62744495-1633-u I don't think we want the `exception_message` to show unless we're on prod. Is this really what it does in other products? 62745196-1633-u Let's delete it. We'll see the exception in the logs, and the user does not need to see that. 62745357-1633-u There might be some logic to not set the error message in the context if it's prod cause I don't remember ever seeing an exception message on prod 61884755-1625-nu `account.account_group.account_group_id` is one of the best bits of code arround. 61893042-1625-nu haha is there no helper property on ``` account ``` ? this still makes me laugh though so w/e 59757758-1621-nu Why get the account_group_id off the request when it's a parameter? 59936738-1621-nu not sure how I feel about removing "ajax" from all these routes, I kind of liked that they were easy to identify 60442700-1621-nu Everything will be ajax one day 59425661-1619-nu looks good 58734224-1615-nu @utandukar-va do you know if its possible to do this direct to github so we wouldn't have to care about caching? 0_0 or maybe we can fix this in a better way 57978311-1611-u double float left 57978361-1611-nu what does * html do 57978541-1611-nu im stupid this is the generated file 56841121-1602-nu :+1: 55392381-1595-u Probably just do `hostname = self.partner` 55394450-1595-nu We should maybe have a more descriptive name for this... `is_recent_within_one_day` I guess it doesn't really matter since we only use it once and all the information is there but I don't feel like deleting everything I typed. ? 55394592-1595-nu Is using `all` overkill? I'm just wondering. 55394716-1595-u `search_summary = self._get_search_summary()` 55395302-1595-nu I'd rather keep the name `is_recent`. The within one day should be obviously from the code. Also if we change what recent is (eg. a twitter lead is recent if it's within 3 days) then we don't need to worry about changing the variable name. 55395405-1595-u I think you mean `hostname=self.partner.hostname` but I agree. 55396595-1595-nu I like the idea we had with location page review and comments where we made a send method on the class and then let that do the validation. I think this change can go up without it but I think at some point we should figure out how we want to structure these activities and do the same thing for each. 55032690-1591-u Debugging? 54960382-1590-u I believe that you've got `labels` on here just because it's in the parent class' method signature. You don't actually exercise that method though (no super call), so you should be able to omit it completely here. 54960821-1590-u I'd put a `u` prefix on this string to prevent potential unicode problems. As a general rule of thumb I would recommend always using a unicode literal when using `.format()` or `%s` replacement. 54252232-1588-nu The issue is that it was calculating 25MB wrong, correct? I don't think this comment quite gets that across. This is a minor change though so not a big deal. 54161741-1585-nu There's a way to call uri_for and specify scheme and netloc `uri_for('page-name', post_id=post_id, _netloc=hostname, _scheme='http')` That said, I can't remember the last time I've seen us change a URL such that having the named references is really any benefit. It's kinda nice regardless. 54171728-1585-nu Oh yeah, we aren't within webapp2 (this is running within a task), so I guess we cant (or atleast I'm not sure how we could) 53956484-1582-u Could you pass in the datetime here? That way we never try to create a RSSFeedItem without a `posted_date`? 53957313-1582-u I don't know the whole workflow for creating these. Does this hang around for a while before it's put? A few minutes shouldn't really matter 52744659-1565-u Is this supposed to be `'Social Post'` or `'Customer Post'`? 52744766-1565-u Is there some sort of constant that can represent `'SM'`? 52745453-1565-u Do we intend to leave this todo in the code? 52745996-1565-u Making this a `build_payload(token)` method would make this read a little cleaner and we could test that we build the proper payload. Would that be overkill? Thought I'd ask since I'm not sure 52746196-1565-u Should we do this now? 52612380-1561-nu does it matter if more than one modal has the same z-index? like will every browser behave the same and show the last one in the list on top even if other overlays in the list have the same z-index? 