CommentID Class PostID Score Comment Text =============== ====== ====== ===== ============================================================================= 15709225 C3 32336 11 I was having a hard time getting this working even with trying various tweaks. As suggested on a related post, I found that it was actually my antivirus that was preventing emails from being successfully sent. The antivirus in question is McAffee, and its "Access Protection" has a "Antivirus Standard Protection" category that has a "Prevent mass mailing worms from sending email" rule. Tweaking / disabling that rule got this code working for me! 2668632 C3 2652481 31 Bear in mind the JIT is free to inline methods, which might throw this off. To force a method to not be inlined, add the [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] attribute. 24769657 C7 8911646 16 The best part in SO is that people like Raymond Chen and @EricLippert participate.. No words! 17838428 C5 10380166 7 I just need bytes for my crypto to work, i think you answer still rocks! 1749468 C6 1705604 120 That last Console.WriteLine made me laugh real hard. I think you should throw a `CommonlyAcceptedCosmologicTheoriesWrongException` instead. 14732224 C2 82473 9 Looking at getters and setters as methods, I don't see why it should be a "breach of contract" any more than adding a new method. A base-class contract has nothing to do with what functionality is *not* present, only with what *is* present. 149203 C5 233505 67 "Best damn piece of code I have seen :) Just solved a million problems in my project :)" 4370385 C2 4057391 16 For the sake of completness, let's add that the above piece of code must be wrapped in a method that is adorned with an async keyword. This method shall immediately return as soon as the first await keyword is encountered therein. 39600990 C2 25390969 13 The tendency towards 84 (mod 200) is only if you chain `System.Random` in this very specific way. Not for any seed to produce 84 (mod 200) on the third value. 2646610 C7 2633016 177 I'm pretty sure this summons a velociraptor. 13335897 C3 212707 15 You should not use the IV like this. For a given two messages, they should not have been encrypted with the same Key and same IV. The IV should be random for each message, prepended to the cryptostream, and read out before decryption. 21172343 C4 10380166 13 -1 for the answer. +1 for David's and artbristol's comments above. Of course there is an in-memory representation of strings in .NET. It happens to be little endian UTF-16. When you get the byte array, you are getting them in *that* encoding. If all you * 1895055 C2 151560 10 This is imho a much better reason to put using statements locally than Mark's multiple-namespaces-in-one-file argument. Especially sine the compile can and will complain about the naming clash (see the StyleCop documentation for this rule (e.g. as posted by Jared)). 270848 C7 371348 12 Can I ask ahy are you multiplying with such factors? 5687297 C5 32336 6 Nice Coding Standards. Working fine. 11147112 C7 8911646 12 You're just teasing the rest of us with your exercise, aren't you ;) 4985785 C2 2640011 6 @Jon Skeet: I'm not sure if I agree that contracts don't need testing. More specifically, it's not the contract that is being tested, but rather the behavior that the method will throw when a contract is violated. Let's say the specification for a method 737027 C2 926806 55 What I care about is not the behaviour; either behaviour seems justifiable. What I care about is that its not _specified_, which means it cannot easily be tested. In this case, we're defining our own operator, so we can specify whatever behaviour we like. i don't care whether that behaviour is "throw" or "don't throw", but I do care that it be stated. 4991075 C1 2640011 11 @Jason: Do you also test that the method can't be called with the wrong argument types, too? I mean surely the method signature is part of the specification, too... so do you have a unit test which uses reflection to try to call a method taking a string, 2153580 C5 1705604 14 Code that makes me laugh - in a good way! +1 9623990 C7 7877736 14 @Eric: If/when you ever stop loving coding, you should consider going for teaching programmers. Beside the fun, you could be making a killing without the pressures of business. Awesome flair is what you got in that area (and wonderful patience, I might ad 7643758 C3 6498692 12 A GUID is not a random number and if you substring it is not necessarily even going to be unique 9499498 C7 4671668 14 I don't know about you, but I read the one without formatting better. Especially when I want to know what goes where, I have to go back and forth between the text and the params, and that's not even counting the possibility of miscounting and getting it wrong (that may not be an issue with fewer parameters, but go over 10 and it stops being fun). As Ashley pointed out, the second point is null if you use the formatting built in the ToString method. I agree with the third one, but I don't think I'll ever use it outside of that particular case. 9306643 C6 619859 9 @Gravitas: Useful or not, it's certainly not available today. I suspect if this feature were ever to show up, it would require rather more careful design than we can do in comments :) 2838190 C7 154803 15 Thanx much! Your footnote on "What volatile is actually good for" is what I was looking for and confirmed how I want to use volatile. 1884177 C3 1970001 15 it's not always a question of whether or not "you can easily return an empty array", but rather of whether or not an empty array might be misleading in the current context. An empty array actually means something, as does null. To say that you should always return an empty array rather than null, is almost as misguided as saying you a boolean method should always return true. Both possible values convey a meaning. 16509961 C4 151560 7 I think this is more of a bad naming convention rather than changing the place of your using. There shouldn't be a class called Math in your solution 8500934 C4 5325861 6 @Cargowire - I agree, that scenario exists, and it is frustrating when you know what you are doing but are not allowed to do it due to limitations. However, had this been allowed, there would be lots of frustrated developers complaining about their data g 3576109 C7 619859 17 Yeah but what's wrong with that, there's no suitable Bar constructor because it doesn't satisfy the interface properly. That'd be like saying you can't define methods in interfaces because if you don't implement it, it won't work. 633114 C3 136092 546 throw ex is one if those really common mistakes. As a rule of thumb: You NEVER want to throw ex, since that generates a new exception, with an empty call stack. throw simply throws the existing exception higher. 