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Recursion: Repeating Things

Our discussion of local definitions and scoping rules in Haskell in the previous chapter was a bit of a digression, but an important one. Let us return to the discussion of control flow constructs in Haskell. Before discussing local definitions, we talked about how we can implement case distinctions in Haskell using if then else, case, pattern matching, and pattern guards. In this chapter, we focus on how we can repeat steps in our code.1

In our favourite imperative language, we have two tools to repeat things: Loops are the go-to tool to repeat the same sequence of steps over and over, until some termination condition is met. The other tool we have is recursion. Since there is an overhead involved in making recursive calls, the wisdom in imperative languages is to use recursion only when we must and stick to loops wherever we can.

The thing is,

In functional programming languages, loops are impossible!

Why is that? Remember, one trait of purely functional programming languages is that variables are immutable. They don't refer to memory locations whose contents we can change, as in imperative programming languages; they are names we introduce to refer to certain values produced by certain expressions. Once we've defined that a name refers to some value, we cannot change it anymore, at least not in the current invocation of the current function. Now, what would a loop look like in such a setting? We can easily convince ourselves that there are only two types of loops we can write with this restriction: ones that never run and ones that run forever. Every loop construct has some condition that gets checked before or after every iteration. If this condition holds, the loop runs for another iteration. If the condition does not hold, the loop ends. Now, if we cannot change the contents of variables in the body of the loop, then whatever condition we check to decide whether we should run the loop for one more iteration is either false right from the start or it is true at the end of every iteration. In the former case, the loop never runs. In the latter case, it runs forever. Neither of these types of loops is particularly useful.

So, this leaves us with recursion as our one and only tool to express repetitive things. We will see that tail recursion is a tool that we can use to make certain types of recursive code as efficient as loops in imperative langugages, because the compiler can translate these recursive functions back into loops. Those are exactly the types of recursive functions that we use to implement computations that we would implement as loops in imperative languages. So there is no performance penalty for using recursion.2

We'll use two examples to discuss recursive functions. Since recursion is the only way to repeat things in Haskell, you'll soon get used to seeing recursion everywhere, and virtually all functions discussed in subsequent chapters are recursive.

The first example discussed in this chapter is computing Fibonacci numbers:

\[F_n = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } n = 0\\ 1 & \text{if } n = 1\\ F_{n-1} + F_{n-2} & \text{if } n > 1 \end{cases}\]

The second one is computing the sum of the numbers from \(1\) up to \(n\):

\[S_n = \sum_{i=1}^n i\]

While computing Fibonacci numbers is something where recursion feels very natural, because their definition is itself recursive, summing a sequence of numbers feels like something we would normally do with a loop. As it turns out, we should really compute Fibonacci numbers using a loop as well, at least if we want to compute large Fibonacci numbers efficiently. We'll figure out how to do this at the end of this chapter.

We can easily write recursive functions that compute these two expressions. We have already seen the natural definition of a function that computes Fibonacci numbers:

fib :: Integer -> Integer
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)

This follows the definition of Fibonacci numbers above directly. You can try it out by loading it into GHCi. Remember, you use the :load or :l command to do this:

>>> :l Fibonacci.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Fibonacci.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
>>> fib 10

Seems to work. Now try

>>> fib 100

This didn't work so well. Press Ctrl+C to abort the computation. If you think about it, it should be obvious why we ran into trouble. The 100th Fibonacci number is rather big. If you draw out the recursion tree for computing, say the 5th Fibonacci number, you realize that the recursive definition expresses each Fibonacci number as a sum of zeroes (fib 0 = 0) and ones (fib 1 = 1).

Recursion tree for fib 5

Recursion tree for fib 5

Thus, computing the \(n\)th Fibonacci number requires at least \(F_n\) addition operations. That's a whole lot of additions for \(F_{100}\), a number of additions that even today's computers won't finish in your lifetime. We'll discuss later how we can make computing Fibonacci numbers much faster, so we can compute even the 10,000th Fibonacci number in a flash:

>>> fib 10000

For now, let's look at our second value we would like to compute, \(S_n\). Since there already exists a sum function in the Haskell standard library, and s is a bit short to be descriptive, let's call our function sumUpTo. Here's a recursive definition:

sumUpTo :: Int -> Int
sumUpTo 0 = 0
sumUpTo n = sumUpTo (n - 1) + n

This doesn't feel quite as natural as a loop, but understanding this definition is a good exercise in thinking inductively, which is the key to writing code that repeats things via recursion.

