#!/usr/local/bin/perl -Tw BEGIN { use CGI qw(:standard); # for cookie code $| = 1; # fflush after every print } { my $input = new CGI; #... # -- Cookie with multiple values #++ # N.B.: It is safer to send $user and $art in a cookie than to send # the log file name. The log file name could be faked and not # easily checked. The article and session numbers could be faked # but must still be within the valid range and cannot be used to # overwrite existing logs. Etc. #-- # -- Make cookie $mycookie = $input->cookie(-name => 'values', # no expires value so cookie will stay until Mozilla exits # or expiry is forced -value => {'user'=> $user, 'etc' => $etc}); # -- Write cookie and redirect at the same time print $input->header(-type => 'Multipart/mixed', -cookie => $mycookie, -Location => $redirect_to); }