I am an active researcher looking to supervise research projects and theses. My research interests are in helping people find and use information more effectively. Topics within this general area are welcome. I am always looking for innovative ideas. Please note that I do not do research in the field of data mining.
I have funding for some students and projects.
Much of my research work is in the HAIKU group's research areas.
When I review applications to work with me I look for a well thought-out
statement of research goals: an outline of one or more specific research
areas or questions that demonstrates the student's preparation and
seriousness. The statement of research
should suggest
that it could be completed in the time available for a thesis or
project. There is much flexibility in choosing a final topic and
approach — they do not have to be what you proposed in your
statement as one or both may change over the course of our conversation.
A secondary, but nonetheless important, consideration is external funding. After all other considerations I prefer applicants who have scholarships but I supervise many students who do not hold scholarships.
To be eligable for a scholarship from Dalhousie's Faculty of Computer Science (FCS) to study for a graduate degree (MCS or PhD) your application must be complete by the application deadline set by the FCS. The links below will lead you to information about some available scholarships.
For answers to questions such as:
please see my Answers to General Questions from Graduate Applicants webpage.
During 2011–2013 I will be working on an exciting multi-centre project entitled NUscholar. I am seeking graduate students at all levels (Masters, Doctoral) and possibly a post-doctoral fellow. If you meet the criteria below then I will gladly discuss research opportunities with you.
Some parts of the project have particular needs and thus offer particular advantages.
how-toand self-teaching videos
I want to develop (and evaluate) better browsers for reading on the Web. I want to see how certain features could improve users' experiences:
Much of this can be supported using Java code from the multivalent documents project at UC Berkeley and XML or XHTML.
See the new browser technology topic webpage for more details.
Part of another project. If you have experience with iOS then feel free to ask for details.
Part of work for an updated institutional repository of documents and data for Dalhousie University.
Part of another project.
In collaboration with a professor in the School of Health and Human Performance.
An analysis of data already collected.
In collaboration with another professor in the School of Information Management
These topics are not in any particular order.
I am interested in hypertext used to convey knowledge, such as in journal articles. There are many ideas about what makes for useful hypertext but little real evidence. I'd like to conduct some experiments to clarify what we do know and find ways of making the WWW more useful.
Some readers like hypertext even when it is not as useful to them as the traditional document from which it was generated so hypertext must be evaluated for performance (usefulness) and preference (acceptability).
I want to prepare some short articles in XHTML for people to read and answer questions about using a variety of interfaces. Questions we can investigate are:
In my current research this is part of the Methods and Models of Navigation in Hypertextual Space project.
Can we develop automated measures of how good a web page or web site is?
Some attempts have been made to automatically check web pages and sites against published standards (e.g. Bobby and Web Metrics). I believe that we can develop code to implement other published measures, and come up with our own too.
The work will involves investigation of alternate measures, proposing suitable new ones, and evaluation of the utility of whatever is developed.
My current research includes two projects in this area:
See the web usability measures webpage for more details.
I am working with Drs. Heywood and Zincir-Heywood on research to help network administrators to detect and respond to network threats. Together with our students we are Dalhousie's Network Information Management and Security Group. We expect to develop interfaces for use with distributed mobile devices so that the managers can analyze the threats (alone or by computer-mediated conversation), and react to them. The system will be intelligent, that is, it will respond to many threats itself and make recommendations for how to handle the others.
Some of the areas this project will involve are:
The Network Information Management and Security Group homepage.
There might be an opportunity to investigate new methods of evaluating software and interfaces for physicians (medical doctors). If you are interested in investigating the use of non-user evaluation methods or work within the medical field then please contact me for more details.
Along with Keith Instone, two of my students are investigating the
uses of types of breadcrumbs
as navigation tools for WWW surfers.
In my current research this is part of the Methods and Models of Navigation in Hypertextual Space project.
I'm interested in any ideas you might have too.
Topics related to hypertext or digital libraries are especially welcome.
In general, I am interested in any topic that is about helping people to find and use information more effectively.
The research section of my homepage has some information about my research interests and activities. A list of my current and recent research students is available.
Created on 05 March 2001 by J. Blustein.
Last updated on 24 May 2012 by J. Blustein.