50195956-1553-nu 0_0 Maybe add a comment? Or make a SuperAdminHandler with the explanation? This is kinda like a lie/super scary 49091207-1540-nu What does `query_deleted` mean? why would we ever use phone if its stale data? 48268336-1539-nu There's no state to this object (yet?), so I think this could be a bit nicer to read and to use (since you currently need to `new` this object to use it) by using something like the revealing module pattern. This guy makes the case for it pretty well using an angular service as an example: https://github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide#style-y053 ``` // Module interface return { showLeadsBadge: showLeadsBadge, ... } // Module implementation function showLeadsBadge() { ... } ``` You can flip the two sections if you can't use function declarations for some reason 48268447-1539-nu Is using an animation vs transition easier since we don't need a base class to transition from? 50040982-1539-u would call this ``` self.badges ``` 50041187-1539-u Handler 50041773-1539-nu This is on every page handler now? Is it pretty expensive? It'd be nice to make the compose modal as lazy loading as possible 50041861-1539-nu should this thing really be a nav ko component? 50042080-1539-nu change the name of this js model/var from DashboardViewModel to AnalyticsViewModel or something like that 50042559-1539-nu about the feature flipper... is it still needed if you are keeping the analytics page? whats the plan for it getting turned on for everyone? 50042801-1539-nu could be put into the initialization of vcompose maybe? like this only happens when you click compose post, and vcompose doesnt try to render (loading spinner thingy) until we figure out this parameter for it 50043006-1539-nu Interesting number 50044764-1539-nu typo: accoutns 50044904-1539-nu Any benefit to this being in a template? doesnt seem like it 50045537-1539-u The logic in file is now officially mind blasting 50045588-1539-nu Whats this for? 50045793-1539-u ya O_o 47161732-1535-u Is this check really valuable? 47163188-1535-u ? 45914972-1520-u Anyone know why there is a try/except nested inside a try/finally instead of having a try/except/finally? 45916132-1520-u ok felix 45917342-1520-u could we use restructured text format here to get the type hinting? ```python """ :returns: whether or not the leads feature is enabled :rtype: boolean """ ``` 45917369-1520-u I realize it's not super useful here, but it's a good habit to be in 45928044-1520-nu Does this _really_ need to be an exception? We've been talking about that at Monitoring COP lately. What's the actionable from this log item? If nothing, make this a warning or something imo. 45928295-1520-u Make this a one-line docstring, to match the one above (or do the opposite) 44221615-1510-nu there is a cis-login gutter switch on prod/demo. It doesn't seem to have any conditions set? Global state with consent checkbox ticked? Either way you might be able to remove that and gutter or just not commit this line 42392621-1497-nu Was this not being used by anything? 40718983-1489-nu What's going on here? This is coming from core's API, we should be able to parse it using the regular strptime where we pass it the format. At the very least I would say that IF for some reason we need to use datetime_parser, that you should just be able to set the posted date to the result of it without recreating it... 40722368-1489-nu Fair enough. We could probably update the core API (juuuust added) to return a better formatted datetime. 39763451-1480-nu move this down 39406900-1474-nu are there 2 versions of mock in SM still? 39407088-1474-nu Ya removing it's fine. 39407144-1474-nu wait, vtest no longer contains mock, but instead has it as a dependency? 38135013-1461-nu :+1: 38135038-1461-u Should this be removed? 38135087-1461-u Too much whitespace 37653344-1455-nu Are we still `POST`ing something with this handler? I thought all the Postman tests for this were `GET`s. 37655417-1455-nu In retrospect we could have left the old `
` tags in the page and removed this padding to get the look we wanted. I don't feel strongly about changing it though. 37656641-1455-nu I thought SM was converted to a unified colour pallet, and that these were supposed to be variables. I'm surprised to see even hex values here. 37755445-1455-nu Why are you getting only one page at a time and looping in js to get all the pages? 37224089-1448-u AccountModel entities are SM accounts, not account groups. You'll need to call .get() after build_key to retrieve the actual entity and be able to access its properties as you do below. 