CommentID Class PostID Score Comment Text =============== ====== ====== ===== ============================================================================= 10850063 C3 3035521 13 This can be made even simpler be using one line to save: `int index = mList.getFirstVisiblePosition();` and only one line to restore: `mList.setSelectionFromTop(index, 0);`. Great answer though (+1)! I have been looking for an elegant solution to this problem. 33692616 C3 5651242 16 Insted of `View v1 = mCurrentUrlMask.getRootView();` I have used `View v1 = getWindow().getDecorView().getRootView();` and it works for me. 8328900 C5 5535672 200 where is the donate button? Thanks man! 4814182 C5 2746708 9 Thanks! I wasted hours on this one. I think this behaviour is really counter-intuitive. 12724269 C1 1016941 8 getWidth() or getSize()? What would I use if I need my app to run on API <13 as well as API >13? 20370152 C3 3414749 44 Instead of managedQuery(.........) (deprecated) you can use getContentResolver().query(.....) with the same parameters. Nice work 21739571 C2 7979823 15 The advantage of using a DialogFragment is that all the life cycle of the dialog will be handled for you. You will never get the error 'dialog has leaked...' again. Go to DialogFragment and forget Dialogs. 11919416 C3 3197456 19 One small addition to the answer: as you do the mReceiver.setReceiver(null); in the onPause method, you should do the mReceiver.setReceiver(this); in the onResume method. Else you might not receive the events if your activity is resumed without being re-created 41623398 C7 26491690 19 For bonus points, size the action bar using increments, e.g. `@dimen/action_bar_size_x2`, and use 112dp on phones, 128dp on tablets 38767478 C1 8483078 6 @adamp If this is not good please add your answer with the best solution you can think of 15185566 C5 11493752 11 Awesome job on the research! Sad that it was necessary, but awesome nonetheless. 23514475 C3 3008684 18 A nice solution, but instead of using a registering the Broadcast receiver as described in the code above, you should use a LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).registerReceiver(...) and LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).unregisterReceiver(..). Otherwiser your application can receive intents from any other application (security concern) 18657672 C1 1016941 164 I don't see why you want to use `try/catch` for such a check? Why not simply use `if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 13)` without any thrown exception at all? I think of `try/catch` in a normal app-flow as bad practice. 1987168 C3 2051953 13 "The really nice way to do it involves a little more code, which will make sure the user is cleanly prompted to install Barcode Scanner if necessary. That's the other link he referred to. Copy the class at and use that. Again no other code needed. If you want you can go all the way and embed the scanning code, but without a hard reason to do it, it's only harder for you." 18170080 C1 7979823 6 Why We should be using DialogFragment instead of plain Dialogs ????? 25429673 C6 15656428 7 You have got to be kidding me. Glad you found posted this, but good grief. 13793470 C4 2175688 18 The profile method is badly flawed (in my opinion). An app that wants/needs my e-mail is not a big deal compared to an app that wants to read all my contacts, but you've made it so that they both require the same permissions. So as a user, I can't tell the difference between an app that is going to read my e-mail, and an app that is going to read my 500+ contacts. This is a very real, practical problem as the number of apps that abuse your contacts is growing! 13426013 C5 10407371 57 fantastic explanation, Thank you dear Nishant. 26355588 C4 9245510 15 Being FORCED to create a no-argument constructor for fragments is potentially the single biggest gotcha in all of programming, anywhere. It forces a complete paradigm shift in object creation and initialization. If you're new to Android and have stumbled on this thread, please read the answer above over and over and over again. 16687085 C4 3197456 6 Don't the docs say that you don't have to call stopSelf, since IntentService does that for you? 13999187 C3 4239019 46 To be safe I would `return activeNetworkInfo != null && activeNetworkInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting();` 16206489 C3 2700683 9 I removed true to have a fullscreen & transparent activity 7867648 C2 2197841 11 KIRAN: You'll need to look into how Intents work to understand this. It'll basically open an email application with the recipient, subject, and body already filled out. It's up to the email app to do the sending. 