What this function says is that the sum of the numbers from \(1\) up to \(0\) is clearly \(0\), because there are no numbers between \(1\) and \(0\). If we want to know the sum of the numbers from \(1\) up to some positive number \(n\), then that's clearly the sum of the first \(n - 1\) numbers, sumUpTo (n-1), plus \(n\) itself.

Again, we can try this out, and this function works for reasonably large arguments:

>>> :l Sum.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Sum.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
>>> sumUpTo 10000000

It is not a very good implemention of sumUpTo, though, and we still have to wait a little before the output of sumUpTo 10000000 appears. Every time we make a recursive call, the state of this recursive call needs to be stored in the form of a stack frame. Thus, computing sumUpTo 10000000 creates 10 million stack frames to do something that we would have been able to do with very little working space had we implemented it using a loop, as in Python:
def sum_up_to(n):
    sum = 0
    for i in range(0,n+1):
        sum += i
    return sum

The Python code ends up being much faster in this instance, exactly because it's a simple loop that doesn't make a massive number of recursive calls:

>>> from sum import *
>>> sum_up_to(10000000)

As I said, we don't have loops in Haskell. In the next section, we discuss how to implement our sumUpTo function in a fashion that allows the compiler to translate it back into a loop, so evaluating sumUpTo n once again uses a constant amount of working space independent of the value of n. This tool is called tail call optimization. At the end of this chapter, we will see that we can also implement a tail-recursive version of our Fibonacci function, one that computes large Fibonacci numbers blindingly fast.


In Haskell, strings are just lists of characters. We can use pattern matching to distinguish between the empty string and a non-empty string:

someStringFunction ""     = ...
someStringFunction (x:xs) = ...

The pattern "" in the first equation matches the empty string. So this equation is used to implement someStringFunction only when the argument is the empty string. The pattern x:xs in the second equation matches any non-empty string. Such a string can be described as follows: The string starts with some character—this character must exist because the string is not empty—and after this initial character comes the rest of the string, which is itself a string of characters. The pattern x:xs takes the string apart into these two components: x is the first character of the string. xs is the remainder of the string and is, obviously, one character shorter than the string x:xs. Note that when using : in a pattern, we need to enclose the whole pattern in parentheses.

As in any pattern, we can use wildcards. For example, _:_ matches any non-empty string, but we don't care at all about what that string looks like. The pattern says that the string must have a head and a tail, which is the same as saying that the string is non-empty. Of course, we can also use a wildcard for ony one of the two components.

Implement two functions

isEmptyString :: String -> Bool


stringLength :: String -> Int

The former should statisfy isEmptyString "" = True and isEmptyString s = False for any other string.

The latter should return the length of the string: stringLength "Hello" = 5, for example.

Note: Since strings are just lists of characters and the standard library already gives us functions null and length to test whether a list is empty or what its length is, you could simply define isEmptyString = null and stringLength = length. Indeed, Haskell programmers simply use null and length for strings without defining string-specific functions. As an exercise though, you should implement isEmptyString and stringLength from scratch.

isEmptyString :: String -> Bool
isEmptyString "" = True
isEmptyString _  = False

This matches exactly the behaviour I said the function should require. isEmptyString "" = True. isEmptyString _ = False is used for any string that is non-empty because the pattern of the first equation does not match for such strings.

stringLength :: String -> Int
stringLength (_:xs) = 1 + stringLength xs
stringLength _      = 0

Think about how we could define the length of a string:

  • The empty string has length 0.
  • The string x:xs composed of a character x and tail xs clearly has one character more than xs. Thus, its length is 1 + stringLength xs.

Our first equation implements the second rule. We could have used the pattern x:xs—that would work just fine—but we don't really care what the first character looks like, only that it is present, so we use the wildcard instead.

The second equation applies only if the pattern of the first equation does not match. Thus, we know at this point that the string is empty without inspecting the string. Thus, we get away with using the wildcard as the pattern, and we return 0.


Implement a function

countOccurrences :: Char -> String -> Int

countOccurrences x ys should count how often the character x occurs in ys. For example, countOccurrences 's' "Mississippi" = 4 because there are four 's's in "Mississippi".

countOccurrences :: Char -> String -> Int
countOccurrences x = go
    go (y:ys) | x == y    = 1 + go ys
              | otherwise =     go ys
    go _                  = 0

This says that countOccurrence x is the same as the inner function go. In other words, if we call countOccurrence x ys, this calls go ys. If this makes no sense to you, read the section on multi-argument functions again.

