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Installing a Stack Project

Finally, once we are satisfied that our program works as intended, we usually do not want to run it using stack run. After all, the point of Haskell being a compiled language is that we can compile our Haskell code and then run the program without even having Stack or GHC installed on our computer. In order to be able to run our program without using stack, we need to install it. The command to do this is

$ stack install
Copying from /Users/nzeh/Documents/Teaching/Courses/3137/hello-world/.stack-work/install/aarch64-osx/30665e6a8eb3dd4cf3caecaaed8af8f238959b36768fc4cd801124b81c392c48/9.2.7/bin/hello-world-exe to /Users/nzeh/.local/bin/hello-world-exe

Copied executables to /Users/nzeh/.local/bin:
- hello-world-exe

This says that hello-world-exe was installed to the folder .local/bin in my home directory. If .local/bin is in my shell's path, then I can run the program in the same way as I can run any other program on my computer:

$ hello-world-exe

Once again, stack install first compiles our project before installing it if any of the source code files have changed since the last stack build, stack run or stack install command.

Note that if our program takes command line arguments, we can pass them to our program normally now, without the need to use two dashes before the list of arguments:

$ hello-world-exe <arguments to be passed to the program>

The double dashes when running the program using stack run are necessary only because entering stack run at the shell prompt (obviously) doesn't run our program directly. It runs stack with run as its first argument. stack recognizes run as an instruction to run our program. It then reads the list of command line options that follow. It treats them as options to configure stack itself until it sees two dashes. It then runs our program and passes the arguments that follow the two dashes to our program.