21311495 C7 15117741 15 @MarkHurd: I think you're not getting the full impact of what I'm saying here. It's not a question of what the C# compiler or the VB compiler does. The C# compiler is permitted to give *either answer* to that question *at any time for any reason*. You can 333159 C6 174223 13 It's all good, Erik. The only reason /I/ knew about it is that I'm compiler theory nerd who read the ECMA-334 specs with a magnifying glass. 10922853 C6 8763548 25 +1 for generating a surprisingly coherent error message. 10918 C7 82473 45 I am still not convinced. Even if there is no explicit setter, this doesn't guarantee that the property will always return the same object - it can still be changed by some other method. 36907987 C2 23949829 11 Note that due to brain-damaged semantics of the modulo operation, this can give a result that is off by one, namely rounded up rather than down, if negative values for the variables are allowed. For instance if x,y are positive multiples of 3, and z is -2, you get `(x+y)/3` which is too much. 13590273 C6 136092 12 The else is kind of redundant. 32057093 C7 21273904 18 I love the short answer. 688606 C7 881489 34 @Eoin: If its not instantiated it'd be rather difficult to log it. 328211 C6 174223 31 Damn - I've been programming with C# since the early days of 1.0, and I've *never* seen this until now. Just goes to show, you learn new things every day. 11061599 C2 8853974 28 Good answer, though I note that it is not quite accurate to say "exactly identical" in your first example. It is exactly identical to `List temp = new List(); temp.Add(1); ... List a = temp;` That is, the `a` variable is not initialized until *after* all the adds are called. Otherwise it would be legal to do something like `List a = new List() { a.Count, a.Count, a.Count };` which is a crazy thing to do. 1884217 C7 1970001 9 For example, an UI component (from a library out of your control), might be rendering an empty table if an empty collection is passed, or no table at all, if null is passed 13339555 C4 212707 6 Using a random IV for each message is not exotic or new, just important and part of the design of the algorithm. Using a predictable IV for every message is a common crypto mistake that doesn't need to be perpetuated. 2312303 C2 424414 19 @Ant: I don't have to. Since we have only one instance of each AuthenticationMethod the reference equality inherited from Object works fine. 21274649 C7 15117741 9 When _Eric Lippert_ answered the same question with me, I always feel `damn! my answer doesn't look logical anymore..` 5175483 C4 4691582 10 @Power-Mosfet: Because it swallows *all* exceptions *silently*: you can't tell when *anything's* gone wrong. a) it's almost always a bad idea to handle all exceptions uniformly; b) it's almost always a bad idea to swallow exceptions, taking no action (not 19872341 C7 14301496 6 @GoloRoden, why are you calling the interface ICanLog instead of ILogger? I worked with another programmer who often did this, and I could never understand the convention? To me it is like calling IEnumerable ICanEnumerate? 14459412 C6 10380166 13 Well, the way I think about it is: I'm not a judge. I don't ask for "evidence" from the OP to try to prove his case before I answer him (contrary to what others might try to do). He *clearly* said, "Can't I simply get what bytes the string has been stored in? Why this dependency on encoding?", to which my answer is 100% accurate, more than the others on this page IMO. And IMO he's understood the caveats by now. Also, the fact that the answer was from 3 years ago is irrelevant. But again, if you'd rather ask for "evidence" first, then that's your style, and feel free to keep the downvote.. 110059 C7 31929 61 holy detailed answer batman! :) 16949161 C5 469315 7 Wow... It's almost unbelieveable to see something implemented in a more verbose way in C# than in Java 25752459 C1 17673433 47 Is this really considered cleaner? 34312325 C6 22544510 83 The idea on SO is that you are learning something, not just copy pasting the code. The code could be viewed later by others and help them as well, so deleting it doesn't seem fair to them. You should be able to modify my code enough to make it "your own", and I would be happy to answer any questions you have in that process. Also, all the code on SO is effectively public domain, so there is no copyright issues to worry about (if that is your concern). 3303390 C5 926806 15 I think this is one of the best answers on the entire of SO. 2576784 C7 82473 23 I disagree: the base class only declared the property as having no setter; that is not the same as the property being read-only. "Read-only" is only a meaning *you* assign to it. There are no relevant guarantees built into C# at all. You could have a get-only property that changes every time, or a get/set property where the setter throws an `InvalidOperationException("This instance is read-only")`. 2639084 C6 2187498 22 @Anthony: When I do that I just tell people that my degree is in *mathematics*, not *arithmetic*. 7815995 C5 136092 9 The latest version of FxCop does not throw an exception when the code above is used. 22731359 C3 1122519 13 Also, you can get a random uppercase letter by using `ch = (char)random.Next('A','Z');` a lot simpler than the unreadable line `ch = Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(26 * random.NextDouble() + 65)));` from the original post. Then if you want to switch it to lowercase, you can easily switch to `(char)random.Next('a','z');` 20513341 C2 6323032 19 "Thank you, just to clarify for fellow newbies to C# and MVC 3, here is what I had to do: create Helpers folder on root, create a class, MenuExtensions.cs, with the above code in this folder. To the top of the file add `using System.Web.Mvc;` `using System.Web.Mvc.Html;` In Web.config in the Views folder, add `` inside the namespaces tag." 11148053 C7 8911646 33 Raymond's answer here is of course completely correct. I note that the C# compiler and the jit compiler are both allowed to use more precision *at any time*, and to do so *inconsistently*. And in fact, they do just that. This question has come up dozens of times on StackOverflow; see for a recent example. 16852882 C2 12466884 14 Note that if you're prepending a lot (as you're essentially doing in the last example) or deleting the first entry, a linked list will nearly always be significantly faster, as there is no searching or moving/copying to do. A List would require moving everything up a spot to accommodate the new item, making prepending an O(N) operation. 