Short Bio
Dr. Masud Rahman is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Computer Science at Dalhousie University.
He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science/Software Engineering from the University of Saskatchewan and was advised by Prof. Dr. Chanchal Roy.
He completed his Postdoc at the Polytechnique Montreal and was advised by Prof. Dr. Foutse Khomh.
Dr. Rahman leads the RAISE Lab at Dalhousie University.
He is interested in the intelligent automation of software maintenance and evolution.
Once a software product is released, it enters into the maintenance phase and
goes through various major or minor changes. These changes are often triggered either by critical post-release bugs or by the requests for new features.
To keep the software operational, the developers must resolve these bugs as quickly as possible.
Similarly, to stay competitive in the market, they must add interesting features to their software at regular intervals.
Unfortunately, these maintenance activities have never been easy despite 40+ years of extensive research!
Software maintenance activities claim up to ~50% of the developers' time and cost the global economy billions of dollars every year.
With the rise of popular but highly complex computing frameworks such as Large Language Models, Deep Learning, Cloud Computing, and Mobile Computing,
software maintenance has become even more challenging and costlier.
Masud's research focuses on (a) a better understanding of software maintenance challenges with a particular focus on software debugging, code search, and code reviews,
and (b) designing intelligent, automated, and cost-effective solutions to help developers overcome these challenges.
In particular, Dr. Rahman is interested in the maintenance of three types of systems: Deep learning software systems, traditional software systems, and simulation modelling systems.
He uses a blend of Software Engineering, Machine/Deep Learning especially Generative AI,
Information Retrieval, Mining Software Repositories, and Natural Language Processing in his work.
His research interests have been significantly shaped by his three years of experience as a professional developer in the software industry.
Please check the RAISE Lab to learn more about his research.
To date, Masud has published 50+ research papers, and his works got accepted in several major venues of Software Engineering including ICSE (A*), ESEC/FSE (A*), ASE (A*), TOSEM (A*), EMSE (A), ICSME (A) and MSR (A).
Dr. Rahman received multiple prestigious awards such as Governor General's Gold Medal 2019, U of S Doctoral Thesis Award 2019, 2019 Best PhD Thesis Award (Computer Science),
Dr Keith Geddes Award 2017, Dalhousie Belong Research Fellowship 2020, and the prestigious President Gold Medal 2010 (Bangladesh)
for his research excellence and outstanding academics. To date, Masud's work received $475K+ (PI) and 4M+ (Co-PI, Co-applicant) in competitive research funding from various sources including NSERC Discovery Grant, Mitacs Accelerate International, NSERC Alliance,
Climate Action and Awareness Fund, and Dalhousie Startup Fund.
Taught Courses
- CSCI 3130 (Winter 2025)
- CSCI 3130 (Fall 2024)
- CSCI 3130 (Winter 2024)
- CSCI 3130 (Fall 2023)
- CSCI 3130 (Winter 2023)
- CSCI 3130 (Fall 2022)
- CSCI 3130 (Winter 2022)
- CSCI 3130 (Fall 2021)
- CSCI 3130 (Winter 2021)
- CSCI 3130 (Fall 2020)
Masud on Media

Dr. Rahman is serving as a PC Chair of SANER
2025. Please consider submitting your high-quality papers
PC Member
OC Member
Journal Reviewer
Breaking News
- January 2025: Our technical paper - Improved Detection and Diagnosis of Faults in Deep Neural Networks Using Hierarchical and Explainable Classification - got accepted at ICSE 2025 (A*).
- January 2025: Our technical paper - Improved IR-based Bug Localization with Intelligent Relevance Feedback - got accepted at ICPC 2025 (A).
- January 2025: Our ERA track paper - Towards Enhancing IR-based Bug Localization Leveraging Texts and Multimedia from Bug Reports - got accepted in ICPC 2025 (A).
- January 2025: Our journal article - Towards Understanding the Impact of Data Bugs on Deep Learning Models in Software Engineering - received a major revision from EMSE (A).
- January 2025: Our journal article - BugMentor: Generating Answers to Follow-up Questions from Software Bug Reports using Structured Information Retrieval and Neural Text Generation - received major revision from JSS (A).
December 2024: Dr. Rahman has been nominated for SCAM steering committee membership. Thanks to SCAM community for their support!
- October 2024: Our journal article -- Towards Enhancing the
Reproducibility of Deep Learning Bugs: An Empirical Study -
got accepted at EMSE (A). Please click here
for the pre-print.
- August 2024: Our RT paper - On the Prevalence, Evolution,
and Impact of Code Smells in Simulation Modelling Software -
got accepted at SCAM 2024
- July 2024: Our journal article - Towards Understanding the Challenges of Bug Localization in Deep Learning Systems - received a major revision from EMSE (A).
- July 2024: Completed our collaboration work with Drinkable!
