CHI '98 Stuff
This document is a list the files I have about and for the CHI '98 conference in LA during April 1998.
Workshop 7: Hyped-Media to Hyper-Media: Toward Theoretical Foundations
of Design, Use and Evaluation
Revised submission (20 March 1998)
- CHI.html (about 44Kb)
- My revised submission to the workshop
- IR.html (about 8Kb)
- Some extra text about the IR methods
- process.html (about 11Kb)
- Some extra text about the experimental method (frames and such)
Original Submission (15 Feb 1998)
- original-CHI.html
- My submission to the workshop
- original-IR.html
- Some extra text about the IR methods that was not included in my
This document is copyright by its author, J. Blustein.