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null and length

For lists, we have functions null and length. null tells us whether a list is empty:

>>> null []
>>> null [1]

length tells us the length of a list:

>>> length [1,5,1]

Similarly, we can ask whether a container is empty or how many elements it contains.

The default implementation of null for arbitrary foldable containers is sneaky:

null :: t a -> Bool
null = foldr (\_ _ -> False) True

Woah. If the container is empty, then the result of foldr is the initial value, which is True in this case, exactly what we want for empty containers. If the container is non-empty, then the final result of foldr is obtained by applying the accumulator function to the first container element and the result of accumulating the remaining elements recursively. In this case, the accumulator function does not care what its arguments look like—it uses two wildcards—and simply returns False. Thus, the result is False for non-empty containers, again exactly what we want. Incidentally, laziness combined with the accumulator function not caring about its arguments means that this application of foldr does not accumulate the whole container. It simply returns True if the container is empty, and evaluates the accumulator function once to produce False if the container is non-empty. So, null is a constant-time operation for most foldable containers.

length is easily implemented using a left-fold:

length :: t a -> Int
length = foldl' (\c _ -> c + 1) 0

For the empty container, the result is simply 0. For a non-empty container, we start with an initial count of 0 and then walk down the container. The accumulator function takes the current count and a container element it does not care about, and returns the current count plus 1. At the end of traversing the container, we thus obtain the total count of all elements in the container.

Maybe we do want to try whether this gives us the results we'd expect not only for lists but also for Maybe and trees:

>>> null Nothing
>>> null (Just 5)

The Nothing container is empty, and Just 5 stores an element, so it is not. Similarly, since Nothing is empty, its length should be 0, whereas the length of Just 5 should be 1 because it contains a single element:

>>> length Nothing
>>> length (Just 5)

The empty tree is, well, empty and has no elements:

>>> null Empty
>>> length Empty

Using the non-empty tree from before, which contains 4 elements, we also obtain the desired results:

>>> tree = Node Empty 5 (Node (Node Empty 3 Empty) 1 (Node Empty 2 Empty))
>>> null tree
>>> length tree