- May 2024: Thanks to the students of CSCI 3130 and
CSCI 6308 for their high-quality feedback and SLEQ
ratings. More details can be found here
- April 2024: Lareina Yang defended her honours thesis with
flying colors.
- March 2024: Masud Rahman will serve as a Program
Co-Chair of SANER 2025, Montreal.
- March 2024: Digital Research Alliance of Canada Grant
was awarded (with Dr. Tushar Sharma)
- March 2024: MITACS GRI Fellowship was awarded.
- March 2024: Sigma Jahan, PhD student, received
OpenThinker Award from Dalhousie University
- March 2024: Sigma Jahan, PhD student, received Best TA
Award from the Faculty of Computer Science
- January 2024: Our collaborative work - Can We Identify Stack
Overflow Questions Requiring Code Snippets? Investigating
the Cause & Effect of Missing Code Snippets - got accepted
at SANER 2024 (A)
- January 2024: Our RT paper - Predicting Line-Level Defects
by Capturing Code Contexts with Hierarchical Transformers
-got accepted at SANER 2024 (A)
- Aug-Dec 2023: Students graduated: Parvez Mahbub (MCS),
Ohiduzzaman Shuvo (MCS), Usmi Mukherjee (MCS), Callum
MacNeil (BCS), and Shihui Gao (BCS)
- June 2023: Our RT paper - Recommending Code Reviews
Leveraging Code Changes with Structured Information
Retrieval - got accepted at ICSME 2023 (A)
- May 2023: Our journal article - A Systematic Review of
Automated Query Reformulations in Source Code Search - got
accepted at TOSEM (A*). Check pre-print.
- March 2023: Received Best Reviewert Award 2022 from
Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)
- March 2023: Our Data showcase paper - Defectors: A Large,
Diverse Python Dataset for Defect Prediction - got accepted
at MSR 2023 (A)
- March 2023: Our RT paper - Do Subjectivity and Objectivity
Always Agree? A Case Study with Stack Overflow Questions -
got accepted at MSR 2023 (A)
- February 2023: Our research-track paper - Explaining
Software Bugs Leveraging Code Structures in Neural Machine
Translation - got accepted at ICSE 2023
- January 2023: Our RT paper - Towards Understanding the
Impacts of Textual Dissimilarity on Duplicate Bug Report
Detection - got accepted at SANER 2023 (A)
- January 2023: Thanks to the students of CSCI3130/Fall 2022
for the high-quality feedback and suggestions. SLEQ:
4.03/5.00. Read more
- January 2023: Happy New Year 2023!
- Year-end Summary:
- Research Grants: Mitacs Accelerate (Awarded),
CAAF (Co-applicant + Awarded), Google Scholar
Program (Under review), and NSERC Alliance
(Co-applicant + Under review).
- Journal articles: 1 EMSE (accepted), 1 EMSE
(under revision), and 1 TOSEM (under revision).
- Conference papers: ICSE 2023 (A*), ICSE 2022
(Journal First), SANER 2023 (A), and ICSE 2023/tool
(under review).
- Taught courses: CSCI 3130:Software
Engineering (SLEQ: 4.30/5.00), CSCI 6308: Software
Maintenance & Evolution (SLEQ: 4.50/5.00)
- Students under supervision: 3 PhD, 3 MCS, and
2 BCS.
- Thanks to my families, friends, colleagues, and
industry partners for their constant support. Big
shoutout to my students for their great work over
the year!
- December 2022: Our RT paper - Towards Understanding the
Impacts of Textual Dissimilarity on Duplicate Bug Report
Detection - got accepted at SANER 2023 (A)
- December 2022: Our research-track paper - Explaining
Software Bugs Leveraging Code Structures in Neural Machine
Translation - got accepted at ICSE 2023
- August 2022: Our CAAF grant has been awarded (as
Co-applicant)! Grant total: $3,620,000. Read
- August 2022: Google Scholar citations reached 1000! Check out the Google Scholar
- May 2022: Thanks to the students of CSCI 3130 and
CSCI 6308 for
their high-quality feedback. Super excited and grateful for
SLEQ ratings: 4.30/5.00 and 4.51/5.00
If you are taking these courses coming Fall 2022 and Winter
2023, please check out the students'
- March 2022: Our EMSE article - "Works for Me! Cannot
Reproduce -- A Large Scale Empirical Study of
Non-reproducible Bugs" - got accepted at EMSE. Please
check here for the
- February 2022: Our EMSE article - "The Forgotten Role of
Search Queries in IR-based Bug Localization: An Empirical
Study" - got accepted at ICSE 2022 (A*) Journal First
track. Check
out the preprint.
- January 2022: Our Mitacs grant
with industry parner -- Metabob -- has
been awarded!
- January 2022: Thanks to CSCI 3130/Fall2021 students for
their constuctive feedback and ratings. See details
- January 2022: Our journal article - "A Systematic Literature
Review of Automated Query Reformulations in Source Code
Search" - received a major revision from TOSEM
- January 2022: Happy New Year 2022!