18650782 C7 11579339 26 **Note:** You *really* **should** put the Javadoc and source JARs into a subdirectory, e.g. "./libs/docs", otherwise these JARs will be bundled into your APK! Also, you won't be able to include Javadoc for multiple libraries, as building the APK will fail when it finds duplicate HTML files. 6213963 C1 559781 11 Don't you miss a return when drawableMap contains the image ... without starting the fetching-thread? 12370566 C1 4819665 6 I'm targeting API Level 7 with the compatability APIs. Is there a way for me to animate Fragments? 24704793 C1 15931345 8 if we already have the contact information is it possible to add the contact information and send message without having to touch on the contact to select and click ok to send ?? 10294027 C2 456918 52 Note that [the Android Dev Guide]( cautions against using this: **Note: Using (`android:configChanges`) should be avoided and used only as a last-resort. Please read Handling Runtime Changes for more information about how to properly handle a restart due to a configuration change.** In lieu, to persist data across rotation events, they seem to prefer using the `onSaveInstanceState Bundle`; or as @Jon-O [mentions](, `onRetainNonConfigurationInstance`. 8643680 C2 1967886 13 The reason the popup is completely transparent is answered in the javadoc for PopupWindow: `The popup does not provide any background. This should be handled by the content view.`. Thus your popup view layout root should specify an android:background="" attribute. 20667115 C4 6271637 79 I'm running into the same issue, and even though I appreciate your response, this is not clean code from a software engineering point of view. This code results in the activity being tightly coupled with the fragment. You should be able to re-use the same fragment in multiple activities without the activities knowing the implementation details of the fragments. 5171034 C5 2997760 8 Thank you!! This should be the correct answer! :) I adjusted this for a little more flexibility in this post: There I use a ImageView so one can set the drawable in the XML or use it like normal ImageView in code to set the image. Works great! 12500388 C6 456918 11 I think you should add [this update on 3.2]( to your answer, it's quite important (just faced that problem) and it might get overlooked. 26977074 C6 4365637 13 please update your answer and tell that it doesn't work for soft keyboard. I wasted my half day trying your code. And then saw these comments. 22561562 C7 11579339 9 Apparently this doesn't work if you are only going to link the Javadoc and not the source code, I had to extract the Javadoc jar with 7zip to a folder in My Documents, then have the properties file point to the folder with the Javadoc index.html directly like so doc=C:\\Users\\johny\\workspacenewfb\\robotium-solo-4.0-javadoc 2659476 C2 2644266 12 Well, according to the official documentation, "A dialog made with the base Dialog class must have a title. If you don't call setTitle(), then the space used for the title remains empty, but still visible. If you don't want a title at all, then you should create your custom dialog using the AlertDialog class." I haven't personally experimented with it, but that would suggest that even using a custom dialog layout or themes, it's impossible to remove the title space. 6449064 C3 151940 303 CAREFUL: you need to call super.onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState) before adding your values to the Bundle, or they will get wiped out on that call (Droid X Android 2.2). 9553726 C3 2418314 24 **I RETRACT MY COMMENT ABOVE** I found out that if you can't get the focus right, take a look at your XML! If you see the tag ** in there - remove it. It seems like the tag will give focus to the EditText, and then your listener will not be fired as the EditText already has focus. 30262432 C4 3414749 10 In the newest Android version (KitKat) this gives an error: the path String is null. 23984566 C3 673014 19 Don't forget to close the FileOutputStream, my app just crashed because of that. 13673621 C3 1016941 42 "try { display.getSize(size); width = size.x; height = size.y; } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { width = display.getWidth(); height = display.getHeight(); }" 13641803 C4 10025904 36 Yes, fortunately, this approach does not work on Android 4.0.3. 15467837 C7 11579339 6 Ahhh, it was the closing and reopening of the Eclipse project which was required for me. (I had refreshed and cleaned several times with no luck before that.) 11305751 C6 2997760 17 I can't believe how difficult it is to do things on Android that are trivially easy in iOS and Windows Phone. 