37224365-1448-u e.message is actually deprecated and will be raged at by pylint. apparently you're supposed to use e.args[0]. I find that weird personally, but that's what we've been doing lately 37224609-1448-u also do you need to use ``` logging.ERROR ```? i think you want logging.error which is a method, I believe ``` ERROR ``` is some sort of enum in the logging module (same thing with info vs INFO) 37225117-1448-u what is row[1] ? I find this all very specific... I'm not sure a CSV MR is even worth doing this for 81 accounts, especially not if we're writing code to match some weird csv format given to us by a customer. either fix the csv so that it only includes relevant information or extract the value pairs and defer tasks to do the actual operation in a vconsole script (with test runs on other environment for different agids). 37360613-1443-nu dunno if this needs to be an object really... could just be module functions/constants? 37360629-1443-nu doesnt look like this is used? 37361669-1443-u typo, ics should be cis 37418319-1443-u Why are we commenting out gutter_config? Does it add overhead on performance when there is nothing using it? 36472768-1442-u copy pasted docstring 36472799-1442-u I think this is a POST 36472984-1442-u should probably pass ``` require_https=true ``` so that it logs them out of the same CIS they were logged in to 36473068-1442-u also I think maybe we should start thinking about how to generalize this, since there's a very similar route calculation done in the landing page handlers. we should try to generalize what we can 37020296-1442-nu cool 37020435-1442-nu can this go on just the logout route? not sure if we want to kill the cache for all landing pages all the time 37021367-1442-nu :+1: 37021656-1442-nu would rather us not worry about the issue for now. i think we want vauth middleware to set these header policies on authed routes all the time if we truly care 35274386-1435-u can replace this loop with ``` ndb.delete_multi(old_rss_feed_keys) ``` provided old_rss_feed_keys is just a list of the keys (looks like it) 35006131-1432-u We might have to keep an eye on this, that it doesn't slow down if it generates 'hits' in the datastore. Or have a MR that cleans up the tokens and also cleans up the unique values 35006252-1432-nu :+1: 35006354-1432-u Returns only the token 35006424-1432-nu Where was this being called from? 35006960-1432-nu Disregard my previous comment about the token Map Reduce, might want to think about deleting the unique value here as well. 35007868-1432-u This could be async'd before doing the nonce stuff 35007965-1432-u We ended up not using the SDK -- I wonder if this auth client should be in the sdk? 35012759-1432-u Also if theres no next_url -- might be confusing in logs 35013046-1432-u `if nonce_token.is_expired:` ? 35013464-1432-u The other ones should only be seen by people trying to break our shit, though they might get seen when we break our own shit... but this one could definitely happen to a real person mistakenly using the wrong credentials for the account they're trying to get to. Does making this not just a 403 screen fall under future stories? 35015110-1432-u I don't see any in this PR, but is there a plan to utilize this expiry kwarg? It seems weird to let people set their own 35019394-1432-u Hmm, that would be easy enough to do after the 5 minute expiry one was put. I think making it configurable adds overhead to understanding this stuff and a potential for misuse 35027340-1432-u Should be 401 for unauthorized 35027731-1432-u I agree with @dwalker-va we should either redirect user to VBC/partner dashboard where they could select correct account group. Or may be add a link in error page to go to the VBC/partner dashboard. But in both case we'll need to set vbc session in CIS 34573618-1427-u I definitely don't think we need all three of these. Looks like our AccountUpdateHandler only takes AccountId and CustomerIdentifier, we should probably stick with just those 2. You could also probably use the `get_account_from_args` from that handler as well. Or use this one and change the other one to use this one. 34578448-1427-nu :+1: 34584884-1427-nu :+1: 34585366-1427-u you didnt change this but extra comma after _. minorly surprised that is valid python 34585632-1427-u I think it's like a trailing `,` in an list or dictionary 34067320-1422-u it 'should not be postable' ? 34067939-1422-nu keep reading this as ```global-warming``` 34068495-1422-u would prefer ```self.postable``` or ```self.isPostable``` rather than a negative boolean 34069261-1422-u no tests? :( good test would be to check that something is added to self.warnings on a 200, nothing added on 4xx/5xx 34072417-1422-u make sure to update these usages of `notPostable` 34075873-1422-u i think if we keep using fetch we gotta figure out how to unit test it. doesnt have to be now, but soon hopefully. 