- Year-end Summary:
- Research Grants: NSERC DG (Awarded), NSERC
PDF (Awarded), Mitacs Accelerate (Under review), and
Google Scholar Program (Under review).
- Papers: Three journal articles (EMSE, JSS)
and Two conference papers (SANER, ISEC) accepted.
One EMSE article under revision and one TOSEM
article under review
- Courses: Taught one course - CSCI
3130:Software Engineering (SRI:4.54/5.00).
Proposed one graduate course: CSCI 6308: Software
maintenance & Evolution
- Awards: MSR Distinguished Reviewer Award and
one nomination for DAL President's Research
Excellence Award.
- Media: DAL News and USASK CGPS Magazine!
- December 2021: Our collaborative work - The Reproducibility
of Programming-Related Issues in Stack Overflow Questions -
was accepted at EMSE for publication
- November 2021: Our collaborative work - The Reproducibility
of Programming-Related Issues in Stack Overflow Questions -
was accepted at EMSE with a minor revision
- August 2021: Our EMSE journal article -Works for Me! Cannot
Reproduce -- A Large Scale Empirical Study of
Non-reproducible Bugs- received a major revision.
- August 2021: Got featured in the CGPS
Imagine Magazine at the University of Saskatchewan
- August 2021: Our journal article - Improved Retrieval of
Programming Solutions With Code Examples Using a
Multi-featured Score. - got accepted at JSS. Please
click here for
the preprint.
- July 2021: Our journal article - The Forgotten Role of
Search Queries in IR-based Bug Localization: An Empirical
Study - got accepted at EMSE (A). Please click here for the preprint.
- May 2021: Thanks to Winter 2021/CSCI 3130 students for their
great ratings, feedback, and comments. See details
- May 2021: Received MSR Distinguished Reviewer Award
- April 2021: Our EMSE paper: The Forgotten Role of
Search Queries in IR-based Bug Localization: An
Empirical Study received a minor revision.
- April 2021: Awarded the NSERC Discovery
Grant 2021 with Discovery Launch Supplement! More
details are here
- March 2021: Nominated for Dalhousie University President's
Research Excellence Award by the Faculty of Computer
Science, Dalhousie University.
- February 2021: Got featured at Dalhousie News for the
- January 2021: NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded
($90,000) (Declined)
- December 2020: Awarded Dalhousie BELONG Research Fellowship
2020. More details are here
- October 2019: Submitted my NSERC
PDF Proposal!
- October 2019: Joined Polytechnique Montreal as
a Postdoctoral Fellow.
- September 2019: Defended my Ph.D thesis with a note of "the highest quality"
- July 2019: PhD Thesis draft submitted to the advisory board,
waiting for the defense date.
- July 2019: Became a Canadian citizen!
- June 2019: Done with PhD Proposal, officially became a PhD
- May 2019: Done with PhD Comprehensive exam
- March 2019: Awarded prestigious ACM
SIGSoft CAPS for ICSE 2019, Montreal
- March 2019: Business visit to EECS, York
- March 2019: Two of our research track papers got accepted:
one at MSR2019
and one at ICPC
- January 2019: My paper has been accepted in the Doctoral
Symposium track of ICSE 2019,
Montreal, Canada
- January 2019: Business
visit at University of
- November 2018: Our paper has been accepted by EMSE:-)
Pre-print is coming soon!
- September 2018: Our paper has been accepted by EMSE
with minor revision :)
- September 2018: I have been invited to ROSE Festival,
co-located at ESEC/FSE 2018
- July 2018: Our artifacts
have been accepted at ESEC/FSE 2018
- July 2018: Our artifacts
have been accepted at ICSME 2018
- June 2018: Our paper at ICSME 2018 has been nominated
for TCSE Distinguished Paper Award :)
- June 2018: Our work on query reformulation for bug
localization was accepted at ESEC/FSE 2018, FL, USA
- June 2018: Our work on query reformulation for
general-purpose code search was accepted at ICSME
2018, Madrid, Spain
- April 2018: Our work on query reformulation for code search,
RACK has received a major revision from EMSE
- Feb 2018: Our poster on query reformulation for bug
localization was accepted at ICSE 2018, Gothenburg,
- September 2017: Our work on query reformulation using
CodeRank and document structures was accepted at ASE
2017, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Masud's Links
Useful Links
Publication Stats
- ICSE (A*) x 7
- FSE (A*) x 1
- TOSEM (A*) x 1
- ASE (A*) x 3
- EMSE (A) x 6
- ICSME (A) x 6
- MSR (A) x 10
- SANER (A) x 10
- ICPC (A) x 3
- JSS (A) x 1
- SCAM x 3
- SEKE x 1
- Learn more on ranking
Award Overview
Grant X 10
Best Reviewer X 2
Gold Medal X 2
Best Thesis X 2
Best Paper X 2
Best Student X 1
- Check out all awards & grants