8267229 C2 4239019 6 It it worth to take a look at [connectiontimeout]( if somebody (unnecessarily) try call this function before making http call! :-) 30262927 C4 2636538 15 Getting a single picture doesn't seem to be working on the newest Android version 4.4 (KitKat) anymore. The _data column from the query returns a null value. 10494395 C6 5535672 108 In the spirit of Android, it's all yours! And hopefully when you build something that may be useful, you are able to share that :) 29193351 C4 2175688 8 I agree with @Tom on this. Asking permission for the data of the all contacts on the phone for just the First and Last name of the user is ridiculous. 6045289 C1 673014 9 I have also compressed the image but to 100 percent and when I am getting my image in canvas it is very small. any reason? 13857602 C5 9428660 14 +1, an amazingly informative answer. 1328610 C5 708317 65 Thank you Soonil -- these kinds of answers are the reason why I love Stack Overflow so much. GREAT JOB! 7340843 C6 6271637 37 That's what I'm doing now essentially but it is a lot messier when you have multiple fragments that each need to receive click events. I'm just aggravated with fragments in general because paradigms have dissolved around them. 30581220 C4 3414749 11 as Christopher points out - this is not supported in 4.4+ See this question for more info: 35022552 C4 708317 7 Let me repeat one more time, you should not be using Application for globals. It is of no use, gives no benefits over singletons, and can be actively harmful, such as harming the performance of launching your process. At the time Application is being created, you have no idea what your process is being created for. By lazily initializing singletons as needed, you only need to do work that is necessary. For example, if your process is being launched to handle a broadcast about some background event, there is no reason to initialize whatever global state is needed by your UI. 9538121 C6 2700683 7 I used `@android:color/transparent` 29490140 C2 19451842 27 Having just one Activity can be a daunting task for any fairly complex app. Using Activities gives you a lot of free things from the system - so it is a valid point how to use multiple Activities. I can't imagine one Activity handling communication between any number of fragment combinations - it's just not gonna work. 10845845 C7 2700683 29 As @Emilio mentioned this will behave like a dialog, mainly because of `android:windowIsFloating` set to true. Remove this property to behave like a normal activity (in this case it will match `android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar`) 5215415 C6 559781 24 Google Shelves project is an excellent example look how they did 9933218 C2 4153842 50 Note that the if you use the XML onclick, you have to put the onclick method (`myFancyMethod()`) in the current Activity. This is important if you are using fragments, since the programmatic way of setting onclick listeners will probably have the method handling clicks in a fragment's onCreateView()... where it would **not** be found if referred to from XML. 24928547 C2 7992472 10 If you want this to work you must call `fragment.getView().setFocusableInTouchMode(true);`. 5796720 C2 5161143 78 If you only want to use the fragment as the top level content view of the activity, then you can use `ft.add(, newFragment)`. It's only necessary to create a custom layout and setting its id if the fragment's container is not the activity's content view. 3550625 C2 3359003 10 To access in the background, you would either need to put appropriate synchronization around mActivity *and* deal with running into times when it is null, or have the background thread just take the Context.getApplicationContext() which is a single global instance for the app. The application context is restricted in what you can do (no UI like Dialog for example) and requires some care (registered receivers and service bindings will be left forever if you don't clean them up), but is generally appropriate for code that isn't tied to a particular component's context. 5215402 C3 559781 82 I think you should use SoftReferences so that your program will never cause OutOfMemoryException. As GC can clear softreferences when heap size is increasing... you can manage your own generation like after some seconds you can put your images to that list and before loading you should check that if image exists then don't download it again rather collect it from that list and also putting it back to your softref list and after sometime you can purge your hardlist :) 23918183 C7 16620500 6 @Hardik Nadiyapara, I had the same problem as you after following these instructions. After deleting gradle.jar from \AndroidStudio\lib (the one you pasted in step 3) it works. 