146700 C4 299273 7 Thread.Abort() is very dangerous to use, It shouldn't be used with regular code, only code that is guaranteed to be safe should be aborted, such as code that is Cer.Safe, uses constrained execution regions and safe handles. It shouldn't be done for any code. 4389559 C4 1248 6 Beware of editing the times here since ts.Minutes, ts.Hours, etc... gives the component of the timespan, not the total minutes or hours. For example if you wanted to describe everything less than 48 hours in terms of hours, you'd need to change ts.Hours to Convert.ToInt32(ts.TotalHours) to get output of "38 hours ago". I wanted to do this since my application predicts a future time like "38 hours left". Tomorrow doesn't sound good here IMO. 39603039 C6 25390969 13 Finally I learned how to print out those nicely looking tables 5175378 C4 4691582 7 Why just give corrected code without explanation? What will anyone learn from this? The empty catch block is a really bad thing to do - either remove it all together or ensure you do something with any exceptions caught. 16728865 C4 2138588 6 @Brettski Technically, yes, but having a _**unique**_ salt for each user renders Rainbow Tables (generally accepted as the most efficient way to crack hashed passwords) practically useless. [This is a quick oveview]( 5199311 C2 4671668 7 For your 'substr' example you should actually use _invoiceNum.ToString("00000"). ToString supports the same composite formatting settings as string.Format() When you have just a single value to be formatted ToString() is often simpler/clearer than Format(). 6775415 C5 182924 6 +1 Yes, thanks saved me the headache of figuring it out. 698127 C4 889642 12 Sorry, you're still going to leave valid names out in the cold. I strongly suggest you read up on diacritics in Arabic, especially those are separate Unicode characters but which combine with letters to change them. Will you be disallowing things like "John W. Saunders, 3rd"? I hope not. It's just a much wider world out there than you seem to realize, and your simplistic, Western-oriented rules will simply not work in general. 1140523 C2 1308480 13 This is a debug build. The JIT doesn't optimize those. 1278611 C5 1431789 14 +1 for the cool name 9213569 C5 7595443 7 +1 for doublechecking and using LINQPad ;) 2861505 C7 2819962 33 How does referencing the property that contains these version numbers and stating what the appropriate combinations map to *not* answer the question? You don't always have to give code to answer a problem. 28990372 C5 10380166 10 @LeonLucardie: The other alternatives aren't "better"; *in fact, they're **worse*** because they break on strings that can't be encoded correctly (such as those that contain unpaired surrogates). I've mentioned this a million times now, but apparently it' 1724559 C2 212707 47 @AndyMcKenna - That's done on purpose so that you change the values in the arrays, as Mark notes in the second paragraph. 5148688 C7 4671668 49 +1 for the `Someone just shoot the developer.` ;-) 4447877 C6 174223 53 Wow... I just used a `goto` in my code. Should I feel dirty? 15082559 C4 10380166 70 This answer is wrong on so many levels but foremost because of its decleration "you DON'T need to worry about encoding!". The 2 methods, GetBytes and GetString are superfluous in as much as they are merely re-implementations of what Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes() and Encoding.Unicode.GetString() already do. The statement "As long as your program (or other programs) don't try to interpret the bytes" is also fundamentally flawed as implicitly they mean the bytes should be interpreted as Unicode. 1927128 C6 151560 7 Excellent and concise explaination. This should really be marked as the answer. 104459 C5 194671 29 Very, very cool. In an uncool kind of way. ;-) 8242377 C7 6919149 54 "**you do not have to return bool**" .. I think that's our answer right there; well done. If !(o1 == o2) isn't even well-defined, then you can't expect the standard to rely on it. 2303155 C4 424414 10 It looks like an enum but it isn't an enum. I can imagine that causing some interesting problems if people start trying to compare AuthenticationMethods. You probably need to overload various equality operators too. 17336449 C4 5342460 10 Whether it is working or not using try catch to validate input is not recommended practice. Regex is definitely better way to go. 7491667 C6 1248 11 `const int SECOND = 1;` So weird a second is one second. 6856978 C3 5942176 26 @Bongo Sharp: Don't forget to set `AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;` on the DbContext. It also has a big additional performance effect: 8256321 C4 3913489 40 -1 It's really bad to create ugly code just to comply with a warning that [should be suppressed]( 1884159 C3 1970001 12 I agree with Will, but i think that "always" is a little excessive. While an empty collection might mean "0 items", returning Null could mean "no collection at all" - eg. if you are parsing HTML, looking for an
    with id="foo",
      could return empty collection; if there is no
        with id="foo" a null return would be better (unless you want to handle this case with an exception) 18610 C7 82473 11 Shouldn't the same be true for interfaces, then? You can have readonly property on interface and read/write on implementing type. 36911161 C6 23949829 6 @KevinZ: ...whose effect then has to be undone by a programmer who never wanted that special-case behavior in the first place. Letting the programmer specify modulus rather than having to derive it from a remainder which the compiler may have derived fro 1884152 C6 1970001 39 while you are generally correct, there are cases when returning null isn't wrong. so the "always" should be omitted. 19869671 C7 14301496 31 Here is the thing I never get about DI: it makes the architecture **vastly** more complicated. And yet, as I see it, the use is pretty limited. The examples are certainly always the same: interchangeable loggers, interchangeable model / data access. Sometimes interchangeable view. But that’s it. Do these few cases really justify a vastly more complex software architecture? – Full disclosure: I’ve already used DI to great effect, but that was for a very special plug-in architecture that I wouldn’t generalise from. 4194147 C2 424414 7 @tyriker: Compiler does. The constructor is private so you cannot create new instance. Also static members are not accessible through instance. 2040076 C3 2047657 12 I think that the facades should be hand-coded because they represent known (and presumably common) combinations of components. A DI Container should not be necessary because everything can be wired up by hand (think Poor Man's DI). Recall that a Facade is just an optional convenience class for users of your API. Advanced users may still want to bypass the Facade and wire up the components to their own liking. They may want to use their own DI Contaier for this, so I think it would be unkind to force a particular DI Container upon them if they are not going to use it. Possible but not advisable 1975636 C3 2047657 11 While this sounds great on paper, in my experience once you have lots of inner components interacting in complex ways, you end up with lots of factories to manage, making maintenance harder. Plus, factories will have to manage their created components' lifestyles, once you install the library in a real container this will conflict with the container's own lifestyle management. Factories and facades get in the way of the real containers. 