Symbiosis as a metaphor for Hierarchical Policy Search in Genetic Programming:
One of the early developments in (biological) evolution resulted in the transition from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. At
the centre of symbiosis lies the ability of organisms (bacteria) to inherit material from different species of
organism. Thus, for symbiosis to actually take place, the context of the inherited material -- candidate symbiont --
w.r.t. that of the `host' organism must be clearly established. Models of symbiosis therefore pay considerable
attention to how host `compartments' control symbiont content.
A set of five factors appear to play a significant role in establishing
frameworks for symbiosis: Spatial relation between potential symbionts; Temporal relationships between
`compartment' and candidate symbionts; Metabolic or the mechanism for communication between symbionts;
or the
process by which alignment of genetic material is established; and the nature of the Coevolutionary
relationship, where
a mutualistic relation is often assumed, but this might actually have began as an openly adversarial relation and over
time became mutualistic.
Framework for Symbiotic Evolution in Genetic Programming
In order to get to this point, however, there are several general evolutionary systems concepts that need to be
available to successfully support the scaling of Evolutionary Computation paradigms to real-world problem domains.
Specifically, a major contributing factor to supporting diversity in (biological) evolution is the environment in which
evolution takes place. Thus, as the wider `ecosystem' changes, different traits are favoured in the population of
organisms. This concept also implies that the organisms are competing with each other to establish their respective
niches. Natural selection will then select the appropriate survivors. From a learning system perspective this means
that we have a `point' population that defines the cases against which evaluation of the candidate (host)
population of
organisms takes place. The interaction between point and host populations is that of a competition a.k.a competitive
coevolution. From the perspective of a biological ecosystem this represents a major mechanism for speciation (in the
host population) as in the definition of geographic barriers (dichopatric speciation) or the isolation of founder
populations (peripatric speciation) to name but two. From a machine learning perspective, without speciation, we
curtail our ability to support (automatic) problem decomposition. Without a point population we will need to evolve the
host organisms over the some `complete' set of training instances -- where this is generally infeasible in practice or
at least very in efficient.
From an Evolutionary Computation perspective the mechanism governing the interaction between point and host population
might be as simple as stochastic sampling of states defining the world, or as complex as a pair-wise Pareto
optimal policy of replacement (the later unfortunately being rather expensive computationally). The principle factor in
distinguishing which policy for competitive coevolution to adopt
appears to be the informativeness of the cost function expressing the relative performance of hosts relative to the
test conditions defined by the point population. The more (less) informative the cost function the more (less)
appropriate stochastic sampling becomes.
Symbiosis operates within this general framework -- as would any model of inheritance -- with the general architecture
for a single host--symbiont population as summarized by the following architecture for the case of Symbiotic-Bid Based
(SBB) Genetic Programming:
In essence, symbionts are initialized with a single `atomic' action, defined a priori relative to the
Thus, under a classification contact symbiont actions are sampled from the set of class labels. This implies that a
host must consist of at least two symbionts with dissimilar actions in order to provide a non-degenerate behaviour.
Moreover, the symbiont actions are NOT evolved. Instead, the goal of symbionts is to evolve a program
representing a bidding policy. The bidding policy establishes the context under which the symbionts'
action is
employed. This naturally assumes a model of coevolution between symbionts based on cooperation. At the host level, the
goal is to evolve the combination of symbionts which identify a `fit' host relative to others in the host population.
Given a training scenario defined by the point population -- say, exemplar for classification -- symbionts from the
same host run their respective bidding algorithms. Only the host symbiont with largest bid gets to suggest their
action. It is relative to this action that the cost function is evaluated.
From the perspective of the representation assumed at host and symbiont populations, individuals of the host
population are merely indexing subsets of symbionts from the symbiont population under a variable length chromosome. As
such the host population takes the form of a `Genetic Algorithm' that is adapted under a `breeder' style generational
framework. There is no particular magic to this decision. That said, given that we are making use of fitness sharing to
explicitly maintain diversity at the host population, the initial work utilized crossover as well as mutation by way of
the search operators. This turned out to result in premature convergence, particularly in reinforcement style
problem domains. Moreover, there is a hidden assumption in the use of crossover -- at least from the perspective of
Evolutionary Computation -- whereby parents exchanging material under the crossover metaphor are assumed to be members
of the same species. This is relatively easy to establish under biology. However, species identification when
competitive models of coevolution such as fitness sharing are employed is a nontrivial problem. Indeed Genetic
Algorithms have frequently relied on references to spatial locality to facilitate species identification or diversity
(through the application of appropriate distance functions and radii). However, no such concept of distance exists
here. Thus, since 2010 we have concentrated on asexual reproduction, thus replying on several forms of mutation
as our search operator.
In the case of the symbiont population, the population itself is not of a fixed size. Specifically, symbionts `die'
when they are no longer indexed by individuals from the host population. Variation in the symbiont population is
achieved through the action of the mutation operator at the host, care of the breeding cycle. Thus, each generation
will result in a fixed number of hosts being replaced by new hosts. The hierarchical relationship between host and
symbiont populations results in a variable number of symbionts dying/ being borne.
Under classification domains the host-symbiont metaphor appears to be particularly effective at providing simple
solutions that decompose the overall problem with very low attribute support/ program complexity.
- See for example Doucette, Lichodzijewski
and Heywood (2009) where an earlier version of the SBB algorithm is applied to classification data sets with up to
100,000 attributes.
Moreover, the computational efficiency of the model appears to scale to both large exemplar counts and attribute
Problem decomposition and Hierarchical model building under Evolutionary Policy
Generalizing this to a framework for hierarchical model building implies that the hosts previously
evolved become candidate
actions for a new layer of host--symbionts, as per the following figure. This results in a very natural metaphor for
hierarchical reinforcement learning or layered learning. No a priori decomposition of the problem domain
is necessary (although this can naturally be included). The resulting architectures are completely evolved under a
single cost function. Archichecturally the Layered SBB framework has the following form:
Recent results indicate that the Layered SBB model is particularly effective under reinforcement
learning domains.
- See for example Lichodzijewski
and Heywood (2010b) where an initial study is performed under the very challenging domain of the Rubik Cube.
- Tutorial under for truck reversal and Acrobot Handstand task
Real-valued Actions and Future development
One generalization of the basic SBB algorithm enables the algorithm to build regression models. In effect the bidding
policy of each symbiont identifies the subset of exemplars on which a regression model is built. Experiments currently
under way are considering the case of piece-wise regression, with possible extensions including the use of Temporal
Difference methods for providing real-valued control policies.
Future work potentially includes a wide range of issues, a short list of which might look like:
- Identification and matching of ecological niches from the point population to subsets of hosts. Given that
hosts are rewarded for their diversity why should hosts be measured
relative to contexts against which they are not adapted?
- Identification of limits to the resource allocated to each layer of evolution. An arbitrary number of breeding
epochs is currently a priori allocated to each layer for which host evolution takes place. A more satisfactory model
would be based on the a measure of adaptiveness demonstrated by a layer. After performance stagnates, a new layer might
be initialized.
- Relationships to related work such as Temporal Difference methods for parameter tuning of piece-wise linear
models utilized in real-valued SBB or transfer learning in which tasks previously learnt are redeployed under new