34076052-1422-u :+1: 34065670-1421 Not hotjar but may be GA. 34067239-1421-u If the user comes from email to the landing page and they won't have anywhere to go back to as it will open in a new tab. Should we have link to `/overview/` here ? 34067271-1421-nu :+1: 34068277-1421-u Looks like you can get the length https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms534105%28v=vs.85%29.aspx 34068341-1421-nu I think these are good, then they can show up in ga stats 34072707-1421-nu I like the error pages being seperate 33951247-1416-u @jprokop-va turned this off for test I think? 33951530-1416-u Yeah, just demo and prod IMO 33951623-1416-u :+1: I think this can actually be determined by the page they're on, but I think this is neat 33938377-1415-nu :+1: 33872063-1412-nu Our sdk generation keeps flipping this back and forth :person_frowning: 33827973-1410-u  is this intentionally called foo? lol 33828262-1410-nu is there a variable with a better name for this? assigning $WHITE_FONT_COLOR to styling on a td border is pretty weird. There is $WHITE_BACKGROUND_COLOR... Is there a WHITE_BORDER_COLOR or something like that which can be used? 33828377-1410-nu same kinda comment as I had about border color, assigning $SECONDARY_FONT_COLOR to a box shadow variable is odd. Is there an equivalent variable with a better suited name already, or what do you think would be more appropriate? 33828865-1410-nu You'll have to update the vcompose library to change these as the next time we bring the updated library into SM it will over write them 33829032-1410-nu @jrolheiser-va repo for vcompose located here: https://github.com/vendasta/VA-vcomponents 33801229-1409-u could do ``` feed = feed or legacy_feed if feed: feed.key.delete() ``` 33801471-1409-u I would do: ```python feed = key.get() if feed: return key.delete() legacy_feed = UserRssFeedModel.build_key(account_id, pid, url, legacy=True).get() if legacy_feed: return return legacy_feed.key.delete() raise SMExceptionNotFound("RSS Feed entity not found for Key: %r", key) ``` This will prevent us doing an additional key.get if we find the first one. 33624099-1408-nu included jquery but aren't using it? 33624199-1408-nu typo ``` self. notificationBannerCookie ``` 33624263-1408-u what's the reasoning behind the 30 day expiry? 33624515-1408-u i think if they dismiss it, we never want it to expire. they can clear their cookies ofc, but it'd be weird to see it come back after a month. 33626286-1408-u `Setup Notifications` here but `Setup notifications` in the cta, not sure which but I think should be same 33626351-1408-u indent 33278732-1405-nu o_O @ github's formatting here 33278914-1405-nu this also applies to phones? 33280793-1405-u This should already be imported from the fec-base 33094071-1399-nu why'd you choose 569? 33094403-1399-nu not familiar with media queries, how is this different than the above? 33095190-1399-nu ooook thanks. i missed the bracket 33095972-1399-nu I think we had these as h2 for typography styles, did the style change? 33096273-1399-u empty lines before rules We could really do with setting up the same linting in these projects as FEC does 33161254-1399-nu Hmm, I think the h2 should be giving a light font weight 33359329-1398-nu I think we should change it to use vapi AjaxHandler 32971572-1396-nu I'm okay with `visiblePreviousComments` be on SocialPost. It does makes sense to have it on SocialPost to have same interface and only TwitterSocialPost is the only one using it. 32942607-1390-u You could delete this old codes 32953852-1390-u I'd prefer a class over specifying it like this. 32076308-1384-nu indent 32076577-1384-u Shouldn't need this anon function here 32161518-1384-nu Only check postable services? 31940875-1383-u `return_value=self.account`, no spacing around `=` 31947929-1383-u shouldn't the product be 'GS' here ? 31933950-1382-nu what are your thoughts on putting this in FEC? I like the idea of hide, pull-left, pull-right utility classes 31933973-1382-u indent 31934059-1382-nu I like the idea that it's in it's own row. It separates that from the actual template better 31767096-1376-nu hehehe 31772502-1376-nu I think that was probably me :) 31359364-1369-u To lock FronEndCentral to 0.1.0 version for SM, this should be updated to `"FrontEndCentral": "https://github.com/vendasta/FrontEndCentral.git#~0.1.0"` 31360087-1369-u I don't think we need 2 ways to call `get_partner_whitelabel_config` as `market_id` is `None` by default. 