13610269 C7 371348 8 "Oh - for convenience, you might also consider providing == and != operators when overriding Equals and GethashCode.": Microsoft discourages implementing operator== for objects that are not immutable - - " It is not a good idea to override operator == in non-immutable types." 2637972 C6 2187498 14 @Bruno: All it takes is about eight or ten thousand hours of study of a given subject and you too can be an expert on it. That's easily doable in four years of full-time work. 101741 C2 194671 10 @Drew; additionally, there are special boxing rules for Nullable, which means that an empty Nullable boxes to null, not a box that contains an empty Nullable (and a null un-boxes to an empty Nullable) 8050068 C1 5325861 39 I don't understand why I should not be able to do this... This would be very usefull... 147305 C2 299273 11 While Thread.Abort() is bad, it is no where near as bad as a process running out of control and using every CPU cycle & byte of memory that the PC has. But you are right to point out the potential problems to anyone else who may think this code is useful. 24161546 C6 16769877 14 @3D-kreativ: Yes, but I'd still recommend using the "extract to method" approach. 164341 C6 324837 24 In this type of situation I don't think using goto is any worse than the normal use of something like break (after all they're both just unconditional branches to a label, it's just that with break the label is implicit). 2646659 C7 2633016 18 It's actually a secret incantation that grants superhero C# abilities to the person that says it. Unfortunately, it works only once and Jon's already use it. 4200741 C5 424414 8 @Jakub Very interesting. I had to play with it to figure out how to use it, and realize its benefits. It's a public, non-static class, but can't be instantiated and you can only access its static members. Basically, it behaves like an enum. But the best p 2646669 C6 2633016 8 1 tweet and it gets 30 upvotes within 5 minutes. Nice. 25152339 C7 17331230 11 Note that x86 is only slower when using _ternary_ -- it is as equally fast as x64 when using _if/else_. So the question to answer is: "why is the X86 code so much slower than X64 when using the ternary operator?". 5452930 C5 2603625 26 It seems that ExcelLibrary only supports .xls and EPPlus only .xlsx so they complement each other. 9219903 C5 7595443 27 @Blindy "The interviewer disagreed and said *if using is wrapped in a try catch block then Dispose will not be called by the time you enter the catch block.*" I think the answer is a pretty good counterexample to the interviewer's "theory". 39600569 C4 25390969 15 Cryptographic or not, having the third output be constant sounds like a pretty bad flaw. Yikes. 5546126 C6 898867 51 @erikkallen is that a joke? :) 2571081 C6 538238 25 @Daniel Earwicker: It's true. Microsoft would love for you to stop using Win32 altogether, and stick to nicely abstractable, portable, device independent .NET Framework calls. If you want to go poking around the operating system underneath; because you ** 1066803 C5 182924 34 This code works well. It assumes Column A is columnNumber 1. I had to make a quick change to account for my system using Column A as columnNumber 0. I changed the line int dividend to int dividend = columnNumber + 1; Keith 2103214 C4 937558 37 This is a great solution, but I have one comment - you may wan't to open the File with access mode FileAccess.Read since ReadWrite will always fail if the file happens to be read-only. 676841 C4 299273 20 I can't believe this is the accepted answer, someone must not be reading the comments here, or the answer was accepted before the comments and that person does not check his replies page. Thread.Abort is not a solution, it's just another problem you need to solve! 24707624 C6 10380166 13 You do *not* understan why people worry about encodings because you do *not* actually understand what encodings are. 35675024 C6 22544510 9 @BradleyDotNET: There definitely are copyright issues. The license SO uses requires credit to be given for any content used from SO. As the author, you can of course make your code usable under more generous terms, but by default the only license for us 3764067 C2 136092 14 Unfortunately, FxCop (ie - Visual Studio Code Analysis) doesn't like it when you catch Exception. 101208 C2 194671 69 Drew: the problem is that GetType() isn't virtual, so it's not overridden - which means that the value is boxed for the method call. The box becomes a null reference, hence the NRE. 2646691 C6 2633016 7 @Coronatus: Yes, I think it's time to make it CW just so it doesn't look like a rep grab attempt. 9217448 C4 1262619 12 I would like to point out, that the comparison is flawed. Using new Random() in a loop is the problem, not the randomness of Random [Explanation]( 9620507 C6 7883083 11 For added entertainment, have a static stub method `Off` in a class named as the four-letter word of your choice, and use this for your catch-all continuations. Helps to combat some of the pent-up frustration from this particular exception. 2646703 C2 2633016 6 this is _required_ way to use delegates when using classes in the System.Net.MorseCode namespace. 11594836 C1 538238 22 This is a great answer but I think it would however benefit from a final code listing for a standard case and for a case where the the class derives from a baseclass that already implements Dispose. e.g having read here ( as well I have got confused about what I should do when deriving from the class that already implements Dispose (hey I'm new to this). 19865942 C7 14301496 19 excellent explanation, don't even have a clue who could -1 it. 4251391 C5 926806 21 This shakes me at my core - Jon Skeet..wrong? In any case, good answer. 3662891 C4 1248 133 I hate such constants with a passion. Does this look wrong to anyone? `Thread.Sleep(1 * MINUTE)`? Because it's wrong by a factor of 1000. 2339517 C3 2363851 18 Good answer (+1). My only suggestion would be to implement IChangeTracking ( rather than creating your own IsDirty property. 15089119 C6 10380166 7 @David: Yes, it crashes on UTF-8 data, because `GetBytes` never happens to return UTF-8 data. It seems like the abstraction layer you're expecting is different from the one that's actually there. If you're not sure how to use it correctly then don't; the 2099835 C2 78612 56 Serialization/deserialization involves significant overhead that isn't necessary. See the ICloneable interface and .MemberWise() clone methods in C#. 