
Eye control
Olivieri & Tecce (1993)
Gips, DiMattia, Curran & Olivieri (1996)

Control of the system through gaze

Many different sources of electrical activity in the body:

Heart muscle (EKG - from the German Elektrokardiogramm,Electrocardiogram)
Skeletal muscle (EMG - Electromyogram)
Brain (EEG - Electroencephalogram)

Placed around the eyes:

Electrodes measure EOG (electro-oculographic potential)

EOG a measure of potential between the retina and cornea
Potential a function of eye position relative to the head

Heading of eyes measured by electrodes placed next to left and right eyes (outer canthi)

Pitch of eyes measured by electrodes placed:

1cm above eyebrow
2cm below the eye
Final electrode placed on ear (ground)

For every degree of change, there is a corresponding approximate 20 microvolt change

Measured signals magnified x5000 and transformed (ADC)

User goes through a calibration exercise before use

Example typing program (selection takes place after 0.5s fixation)

The 'Eagle Eyes' system now developed for disabled users

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