12752853 C6 9021487 13 I've applied the changes Jake outlined above and compiled a new support library to use until Google releases his fix. 34457813 C7 22127027 21 "After lots of mucking around I have found recent versions of android studio produce projects with two gradle files - one inside at app/build.gradle and one at /build.gradel - the one in the root directory is where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules. You need to put: allprojects { repositories { maven { url """" } mavenCentral() } } in the top level build.gradle for it to work" 11259197 C5 2655740 7 This also works for viewpager within a scrollview. 18646478 C1 673014 14 Does one *have* to recompress? I just want to save the original image. 11219178 C3 2549222 12 "For bonus points, provide an initial capacity to avoid reallocations as the StringBuilder fills up: `StringBuilder total = new StringBuilder(inputStream.available());`" 32405715 C4 4239019 6 This does not check if the phone is connected to the internet. Only that a network connection has been made. 12609816 C3 2508138 11 Instead of the cursor you should get the image in this way : Bitmap b = MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(this.getContentResolver(), selectedImage); 9246143 C4 4887323 31 onKeyListener doesn't work for soft keyboards 1752048 C4 938657 92 "Thank you for this code! It was very helpful. However, I ran into one very very frustrating catch while trying to get gestures working. In my SimpleOnGestureListener, I have to override onDown for any of my gestures to register. It can just return true but i has to be defined. P.S: I don't know if its my api revision or my hardware, but i'm using 1.5 on a HTC Droid Eris." 21379652 C4 5533943 15 yeah, it won't work on 4.2.x= because it now requires a WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission that is only available to system apps. Thanks Google - slowly alienating us little guys. 8199077 C6 5769405 13 iScroll took care of it 10360925 C2 3506039 53 for gingerbread or greater its actually advised to use HttpURLConnection over the apache library, see . Its less taxing on the battery and has better performance 5592175 C1 1726352 6 This gives me `"Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'color' with value '@color/yellow1')"` Are these references to built in colors? seems I need a res/values/color.xml to make this work 23707853 C1 1016941 7 what if you want to get the screen size excluding the navigation bar and/or notification bar 15072805 C6 5535672 7 Did you try the latest edited version. I made a small change for Jelly Bean about a week ago. This should probably be up on github. 5658480 C3 708317 9 Soonil, your answer is right, but could you notice that we should add into Android Manifest file? 22134391 C7 14871487 15 Please make sure that you use the **HTTPS** version of the site. Do not use the built-in `Android Developer Tools Update Site` from eclipse (which uses HTTP). Otherwise, it will result to an error mentioned [here]( `(An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session context)` 10747399 C4 3934409 17 This code does not work properly. Some "0" characters becomes missing in the generated string. I don't know why, but that's the case. 15547676 C2 4737265 6 If you try this using the **actual** root view (``) you will be able to more confidently say that the `System` rather than your application is the entity changing it's height. Would be much safer for the Android team to give us a break and let us know at least basic things about the SoftKeyboard input. 21181681 C4 7636810 16 Do keep in mind that using a no-op `TrustManager` and the `ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER` is pretty questionable from a security perspective. If the goal is to connect to a test environment, fine, but please don't put this code into production. 15556049 C4 7992472 6 I confirm that setOnKeyListener does't work for me, back button still cause go to older fragment. 14531164 C2 151940 49 Careful: the official documentation states, that you should save important information within the onPause-Method because the onsaveinstance-method is not part of the android lifecycle. 13580414 C7 2746708 7 Maybe it's just me, but why would you ever do this with an EditText? 23379499 C5 15656428 54 Wow. That works. I was going to give up programming. 