20139691 C2 14459153 11 "For completeness, this is given in a note in ECMA-335 I. ""Equality is implemented on System.Object via the Equals method. [Note: Although two floating point NaNs are defined by IEC 60559:1989 to always compare as unequal, the contract for System.Object.Equals requires that overrides must satisfy the requirements for an equivalence operator. Therefore, System.Double.Equals and System.Single.Equals return True when comparing two NaNs, while the equality operator returns False in that case, as required by the IEC standard. end note]""" 24026546 C2 16694227 21 @rtuner `const` statements are not executed at runtime, they are substituted at compile time. Try and put a break point on it. 23934043 C2 16621778 9 @sleske If you're going to nitpick, 21 bits could encode 32 planes of 16 bits. 20 bits would be 16 planes of 16 bits. In an information theoretic sense, there are fewer than 21 bits necessary to encode a single Unicode character. The decimal representatio 13502127 C1 151560 6 Great answer, but it seems to me that I'd only want to put non-framework using statements locally, and keep the framework using statements global. Anyone have further explanation why I should completely changed my preference? Also where did this come from, the templates in VS2008 put using outside the namespace? 8248159 C7 6919149 8 Ironically in a topic about logical operators you have used a double-negative in the sentence, "C# does not allow you to not override only one of either" which actually logically means "C# does allow you to override only one of either". 23899390 C2 16621778 84 Here is a more complete list of digits that aren't 0-9: 24825712 C6 17150843 11 Actually, little known fact: dapper will iterate *for you*; the middle one can be: `connection.Execute("INSERT INTO PROCESS_LOGS VALUES (@A, @B)", processList);` 2966182 C4 937558 125 -1. This is a poor answer, because the file could become locked by another thread/process after it is closed in IsFileLocked, and before your thread gets a chance to open it. 14912414 C2 937558 7 I think this is a great answer. I'm using this as an [extension method]( á la `public static bool IsLocked(this FileInfo file) {/*...*/}`. 20706540 C6 14787852 11 now **that's** an answer :) 1632316 C4 32336 32 Interesting note: If you swap 'UseDefaultCredentials = false,' and 'Credentials = ...' it won't authenticate. 4157659 C3 2138588 15 "nifty LINQ statement refactor for CompareByteArrays `return array1.Length == array2.Length && !array1.Where((t, i) => t != array2[i]).Any();`" 504995 C6 487757 21 What a great answer and a tremendous help! I made SuspendDrawing and ResumeDrawing extension methods for the Control class, so I can call them for any control in any context. 24029338 C6 16694227 22 To address your last paragraph: indeed, Mono appears to be in the wrong here. But one can hardly blame them; this is a bizarre scenario. I wonder if Mono gets other rules about scoping inside switch statements wrong? I shall find out! 554436 C5 212707 6 +1 This should of been the accepted answer. Awesome answer..Thanks!!! 11090687 C7 8870593 10 @Blue - I don't know, short from making fun of Intel engineers. My high school book does have a problem raising something to the power of a negative integral. Pow(x, -2) is perfectly computable, Pow(x, -2.1) is undefined. Domain problems are a bitch to 95412 C1 194671 9 Why can't Nullable.GetType() be defined? Shouldn't the result be typeof(Nullable)? 11094308 C7 8870593 7 @Hans Passant: Why would Pow(x,-2.1) be undefined? Mathematically pow is defined everywhere for all x and y. You do tend to get complex numbers for negative x and non integer y. 9613067 C7 7877736 46 WOW. That is just EXACTLY what I was looking for. Best way to get an answer is to get one from the principal developer himself. Thanks for the time, and I'm sure this will help everyone who wonders the intricacies of the compiler and MSIL. Thanks Eric. 412973 C7 600306 12 @ShuggyCoUk: two's complement is how negative numbers are represented. Since this is an unsigned integer, representation of negative numbers is not relevant. This technique only relies on binary representation of nonnegative integers. 11545177 C5 7608823 14 Best example I've seen that redirects both input and error, and uses a timeout period. Also, nice to see someone adding to a question three years after it was asked. 164357 C5 324837 13 sometimes goto is less evil than the alternatives 14458562 C6 10380166 133 @artbristol: If they can't be bothered to read the answer (or the other answers...), then I'm sorry, then there's no better way for me to communicate with them. I generally opt for answering the OP rather than trying to guess what others might do with my 12931125 C6 10095362 9 Hence contrived, but introducing a new local scope isn't that unusual, imho. 7307937 C4 1262619 7 What if list.Count is > Byte.MaxValue? If n = 1000, then 255 / 1000 = 0, so the do loop will be an infinite loop since box[0] < 0 is always false. 9615973 C7 7877736 24 @JanCarloViray: You are very welcome! I note that I am *a* Principal Developer, not *the* principal developer. There are several people on this team with that job title and I am not even the most senior of them. 2102907 C5 78612 10 @David, granted, but if the objects are light, and the performance hit when using it is not too high for your requirements, then it is a useful tip. I haven't used it intensively with large amounts of data in a loop, I admit, but I have never seen a singl 325094 C6 78612 12 has a link to the code above [and references two other such implementations, one of which is more appropriate in my context] 4403140 C2 2603625 119 ExcelLibrary has been superseded by the exceptional EPPlus - Jan updates it regularly. Have been using it and it is one of the finest open source projects we've worked with. 11569951 C6 2603625 6 EPPlus is now LGPL, so that last concern should no longer apply 7815324 C7 154803 25 @Zach Saw: Under the memory model for C++, volatile is how you've described it (basically useful for device-mapped memory and not a lot else). Under the memory model for the *CLR* (this question is tagged C#) is that volatile will insert memory barriers a 24026745 C6 16694227 14 @Magnus Why are you allowed to put code after a `return;` and before the end of that scope? It's code that won't run. The answer is simply because they didn't bother to make it illegal; making it illegal was more work than just leaving it, and leaving i 4868552 C2 4456450 14 Side note: It doesn't always *have* to be an actual interface in the sense the language you are using uses the word. It could as well be an abstract class which is not entirely unreasonable, given the restrictions Java or C# place on inheritance. 