with each other. Be brief, a DTD defines
the legal elements and their structure in an XML document.
When an XML document is processed, it is
compared within the DTD to be sure the structure is valid and all tags
are used in the proper manner. Independent developers can agree to use
a common DTD for exchanging XML data, which makes data be shared easily.
We create the students.dtd file as below:
version = "1.0"?>
<!--students.dtd-a document type definition for the students.xml-->
<!ELEMENT students (student+)>
<!ELEMENT student (name,address)>
<!ELEMENT name (firstname,lastname)>
<!ELEMENT firstname (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT lastname (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT address (street,city,email,phone)>
<!ELEMENT street (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT lastname (#PCDATA)>
To use the DTD file, we must add this code
into the XML file.
students SYSTEM "students.dtd">
students2.xml is completed XML file.
version = "1.0"?>
<!-- students2.xml for the DTD -->
<!DOCTYPE students SYSTEM "students.dtd">
<firstname> James </firstname>
<lastname> Smith </lastname>
<street> 101 South Street</street>
<city> Halifax </city>
<email> james@dal.ca </email>
<phone> 4940001 </phone>
<firstname> Tom </firstname>
<lastname> White </lastname>
<street> 202 Victoria Road </street>
<city> Dartmouth </city>
<email> tom@dal.ca</email>
<phone> 4940002 </phone>
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3.Display the XML file in HTML by CSS and
Browsers are not particularly good at formatting
XML. It is true that most of the time XML will be used to define data
instead of displaying it. But for viewing, we have to format the XML
data. CSS and XSL could be used to do this.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a markup
language with the purpose of styling online content. It is used extensively
for formatting standard HTML pages and also used to format XML documents.
CSS can define how XML tags are displayed, allowing them to be presented
in different ways.
a style sheet for the students.xml document-->
student{display: block; margin-top: 15px; color: blue;}
name{display: block; margin-left:40px;margin-top: 30pt;color:red}
firstname{font-size: 28pt;}
lastname{font-size: 28pt;}
address{display: block; margin-left:40px;color:green}
street{display: block;font-size: 18pt;}
city{display: block;font-size: 18pt;}
email{display: block;font-size: 18pt;color:blue}
phone{display: block;font-size: 18pt;}
To use the CSS file, the XML must add the
following sentence:
type="text/css" href= "students.css"?>
complete student3.xml is:
version = "1.0"?>
<!-- students3.xml for the CSS -->
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href= "students.css"?>
<firstname> James </firstname>
<lastname> Smith </lastname>
<street> 101 South Street</street>
<city> Halifax </city>
<email> james@dal.ca </email>
<phone> 4940001 </phone>
<firstname> Tom </firstname>
<lastname> White </lastname>
<street> 202 Victoria Road </street>
<city> Dartmouth </city>
<email> tom@dal.ca</email>
<phone> 4940002 </phone>
Open the students3.xml by IE, we will see:
XSL (eXstensible Stylesheet Language) is
XSL (eXstensible Stylesheet Language) is a new language developed to
format XML documents. With the appearance of XML, in many cases the
original data, not the HTML representation of it, will be exchanged.
This gives the users a richer data-set to work with and data transformations
are necessary. To perform these transformations, XSL could be used.
XSLT is used to format a XML file into a HTML document. It maps the
XML elements to XSL templates. So XSLT provides a powerful presentation
for XML.
version ="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version = "1.0"
<xsl:template match = "/">
<h2> Student Record </h2>
<xsl:for-each select="students/student">
<span style="font-weight:bold;color:red"> FirstName:
<xsl:value-of select="name/firstname" />
<span style="font-weight:bold;color:red"> LastName:
<xsl:value-of select="name/lastname" /> <br/>
<span style="font-weight:bold;color:green"> Street:
<xsl:value-of select="address/street" /> <br/>
<span style="font-weight:bold;color:green"> City: </span>
<xsl:value-of select="address/city" /> <br/>
<span style="font-weight:bold;color:blue"> Email: </span>
<xsl:value-of select="address/email" /> <br/>
<span style="font-weight:bold;color:green"> Phone: </span>
<xsl:value-of select="address/phone" /> <br/>
To use the XSLT file, we must add the following
sentence into XML file.
type = "text/xsl" href = "students.xsl"?>
The complete file students4.xml is :
version = "1.0"?>
<!--student4.xml for XSLT-->
<?xml-stylesheet type = "text/xsl" href = "students.xsl"?>
<firstname> James </firstname>
<lastname> Smith </lastname>
<street> 101 South Street</street>
<city> Halifax </city>
<email> james@dal.ca </email>
<phone> 4940001 </phone>
<firstname> Tom </firstname>
<lastname> White </lastname>
<street> 202 Victoria Road </street>
<city> Dartmouth </city>
<email> tom@dal.ca</email>
<phone> 4940002 </phone>
Now open the students4.xml by IE, we will
get the following result:

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Useful Links
XML School
This is a concise introduction to the basic issues of XML, including
its syntax, elements, Cascading Style Sheets, and 'behaviours'. It's
also a model of site design for clarity and usability.
O'Reily xml.com
The information about xml and useful books published by O'Reilly. Online
reading is enabled. http://www.xml.com/
The XML Elements of Style
O'Reilly author Steve Muench presents his own succinct and lucid list
of rules for creating a well-formed XML document.
Video Tutorial from the University of Texas
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