35023082 C4 708317 9 Also, let's be really clear here -- all of your arguments against singletons are perfectly valid, when we are talking about situations where you are actually choosing between a singleton and another approach that isn't a global; singletons are globals, with all the caveats about globals that apply. However, *Application is also a singleton*. You aren't escaping those problems by switching to subclassing Application, an Application is exactly the same as a singleton (but worse), it is just letting you to trick yourself that you are doing something more clean. But you aren't. 19575141 C4 4737265 6 Beware that `heightDiff` will always include the height of the action bar. In the new answer that has been ignored by testing if that height is greater than some constant, but 100 pixels is not sufficient for xxhdpi devices such as the Nexus 4. Consider converting that value to DPs if you really want to use this hacky work-around. 3022763 C7 2570050 6 Hi, thanks for your answer. But it seems that I cannot share the same widget provider. (if I do, only first in manifest is shown). So, basically, multiple widget providers would be the answer for me. Is anyone working with one widget provider? 15275453 C2 11408340 15 If you want to use a nested class, it has to be static. Otherwise, WeakReference doesn't change anything. Inner (nested but not static) class always holds strong reference to outer class. There is no need for any static variables though. 27935264 C6 2549222 13 It's amazing that Android doesn't have a built-in stream-to-string conversion. Having every code snippet on the web and app on the planet re-implement a `readline` loop is ridiculous. That pattern should have died with pea green in the 70s. 17412014 C5 9245510 11 Thank you - the getArguments() was missing from anybody else's explanation - really helped. 27963626 C2 4153842 7 Interesting thing is that doing it in code does allow one to shield method access by making the method private, whereas doing it the xml way leads to exposure of the method. 2548499 C6 1683195 9 I love you for this! 3482548 C6 456918 134 Here's hoping we see an onRotate() method in the future. Having to even worry about things like this is—frankly—frustrating. 15576631 C7 11736739 20 I know that it is possible but I don't want to use LinearyLayout because of bad view recycling. This solution will not work well with many imageviews. 9376244 C5 2318356 121 +1 for intergalactic portability! 16229685 C4 3506039 9 As of Honeycomb (SDK 11) the asynchronous approach is the way to go. A [NetworkOnMainThreadException]( gets thrown when you try to run an HTTP request from the main thread. 8062251 C1 2466662 18 And why isn't that in the default proguard file? 5927564 C6 5255360 7 ContentResolver.setSyncAutomatically(account, AUTHORITY, true); 3956000 C1 1737042 7 Is there any straightforward way to filter ListView in "contains" instead of "starts with" fashion like this solution does? 5758930 C6 938657 7 I had to implement onDown as well. Really nice of Cdsboy for pointing this out! 13637180 C4 5301093 54 Beware! getItemViewType() must return an int between 0 and getViewTypeCount() - 1. 9777160 C4 7992472 40 Handling OnKey from View does not work 29549202 C4 15656428 7 This bug is being tracked in the Android Open Source issue tracker: 12210197 C4 2418314 10 How do you not do this if the device has a hardware keyboard? Seems like this is annoying for those users. 22441602 C2 15656428 14 If you look at the implementation of Fragment, you'll see that when moving to the detached state, it'll reset its internal state. However, it doesn't reset mChildFragmentManager (this is a bug in the current version of the support library). This causes it to not reattach the child fragment manager when the Fragment is reattached, causing the exception you saw. 12135038 C5 5220954 14 this is the correct answer. it's a shame that this class isn't included in the Android SDK. 8646238 C4 4365637 93 configurationChange does not work for SOFT keyboards. 24188393 C1 559781 6 haven't any one heard about `LRU Cache` 8992820 C3 2655740 17 "Good stuff, very useful for any scrollable view nesting. Minor points on the code, though: You can actually simplify the entire onIntercept method to just this: `return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev) && mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(ev);`. Also, the try/catch in the onScroll is really unnecessary (exactly what exception can be thrown there?); it'd suffice to replace the entire method with `return (Math.abs(distanceY) > Math.abs(distanceX))`." 5690391 C7 4961467 17 Yes, create a nested LinearLayout inside your RelativeLayout, where you want to use percentages. 12196442 C1 3882736 28 what is "a"? like that activity would that be? 18529530 C4 5533943 11 This is no longer possible starting from Android 4.2 and above. 