Given a non-empty string y:ys, we have two cases. If x == y, then the total number of occurrences of x in y:ys is clearly one more than the number of occurrences of x in ys. go ys counts the latter recursively, and then we add 1 to the result. If x /= y, the otherwise branch, then all occurrences of x in y:ys must be in ys. Thus, we call go ys recursively to count these occurrences.

If the string does not match the pattern y:ys of the first equation for go, it must be the empty string. Thus, the second equation does not even inspect the string and returns 0. Clearly, the empty string contains no occurrence of x.

This definition is clearly correct, but it is not a very good definition. In the next section, you'll learn why and you will repeat this exercise to come up with a better definition.


Newton's method can be used to compute good approximations of various functions efficiently. For example, here is how we approximate the square root of a number to within an error of 0.0001 in Python:

def square_root(x):
    root = x
    while True:
        quot = x / root
        if abs(quot - root) < 0.0001:
            return root
        root = (quot + root) / 2

So, we start by guessing that the root is x itself. When x = 1, this is certainly true. Then we compute the quotient quot = x / root. If quot is within 0.0001 of root, then root is close enough to being the true square root of x, because quot * root = x and quot and root are nearly identical. If abs(quot - root) > 0.0001, then the true root must lie somewhere between quot and root, so we update root to the midpoint between quot and root. You can try this out. It computes decent approximations of the square root:

$ python3
>>> def square_root(x):
...     root = x
...     while True:
...         quot = x / root
...         if abs(quot - root) < 0.0001:
...             return root
...         root = (quot + root) / 2
>>> square_root(2)
>>> square_root(4)
>>> x = square_root(9)
>>> x * x

Implement this square_root function in Haskell.

squareRoot x = go x
    go root | abs (root - quot) < 0.0001 = root
            | otherwise                  = go $ (root + quot) / 2
        quot = x / root

We need something to simulate the while-loop of the Python function. Since we don't have loops, we use recursion. We need to use an inner function though, which we call go, because we need access to the argument x of squareRoot in each "iteration". The argument of go is our current estimate of the square root, root. Just as the Python code starts with root = x, we call go with x as its argument. go root computes quot = x / root in its where block. Remember, all pattern guard branches of the definition of go can see the values defined inside the where block. The first pattern guard tests whether root and quot differ by at most 0.0001. If so, go returns root. If not, we need to run for another iteration. We do this by calling go recursively and returning whatever this recursive call returns. The argument we pass to this recursive call is exactly the value to which the Python code updates root: (root + quot) / 2. Note that go (root + quot) / 2 would not work due to the precedence of function calls and operator application. The expression go (root + quot) / 2 is equivalent to (go (root + quot)) / 2. This would never terminate.

You can try that this function definition does the right thing:

>>> :{
  | squareRoot x = go x
  |   where
  |     go root | abs (root - quot) < 0.0001 = root
  |             | otherwise                  = go $ (root + quot) / 2
  |       where
  |         quot = x / root
  | :}
>>> squareRoot 2
>>> squareRoot 4
>>> x = squareRoot 9
>>> x * x

Note that this is not the only correct implementation. You could as well have used if-then-else, but Haskell programmers prefer pattern guards in most cases. Here's the implementation using if-then-else:

squareRoot x = go x
    go root = let quot = x / root
              in  if abs (root - quot) < 0.0001 then
                      go $ (root + quot) / 2

What this implementation does have in common with the implementation above is that it uses recursion. It's the only way to repeat things in a purely functional language.

  1. Even a Haskell fan boy like me often slips back into imperative lingo. Given that we don't specify steps to be executed in functional programs but we define the values of functions, the notion of "repeating steps" is in itself utter nonsense in functional languages. However, it seems impossible to compare the control flow constructs we have available in Haskell to those we are used to in imperative languages without describing the evaluation of Haskell functions in imperative terms. 

  2. Code written in Haskell is nevertheless often slower than code written in C, C++ or Rust. Recursion is not to blame for this. The culprit is Haskell's lazy evaluation, which enables lots of elegant idioms but comes with a significant performance overhead. At the same time, Haskell code is by no means inefficient. To beat the performance of well-written Haskell code by a significant margin, you need to reach for C, C++ or Rust, with all the tedium involved in performance-oriented low-level programming.