8833226 C1 7325171 27 Alternatively, you can show that your four cases are reduced to two cases by considering the *opposite*. Turn the question from "how many ways are there to overlap?" to "how many ways are there to NOT overlap?" There are only two. Either the second date range starts *after* the first one ends, or the first date range starts *after* the second one ends. If neither of those two cases are true, then they overlap. You don't need to consider the four ways that they overlap if you just consider the two ways that they do not. 7257346 C2 78612 9 @Amir: actually, no: `typeof(T).IsSerializable` is also true if the type has been marked with the `[Serializable]` attribute. It doesn't have to implement the `ISerializable` interface. 25744608 C6 17673433 44 +1 And somebody said my answer was over the top... 16833027 C3 12466884 47 There is one benefit to LinkedList over List (this is .net specific): since the List is backed by an internal array, it is allocated in one contiguous block. If that allocated block exceeds 85000 bytes in size, it will be allocated on the Large Object Heap, a non-compactable generation. Depending on the size, this can lead to heap fragmentation, a mild form of memory leak. 25754681 C6 17673433 7 @ClassicThunder Cleaner for the consumer, for certain. 19874837 C7 14301496 6 @David Unit testing works just fine – after all, a *unit* is independent of other things (otherwise it’s not a unit). What *doesn’t* work without DI containers is mock testing. Fair enough, I am unconvinced that the benefit of mocking outweighs the 21493431 C2 12005272 9 "M$, when somefile.min.js is explicitely specified, or when just the .min.js file exists, then only include the .min.js file! Otherwise just apply the current behavior!" 2392703 C2 311179 59 Because a byte is two nibbles, any hex string that validly represents a byte array must have an even character count. A 0 should not be added anywhere - to add one would be making an assumption about invalid data that is potentially dangerous. If anything, the StringToByteArray method should throw a FormatException if the hex string contains an odd number of characters. 2135885 C7 2187498 8 @Jason: I believe the spec violations in the first two cases are simply errors that were never caught. The initial binding pass historically has been very aggressive about prematurely optimizing expressions, and one of the consequences of that is that par 3768212 C5 621620 14 @M4N, Wish I could express a bit more gratitude than a +1. This has become my favorite way of dealing with the session/cache in my projects. My code, literally, is thanking you. 4365268 C6 4057391 10 Reminds me of [COMEFROM]( 1233068 C5 926806 28 Man - Could you write a book on that, please? 240260 C6 415396 24 But are you actually converting it into an array at the end, as the question requires? If not, of course it's faster - but it's not fulfilling the requirements. 4360377 C2 4057391 11 Sounds a lot like Thread.Join(). 9425842 C4 7741474 11 @abhinav: 20MHz is still **20 MILLION** operations per second. Even in that case, this is a pre-optimization, so unless this is a *known* performance bottleneck, it's not worth the time it takes to think about it. 8054017 C2 5325861 49 Well, mapped entities in EF basically represent database tables. If you project onto a mapped entity, what you basically do is **partially** load an entity, which is not a valid state. EF won't have any clue how to e.g. handle an update of such an entity in the future (the default behaviour would be probably overwriting the non-loaded fields with nulls or whatever you'll have in your object). This would be a dangerous operation, since you would risk losing some of your data in the DB, therefore it is not allowed to partially load entities (or project onto mapped entities) in EF. 45841 C4 129395 20 This only works if all members are marked [Serializable] 11093915 C7 8870593 7 @BlueRaja-DannyPflughoeft: A lot of effort is spent trying to ensure that floating-point operations are as close as possible to the correctly-rounded value. `pow` is notoriously hard to implement accurately, being a transcendental function (see [Table-Mak 14857170 C6 10380166 8 "@artbristol: ""The question was asked 3 years ago, and is totally ambiguous. You have no evidence of how OP was going to use the bytes."" The OP is still here. Why is the question ambiguous? If you want to know what I was using the bytes for, read the com" 1119528 C7 8480 62 Flags itself does nothing. Also, C# does not require Flags per se. But the `ToString` implementation of your enum uses Flags, and so does `Enum.IsDefined`, `Enum.Parse`, etc. Try to remove Flags and look at the result of MyColor.Yellow | MyColor.Red; without it you get "5", with Flags you get "Yellow, Red". Some other parts of the framework also use [Flags] (e.g., XML Serialization). 271202 C7 371348 7 Actually, I could probably lose one of them; the point is to try to minimise the number of collisions - so that an object {1,0,0} has a different hash to {0,1,0} and {0,0,1} (if you see what I mean), 1548652 C2 194671 6 Constructor-constraint, 10.1.5 in the C# 3.0 langauge spec 24026677 C1 16694227 6 But _why_ is any code allowed after the break and before the next case? 32055233 C7 21273904 30 +1 because you keep adding extra information that I'm not adding :P 271215 C7 371348 6 I tweaked the numbers to make it clearer (and added a seed). Some code uses different numbers - for example the C# compiler (for anonymous types) uses a seed of 0x51ed270b and a factor of -1521134295. 13686362 C4 10380166 83 What's ugly about this one is, that `GetString` and `GetBytes` need to executed on a system with the same endianness to work. So you can't use this to get bytes you want to turn into a string elsewhere. So I have a hard time to come up with a situations where I'd want to use this. 1140477 C4 1308480 15 Programs like this hardly seem like good candidates for testing the impact of exception handling, too much of what would be going on in normal try{} catch{} blocks is going to be optimized out. I may be out to lunch on that... 1140474 C1 1308480 10 Can you try them in reverse order as well to be sure that JIT compilation hasn't had an effect on the former? 25754149 C6 17673433 18 So basically, the vibe I am getting is, "No, there is no cleaner way!" 1129979 C1 201341 15 What's strange is if you miss out the last parameter, it appends for me ?Length=8 to the current action 14459184 C4 10380166 6 The question was asked 3 years ago, and is totally ambiguous. You have no evidence of how OP was going to use the bytes. Other people will have the *exact same question*, but will be planning to use the bytes in a situation where encoding matters, and your answer will be dead wrong in that case. 9295864 C6 7595443 8 I believe the correct grammar would be "Exception caught" 9219246 C6 7595443 7 @blindy: Wouaw, that really pissed you off, sorry. Are you hiring ;-) 25157534 C7 17331230 13 "Surely there's no good reason for this and MS should 'fix' it - as Ternary is effectively just a shorter syntax for if/else?! You certainly wouldn't expect to pay a performance penalty anyway." 