10769620 C4 456918 13 That is a bad solution, because it only reacts to _currently known_ configuration changes. With newer Android versions, other configuration changes may occur which this code will not catch (because it must list all config changes in the manifest). The solution of saving the state with `onRetainNonConfigurationChanges` is more fault tolerant and straight forward. 15481641 C2 11318942 10 View objects are not retained, they are always destroyed on configuration changes. 15397716 C2 7341546 11 Override `setProgress` to call it from outside the class.`@Override public synchronized void setProgress(int progress){ super.setProgress(progress); onSizeChanged(getWidth(), getHeight(), 0, 0); }` 6797271 C3 2033124 7 Working for me!!! do not forget to add to your app manifest the uses-permission INTERNET 8137369 C7 1683195 20 It doesn't work well with selection-highlighting though: When top or bottom item is selected, it's colored background is rectangular and drawn on top of the round-cornered background. 3769155 C7 2570050 21 Yep, just followed above instructions and found it only works if i specify different widget provider classes. Good anyway, thanks everyone! :) 7794997 C1 5114361 24 Is there any downside to this method? This seems like cheating. (A hack?) 34394877 C6 15656428 14 So after 1 year, this bug is still not fixed? I got the same error even the latest API and SDK updates... 5496820 C4 4819665 35 When i tried this it show *RuntimeException: Unknown animator name: translate*. 19249035 C5 9428660 18 +1 just for the elephantine bath in the Android jacuzzi :P 3428303 C7 1726352 23 That works well for background color - can you set the text color in the same way? 9100269 C2 1726352 7 to make this work, put custom_button.xml in your res/"drawable" folder - and create a file res/values/colors.xml with these contents: - change the color names in either file to make it work 1956153 C4 456918 11 I dont think the second approach works. I tried it; one Activity with a EditText. I wrote some text there, change orientation and the text was gone/reset. 14187680 C3 10852046 22 Okay, figured out the problem - you need to use FragmentStatePagerAdapter rather than FragmentPagerAdapter. FragmentPagerAdapter never removes fragments from the FragmentManager, it only detaches and attaches them. Check the docs for more info - in general, you only want to use FragmentPagerAdapter for fragments that are permanent. I've edited my example with the correction. 21617743 C2 6883831 11 if it doesn't work for you, try to override the dispatchTouchEvent method instead (same implementation, just change the super call at the end). thanks. 7049524 C7 1726352 7 "@HarryWood you have to define those colors in your res/values/colors.xml. Alternatively, substitute them by ""#ff0000"", ""#00ff00"", for testing purposes @cfarm54 That file is to be put in the res/drawable/custom_button.xml folder @emmby Thanks for the cod" 13413699 C5 3506039 7 responseString = out.toString() needs to be before the out.close() call. Actually, you should probably have the out.close() in a finally block. But overall, very helpful answer (+1), thanks! 23899350 C7 16620500 14 after completion of step provided by you, i create new project and it throws an error "org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.settings.GradleSettings cannot be cast to org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.settings.GradleSettings" 15029682 C2 2033124 24 For those complaining/asking about how to get user's password - that's not the idea here. This is meant to be used with your (developer's) e-mail account. If you want to rely on user's e-mail account you should use the e-mail intent, which is widely discussed in other posts. 4005116 C1 2033124 23 Your code seems to use hard coded username and password. Is this currently a security risk (meaning, have the apk's that get uploaded to the market been decompiled)? 3665564 C2 3506039 8 Here is an article from the official android developer blog on AsyncTask: 9044735 C3 3145655 24 "This worked great for me! However, the activity I used this for me checks location on resume. If the user backs out of the activity before the location is returned the application would crash. I fixed this by adding this method to your MyLocation class.public void cancelTimer() { timer1.cancel(); lm.removeUpdates(locationListenerGps); lm.removeUpdates(locationListenerNetwork); } I call this onPause() and that fixed the crash." 11491719 C2 1016941 10 the use of getWidth and getHeight has been deprecated - you're supposed to use getSize instead: 13307210 C4 10025904 6 IIRC this way of overriding the home button thankfully no longer works as of Android 4.0 5897481 C4 3410200 24 Didn't work in onCreate 2944805 C1 2885744 13 hmm how about if i do not have QuickOffice installed in my Android? 