Restricting Exports
Consider an implementation of an \((a,b)\)-tree data structure. We would probably
put it into a module called Data.ABTree
module Data.ABTree where
import Data.List (intercalate)
data ABNode t = ABLeaf t
| ABNode Int t [ABNode t]
data ABTree t = ABTree Int Int (Maybe (ABNode t))
abKey :: ABNode t -> t
abKey (ABLeaf x) = x
abKey (ABNode _ x _) = x
abMakeNode :: Int -> [ABNode t] -> ABNode t
abMakeNode deg vs = ABNode deg (abKey $ head vs) vs
abEmptyTree :: Int -> Int -> ABTree t
abEmptyTree a b = ABTree a b Nothing
abElem :: Ord t => t -> ABTree t -> Bool
abElem = flip $ abOp
(\_ _ _ -> False )
(\x y _ -> x == y)
abInsert :: Ord t => ABTree t -> t -> ABTree t
abInsert = abOp
(\a b y -> ABTree a b (Just (ABLeaf y)))
(\x y k -> k $ [ABLeaf x | x < y] ++ [ABLeaf y] ++ [ABLeaf x | x > y])
abDelete :: Ord t => ABTree t -> t -> ABTree t
abDelete = abOp
(\a b _ -> ABTree a b Nothing)
(\x y k -> k [ABLeaf x | x /= y])
abOp :: Ord t
=> (Int -> Int -> t -> b)
-> (t -> t -> (([ABNode t] -> ABTree t) -> b))
-> ABTree t -> t -> b
abOp emptyOp _ (ABTree a b Nothing) y = emptyOp a b y
abOp _ leafOp (ABTree a b (Just r)) y = subtreeOp r (abMakeTree a b)
subtreeOp (ABLeaf x) k = leafOp x y k
subtreeOp (ABNode deg _ vs) k = subtreeOp m (\x -> k $ abRebalanceChildren a b deg ls x rs)
(ls, m, rs) = split (\v -> abKey v <= y) vs
abMakeTree :: Int -> Int -> [ABNode t] -> ABTree t
abMakeTree a b rs = case rs of
[] -> ABTree a b Nothing
[ABNode _ _ [r]] -> ABTree a b (Just r)
[r@(ABNode deg _ _)] | deg > b -> ABTree a b (Just $ abMakeNode 2 $ abSplitNode r)
[r] -> ABTree a b (Just r)
rs -> ABTree a b (Just $ abMakeNode 2 rs)
abRebalanceChildren :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [ABNode t] -> [ABNode t] -> [ABNode t] -> [ABNode t]
abRebalanceChildren a b deg ls ms rs = case ms of
[m@(ABNode mdeg _ _)]
| mdeg > b -> [abMakeNode (deg + 1) (unsplit ls (abSplitNode m ++ rs))]
| mdeg < a -> case (ls, rs) of
(_, r:rs') -> abRebalanceChildren a b (deg - 1) ls [abMergeNodes m r] rs'
(l:ls', _) -> abRebalanceChildren a b (deg - 1) ls' [abMergeNodes l m] rs
_ -> error "BUG: Internal node had degree 1"
_ -> [abMakeNode (deg + length ms - 1) (unsplit ls (ms ++ rs))]
abSplitNode :: ABNode t -> [ABNode t]
abSplitNode (ABLeaf _) = error "BUG: abSplitNode called on a leaf"
abSplitNode (ABNode deg _ vs) = [abMakeNode ldeg ls, abMakeNode rdeg rs]
ldeg = deg `div` 2
rdeg = deg - ldeg
(ls, rs) = splitAt ldeg vs
abMergeNodes :: ABNode t -> ABNode t -> ABNode t
abMergeNodes (ABNode ldeg _ ls) (ABNode rdeg _ rs) = abMakeNode (ldeg + rdeg) (ls ++ rs)
abMergeNodes _ _ = error "BUG: Called abMergeNodes on a leaf"
split :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], a, [a])
split pred = go []
go [] (r:rs') = go [r] rs'
go (l:ls') [] = (ls', l, [])
go ls@(l:ls') rs@(r:rs')
| pred r = go (r:ls) rs'
| otherwise = (ls', l, rs)
unsplit :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
unsplit = flip $ foldl (flip (:))
The public interface to an \((a,b)\)-tree consists of the data type ABTree
, and
functions abEmptyTree
, abElem
, abInsert
, and abDelete
. All other
functions in this module should be considered implementation details of these
functions that should not be shared with other modules. By changing the module
header to
module Data.ABTree
( ABTree
, abEmptyTree
, abElem
, abInsert
, abDelete
) where
we state that only the ABTree
type and the four functions in this list should
be exported. This list after the module name is called an export list. Any
data type, type class or function not included in this list is now private to
our module.