31361120-1369-u What is this text binding for? 31361427-1369-u mauve mauve mauve mauve mauve mauve mauve mauve 31428120-1369-u These should be in `devDependencies` as they are required to compile css. 31428529-1369-u On the second thought, I think it's good to have it in `dependencies` as they compile css which are required to run the project. 31435002-1369-nu woo, love that markup 31435121-1369-nu I don't think we need versioned routes for UI. Can we just have `/public/post/details/...` 31340262-1365-nu @bbassingthwaite-va, what is this? And what happens if it's not here? Because I never wrote this before for the pipelines I made but I was able to find pipelines in the datastore. 31340919-1365-nu @bbassingthwaite-va so this method operates on two different entity groups. One is with the legacy with the parent key and the other is the migrated leads model, right? 31341144-1365-u I think you missed test_ here: test_migrate_deletes_legacy_key 31341214-1365-nu @bbassingthwaite-va what's the message for? 31155883-1361-u doc string. 29971636-1341-nu When can this happen? 30138628-1340-u If we're not using cached social profile, it is better to remove these functions that caching social profile. 29863161-1339-u You can reduce nesting by combining these two `if`s since there is no other path. You also check `has_sm` in both branches so maybe this could be simplified further? ```py if entity.has_sm: account = acount_key.get() if account and entity.deleted_flag: # delete elif account: # update else: # why isn't there a SM account? ``` 29863901-1339-u You don't need to do the get here, it doesn't provide any value the delete call will check that the account exists before it deletes it 29864359-1339-u I think this should go in the post put hook of the account group. Instead of tying the deleting of the SM account to the pubsub message, it would then be tied to the actuall pseudo delete of the account group 29890952-1339-nu Have `UpdateAccountGroupHandler` already been removed? 29948219-1339-u with this we'd now be using the pubsub message to delete accounts when they are removed from the account group? I don't think that will cause any issues, I just want to confirm that's the intended behaviour as we will probably still be recieving the api calls to do that. 29948407-1339-u Looks like you are passing the key in here, and not the account id, I don't think that will work 29948921-1339-u Since the `message` here is an account group vobject, we could maybe rename these to be a bit simpler to understand, but since we're doing stuff with `account.account_group` that might make it confusing. Just a comment for future `VMessageHandler`s. 30073903-1339-nu Not a fan of this put directly in the process function (which is the view), isn't there a transactional (or in this case a function that would join the transaction) update sm account function? 29440551-1332-u This is a weird comment, and doesn't really mean anything 29440656-1332-u Most of these comments for the following properties don't provide any information, can you please remove them 29440876-1332-nu return: geopoint created from the lat/long of the account group would be more appropriate as this doesn't actually augment the account group 29440880-1332-u I think this should be the same one as on the account group? (ie computed) 29440994-1332-u oh man, is this actually a thing for SM still? I don't have the context, maybe @utandukar-va would know 29441380-1332-u So if they change the business name in VBC I don't think it'll reflect here because this isn't computed right now 29441472-1332-nu hm can we use any of the various service category-ish things from the account group instead? 29441901-1332-nu where is this used? are you guys writing a mapreduce or can you explain the migration scheme? 29442715-1332-u No, they are all paid, this could be removed 29443134-1332-u I would really like that to be the case too, but there's some weirdness now surrounding cases where they can change in other products. So, I've been instructed to do it this way for now. Hopefully there will be some work done in the near future to sort out what we're doing with customer IDs across the board. 29443265-1332-u they can change in different products??? Or the products themselves have customer ids that aren't related to the customer id of their parent account group? That would make sense to me 29443404-1332-u ya if thats the case my recommendation would be to just not migrate this data at all. it certainly doesnt mean anything to vbc or anyone else (i presume)