36774389 C7 22127027 30 "attention now the dependency is **compile 'com.viewpagerindicator:library:2.4.1'** [reference:]" 4988840 C2 3008684 24 @Christopher, each activity registers for the broadcast when it gets created. When it goes to the background (i.e., a new activity comes to the top of the stack), its onStop() will get called, but it can still receive broadcasts. You just need to make sur 29085363 C4 16208548 19 "this view is great but it distort not-square images, I fix that here:" 11307822 C3 4737265 8 Seems to be doing the trick. Also, if you don't know the root view's ID, here's how you can get the view: `((ViewGroup) findViewById(` 23311539 C1 5651242 17 Hi, Can you describe what is mCurrentUrlMask? I have tried this code but it is always giving me NullPointerException at Bitmap.createBitmap(v1.getDrawingCache()), Can anybody tell what I am doing wrong.? Any help is appreciated. Thanks. 14884309 C6 3145655 16 @TRonZ No problem, please use it in any purpose. 7711542 C7 4961467 13 The answer given above by LadaRaider works for me only when I set the width to 0px. android:layout_width="0px" 5345983 C1 1343796 9 What if there are two buttons on one screen that you would like to do this to? If you setTouchDelegate again then it erases the previous touch delegate. 3499582 C2 3359003 11 The onDestroy() method sets mActivity to null. It doesn't matter who holds a reference to the activity before that, because it is still running. And the activity's window will always be valid until onDestroy() is called. By setting to null there, the async task will know that the activity is no longer valid. (And when a config changes, the previous activity's onDestroy() is called and the next one's onCreate() run without any messages on the main loop processed between them so the AsyncTask will never see an inconsistent state.) 12429936 C1 2318356 6 "Is this line of code `mAccel = mAccel * 0.9f + delta; // perform low-cut filter` supposed to be `mAccel = mAccel * 0.9f + delta * 0.1f; // perform low-cut filter`?" 9071833 C1 2033124 8 is there anyway to get an email sent without putting the password into the code? I think users would be startled if i would ask them for their email pw... 3962769 C2 1737042 12 Viktor - If the words you are interested in are separated by spaces, then it will do this automatically. Otherwise, not really. Probably the easiest way would be to subclass the Adapter by extending it, and override the getFilter method to return a Filter object that you define. See to understand how the default ArrayFilter works - it would be simple to copy 95% of this code and change lines 479 and 486 6390710 C7 2746708 38 Holy cow - I would never have found that without your answer. 5690205 C7 4961467 98 this makes sense for using LinearLayout however he wanted a RelativeLayout. Is there any way to do this as I need to use RelativeLayout for a List item 16845417 C3 2318356 6 The compiler suggests to use: `android.util.FloatMath.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);` instead to avoid a conversion 6167489 C3 5255360 16 You can request a sync even though the global sync settings are turned off. Just add a `ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_MANUAL` set to true to the extras Bundle and you will force the sync :) 3807693 C2 3035521 45 So ListView.getFirstVisiblePosition() returns the top visible list item. But this item may be partially scrolled out of view, and if you want to restore the exact scroll position of the list you need to get this offset. So ListView.getChildAt(0) returns the View for the top list item, and then View.getTop() returns its relative offset from the top of the ListView. Then, to restore the ListView's scroll position, we call ListView.setSelectionFromTop() with the index of the item we want and an offset to position its top edge from the top of the ListView. All clear? 16809452 C7 11318942 43 As far as I can tell, if you have `setRetainInstance(true)`, the `Fragment` java object, and all its contents are *not* destroyed on rotation, but the view *is* recreated. That is `onCreatedView()` is called again. It's basically the way it should have worked with `Activities` since Android 1.0. I don't think it is "lazy" to use it, or using it isn't "proper". In fact I can't see why it isn't the default, or why you would ever want it off. 17604685 C7 11318942 11 I find your explanation for "Why doesn't it work with fragments on the back stack?" difficult to understand. But maybe I'm dumb :( 5797545 C2 5161143 18 Instead of hard coding the id, you can [define it in XML]( and reference it as normal (