706768 C2 898867 19 "I agree with thecoop. Note that you don't need a finalizer if you are only dealing with managed resources (in fact, you should NOT try to access managed objects from within your finalizer (other than ""this""), because there is no guaranteed order in which the GC will clean up objects. Also, if you are using .Net 2.0 or better, you can (and should) use SafeHandles to wrapper unmanaged handles. Safehandles greatly reduce your need to write finalizers for your managed classes at all." 9615900 C7 7877736 13 That was a great answer. Reminds me why I read your blog even though I'm a Java guy. ;-) 7058415 C3 5193851 170 Nice answer. It's also worth noting that if you're trying to upload large files (greater than the default 4 MB) you'll want to set `` in your web.config, where x is the number of KB allowed for upload. 2104015 C3 78612 6 @johnc I like your response because it'll work **almost** every time, but as an embedded systems guy, and mid-90's x86 assembly language graphics nut, optimization is always on my mind. Just remember that deserialization involves costly string processing 401731 C6 78612 254 Sorry not to have read the previous 78611 answers before offering perfectly valid and helpful advice 7074682 C3 5193851 65 Another point is you can replace the controller and action names (strings) in the Html.BeginForm() call like so: `Html.BeginForm(null, null, FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" })`. This is useful if it is a partial view that is called from multiple parent views (or similar). 880710 C4 1068183 41 this is a bug-prone code. You actually compare by value, not by index. If there is an object which equals to the last one, you'll have several "lastone: " lines. 4286359 C7 371348 27 @Leandro López: Usually the factors are chosen to be prime numbers because it makes the number of collisions smaller. 18503225 C5 13516748 69 +1, because even **I** understand it now 2997719 C1 1705604 17 does marking this as Accepted also means that @Kai accepts the terms stipulated by @ligos? 770233 C7 961594 70 If I only could give another +1 for the FlibbleBananaSnowball property ... :-) 2078872 C5 2138588 58 +1 for your book pimping! ;-) 20790506 C6 14837342 15 +1 I knew you will be around, you LOVE these kinds of mysterious questions :) 21663858 C6 937558 30 @ChrisW: you might be wondering what is going on. Do not be alarmed. You're just being subject to the wrath of the Daily WTF community: 22991768 C2 16101815 39 @Petr: Yes, it's not significant, because accessing the dictionary is very fast, it doesn't really matter if you do it once or twice. Most of those 250 ms most likely is spent in the test loop itself. 19874505 C7 14301496 7 I called it ICanLog, because we work too often with words (nouns) that mean nothing. E.g., what is a Broker? A Manager? Even a Repository is not defined in a unique way. And having all these things as nouns is a typical disease of OO languages (see What I want to express is that I have a component that can do logging for me - so why not call it that way? Of course, this is also playing with the I as the first person, hence ICanLog(ForYou). 21867943 C7 82473 12 -1 I disagree with this answer, and find it misguiding. Since a base class defines the behaviour that any class must abide to (See Liskov's Substitution Principle), but does not (and should not) restrict to add behaviour. A base class may only define what 6774015 C4 182924 10 @Jduv just tried it out using `StringBuilder`. It takes about twice as long. It's a very short string (max 3 characters - Excel 2010 goes up to column XFD), so maximum of 2 string concatenations. (I used 100 iterations of translating the integers 1 to 163 16245205 C6 12005272 20 this was long wtf moment, they could have been adding those min files commented out with reason or something to result, now whole hour wasted wondering who is stealing my script files from output. 3561245 C2 201341 17 @Chris S - I know this is an old post, but the reason for the ?Length=8 is because you need to have a `, null` parameter AFTER your `new { ... }` ... because if you check the overloads of that method, it's thinking your paramters are htmlArguments ... not 16117028 C4 5342460 9 Despite this is a popular answer. It is not right, fail to catch at least two invalid formats: "" , "" 893483 C4 1080445 14 Not sure I'd agree with the Length*2 buffer expansion policy there. 8256526 C7 6919149 7 @Dan Diplo, It's okay, It's not like I'm not prohibited to not to do that or not. 530604 C2 469315 8 @Chris: only flag enums should be pluralized. That is, enumerations whose members are combined using the | operator. 552704 C7 31929 19 lolcat at IHasName 164518 C5 324837 32 GOTO is good and fine. This is why it exists in the C# (and mostly all) languages. I think it's just "cool to not like GOTO". BTW, this is the answer :) 16309427 C2 1248 26 I think if the constants were renamed to accurately describe the value that is in them, it'd be easier to understand. So SecondsPerMinute = 60; MinutesPerHour = 60; SecondsPerHour = MinutesPerHour * SecondsPerHour; etc. Just calling it MINUTE=60 doesn't allow the reader to determine what the value is. 2578637 C5 2572919 43 One of the most complete, helpful, and interesting answers I've read on SO. 1976998 C6 2047657 25 Well, that's how we develop software at Safewhere, so we don't share your experience... 60126 C6 174223 54 I think that, in this particular instance, goto is not considered harmful. 37958393 C2 24516311 15 If someone still wonders about the rules that in this case make the compiler choose `string.Format(string, params object[])` over `string.Format(string, object)` might want to read the C# specification chapter "*Better function member*" (in ECMA standard it is chapter **, in current MS standard it is chapter **) -- it boils down to that the `null` argument does not require `params object[]` to be expanded, and that `object[]` is a more specific parameter type than `object`. 6077167 C7 5376343 39 I fail to understand why I should follow this guideline. 23127902 C4 16101815 6 @LarsH Do also note that when trying to access a file (or some other external resource), it may change state between the check and actual access attempt. In these cases, using exceptions is the correct way to go. See [Stephen C's answer to this question]( 4763342 C2 4057391 13 In your words: it lets you "pause" the method, but it should be noted that it doesn't pause or block the thread. 12312956 C7 9689761 11 Thanks Mikael. I'm starting to wonder if our profiles should have a PayPal link. :-) 4201068 C4 1122519 43 Note that instance members of the `Random` class are NOT documented as being thread-safe, so if this method is called from multiple threads at the same time (highly likely if you're making a web app, for example) then the behaviour of this code will be undefined. You either need to use a lock on the random or make it per-thread. 6771242 C6 926806 68 @finnw: Whether I've tested it or not is irrelevant. Solving this integer arithmetic problem isn't *my* business problem; if it were, then I'd be testing it. If someone wants to take code from strangers off the internet to solve their business problem the 12930901 C4 10095362 34 If having 4 different local variables named `a` in the same function looks pretty normal to you, you've been looking at the wrong code all this time. :) 25744984 C6 17673433 24 Mother of god... +1 579560 C2 768001 22 @Rekreativc - no, re-read it: it is working **only** when there are break-points, which cause a delay and thus provide different seeds. Without the break-points, everything is equal, i.e. not random, i.e. broken. 9492488 C4 78612 7 Just thought I'd mention that whilst this method is useful, and I've used it myself many a time, it's not at all compatible with Medium Trust - so watch out if you're writing code that needs compatibility. BinaryFormatter access private fields and thus cannot work in the default permissionset for partial trust environments. You could try another serializer, but make sure your caller knows that the clone may not be perfect if the incoming object relies on private fields. 924835 C5 926806 22 Great one. I learned a lot about algorithm design by this answer. 2580793 C2 324837 13 Goto itself isn't ugly. What is ugly is abusing goto which results in spaghetti code. Using goto to break out of nested loop is perfectyly ok. Besides, note that all break, continue and return, from structural programming point of view, are hardly better than goto - basically they're the same thing, just in nicer packaging. That's why pure structural languages (such as original Pascal) lack all of three. 1363962 C5 1510186 17 And the instructor will be quite right to. Using any other answer can also be called cheating. However, it still answers the question. 735909 C5 926806 38 Excellent exemplary answer 287070 C6 469315 21 People like you give us a bad name, Barry. Get a sense of humor. 25142371 C7 17331230 12 The compiler might as well expand out the ternary into an if-else. 2862288 C7 2819962 39 Perhaps Daniel enjoys teaching folks to fish. 1363950 C6 1510186 6 It looks like the OP has a specific homework assignment. If he submits your solution, the instructor will consider it cheating. 325377 C5 424414 6 +1 works for any string, not just ones which fit the C# rules for namespacing 688726 C7 881489 14 Yep, I think "evil" is about right... consider the case of null pointer exception thrown somewhere from a large body of code. The message is vanilla, without the stack trace you're left with "something was null somewhere". NOT good when production is dead; and you've NO minutes or less to work out the flamin' problem is, and dismiss or rectify it... Good exception handling is worth it's weight in gold. 9464364 C2 174223 8 @Dancrumb: At the time that the feature was written, C# had not yet added any "soft" keywords (like 'yield', 'var', 'from', and 'select'), so they had three real options: 1) make 'fallthrough' a hard keyword (you cant use it as a variable name), 2) write 677013 C2 299273 14 You are the one not reading the comments. As chilltemp says above, he's calling code that he has NO control over - and wants it to abort. He has no option other than Thread.Abort() if he wants this to run within his process. You are right that Thread.Abort is bad - but like chilltemp says, other things are worse! 753275 C2 926806 17 @Jon: DivRoundUp(12, 2) falls into case (3) of the spec, not case (4). 784649 C6 926806 62 Darn it, pedantry fail :( 412591 C7 600306 33 ... Resulting in a 1010000 after the binary and. The only false positive would be 0, which is why I would use: return (x != 0) && ((x & (x - 1)) == 0); 1363928 C1 1510186 6 Why was this downvoted? It answers the question (How can I make this better?) 412589 C7 600306 36 @Kripp: The number will be of the binary form 1000...000. When you -1 it, it will be of the form 0111...111. Thus, the two number's binary and would result is 000000. This wouldn't happen for non-power-of-twos, since 1010100 for example would become 10100 12312876 C7 9689761 17 In he *real* world you could probably charge someone for half a days work. Here you get a +1 from me :). 9977958 C2 5325861 7 D.T.O - [Data Transfer Objects]( 12932236 C6 10095362 12 This should not be considered as bizarre at all. 133992 C5 151560 83 good explanation :) 2668967 C2 2652481 15 Note that adding `MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)` to `GetCurrentMethod` only stops that method from being inlined into its caller. It doesn't prevent the calling method itself from being inlined into its own caller etc, etc. 24278059 C2 1122519 11 @NickFreeman: Remember [the upper bound is exclusive](, so `ch = (char)random.Next('A','Z');` would never return `'Z'`. So you'd need `ch = (char)random.Next('A', 'Z' + 1);` to include the `'Z'`. 14994020 C3 250400 28 "epoch is UTC, so you actually need: DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); in C#, otherwise you'll get local time." 30391908 C1 250400 9 Why you convert ToLocalTime ? 9634410 C7 7877736 18 About 4 paragraphs in I was saying to my self "This sounds like Eric", by the 5th or 6th I'd graduated to "Yep, definitely Eric" :) Another truly & epically comprehensive answer. 12930843 C6 10095362 53 Why bizarrely? That looks pretty normal (albeit contrived). 1098590 C2 31929 8 The generated pseudoclasess for references types in C# share the same implementation so you won't got exactly ListOfPeople. Check out 273722 C7 154803 14 "I'm not entirely sure ... if you also need to combine volatile with the increment." They cannot be combined AFAIK, as we can't pass a volatile by ref. Great answer by the way. 23911987 C3 16621778 6 @RobertMcKee: Nitpick: The full unicode character set is actually 21 bit (17 planes of 16 bit each). But of course a 21-bit-datatype is impractical, so if you use a power-of-2 datatype, it's true that you need 32 bit. 2647497 C7 2633016 12 Nothing beats Haskell's owl: `((.)$(.))` (which compiles and has a type `(a -> b -> c) -> a -> (a1 -> b) -> a1 -> c`). 5175236 C1 4691582 13 Do you really think the `catch {}` is a good idea? 13690757 C4 10380166 24 @CodeInChaos: Like I said, the whole point of this is if you want to use it on the same kind of system, with the same set of functions. If not, then you shouldn't use it. 11085261 C6 8870593 310 Great answer, StackOverflow needs more of this sort of thing, instead of 'Why would you want to know that?' that happens all too often. 25762155 C6 17673433 10 This needs to make it into the framework...maybe even as an operator.