%% Dictionaries %% @Book{CompDict ,Title="Dictionary of Computing" ,Editor="Valerie Illingworth" ,Series="{Oxford Reference}" ,Edition="Third" ,Publisher="{Oxford University Press}" ,Year=1991 ,ISBN="0-19-286131-X" ,Keyword="\K{Definition}" ,SeeAlso="Additions the OED~\cite{OEDAdd2}, Toyanne's MSc thesis~\cite{La:Toyanne}" } @Book{ShorterOED ,Title="The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary" ,Editor="Lesley Brown" ,Publisher="Clarendon Press" ,Year=1993 } @Book{OEDAdd2 ,Title="Oxford English Dictionary Additions Series" ,Editor="John Simpson and Edmund Weiner" ,Volume=2 ,Year=1993 ,Publisher="Clarendon Press" ,Keyword="\K{Definition}" ,SeeAlso="Oxford Computing Dictionary \cite{CompDict} and Toyanne Lauritson's thesis \cite{La:Toyanne}" ,Annote="Definition of {\em hypertext} on pages 152 -- 3: `Text which does not form a single sequence and which may be read in various orders; specially text and graphics \ldots which are interconnected in such a way that a reader of the material (as displayed at a computer terminal, etc.) can discontinue reading one document at certain points in order to consult other related matter.'" } @Book{CanOxDict ,Title="The Canadian Oxford Dictionary" ,Editor="Katherine Barber" ,Publisher="Oxford University Press" ,Year=1998 ,Address="Toronto" ,ISBN="0-19-541120-X" } @Book{St:CDP ,Author="David A. Statt" ,Title="The Concise Dictionary of Psychology" ,Publisher="Routledge" ,Address="New York, London" ,Year=1990 ,CallNo="BF31.S62 1990" } @Book{Go:LDPP ,Editor="Robert M. Goldenson" ,Title="Longman Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry" ,Publisher="Longman, Inc." ,Address="New York" ,Year=1984 ,CallNo="BF31.L66 1983" ,Series="A {W}alter {D}. {G}lanze book" } @Book{Su:IDP, Author="Norman Stuart Sutherland", Title="The International Dictionary of Psychology", Edition="2nd", Year=1996, ISBN="0-8245-2509-4", Publisher="The Crossroad Publishing Company", Note="Copyright 1995 The Macmillan Press Ltd." } @Book{Zu:EP, Author="Leonard Zusne", Title="Eponyms in Psychology: A Dictionary and Biographical Sourcebook", Publisher="Greenwood Press", Year=1987, ISBN="0-313-25750-7" } @Book{HCMathDict, Title="The Harper Collins Dictionary of Mathematics", Editor="E. J. Borowski and J. M. Borwein", Publisher="HarperCollins", Year=1991, ISBN="0-06-461019-5" } @Book{Bi:JewishCon, Author="Philip Birnbaum", Title="Encyclopedia of Jewish Concepts", Publisher="Hebrew Publishing Company", Address="Rockaway Beach, New York", Year=1993, ISBN="0-88482-930-8" } @Book{357Text, Author="Andrew S. Tanenbaum", Title="Computer Networks", Publisher="Prentice Hall", Edition="2nd", Year=1989, ISBN="0-13-162959-X", CallNo="TK5105.5.T36 1988" } @Book{StatsBook, Author="William Mendenhall and Terry Sincich", Title="Statistics for the Engineering and Computer Sciences", Edition="2nd", Year=1988, Publisher="Dellen Publishing Company" } @Book{Me:CogPsych, Author="Douglas L. Medin and Brian H. Ross", Title="Cognitive Psychology", Publisher="Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers", Year=1992 } @Book{Er:ProAna, Author="K.~Anders Ericsson and Herbert~A. Simon", Title="Protocol Analysis: Verbal Reports as Data", Edition="Revised", Year=1993, Publisher=MITp, ISBN="0-262-05047-1/0-262-55023-7 (pbk.)" } @Book{Ne:LitMach, Author="Theodor Holm Nelson", Title="Literary Machines", Edition="90.1", Year=1990, Publisher="The Distributors", Address="702 South Michigan, South Bend {IN} 46618 {USA}", ISBN="0-89347-055-4", From="ILL: Simon Fraser U. Z52.5 X27 N4 1987", Keyword="\K{Classic} $\bullet$ \K{System!Xanadu}", Annote="The original definition of hypertext and a proposal for a world wide franchise called Xanadu." } @Book{Horn, Title="Mapping Hypertext Analysis Linkage, and Display of Knowledge for the Next Generation of On-Line Text and Graphics", Author="Robert E. Horn", Publisher="Lexington Institute", Year=1989, CallNo="QA76.76.H94.H67 1990", ISBN="0962556505", Keyword="\K{General!(Background)}", Annote="Horn describes: (1)~hypertext as a graph of nodes connected by links, and (2)~a proprietary technology called Information Mapping. The book is presented with many cross-references and icons to approximate a hypertext document. The appendix contains information about germinal figures and ideas in the development of hypertext and some related areas. A good overview and introduction to one type of hypertext." } @Book{Salton68, Title="Automatic Information Organization and Retrieval", Author="Gerard Salton", Publisher="{McGraw-Hill Book Company}", Year=1968, Series="McGraw-Hill computer science", CallNo="Z.699.S3", ISBN="None", LCC="68-25664", } @Book{Salton89, Author="G.~Salton", Title="Automatic Text Processing: The Transformation, Analysis, and Retrieval of Information by Computer", Publisher="Addison-Wesley", Year=1989, Annote="Good introduction to information retrieval", ISBN="0-201-12227-8", Keyword="\K{Classic}", SeeAlso="\cite{Salton/McGill}" } @Book{Salton/McGill, Title="Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval", Author="Gerard Salton and Michael J. McGill", Publisher="McGraw-Hill Book Company", Year=1983, ISBN="0-07-054484-0", CallNo="SLIS/Elborne College 51350 983 01 (Z699.S313)" } @Book{Jean'sBook, Title="Measuring Information: An Information Services Perspective", Author="Jean Tague-Sutcliffe", Publisher="Academic Press", Series="Library and Information Science Series", Year=1995, ISBN="0-12682660-9", LCC="Z669.8.T345" } @Book{Di:DUE-T, Author="Andrew Dillon", Title="Designing Usable Electronic Text: Ergonomic Aspects of Human Information Usage", Publisher="Taylor \& Francis", Year=1994, ISBN="0-7484-0112-1 (cloth) / 0-7484-0113-X (paper)" } @Book{Di:DUET2e, Author="Andrew Dillon", Title="Designing Usable Electronic Text", Edition="second", Year=2004, Publisher="{CRC} Press" } @Book{Nielsen, Title="Hypertext and Hypermedia", Author="Jakob Nielsen", Publisher="Academic Press", Year=1990, CallNo="QA76.76 H94N54 1990", ISBN="0-12-518410-7", Keyword="\K{General}" } @Book{Nielsen95, Title="Multimedia and Hypertext: The Internet and Beyond", Author="Jakob Nielsen", Publisher="Academic Press", Year=1995, Keyword="\K{General}" } @Book{Woodhead, Title="Hypertext and Hypermedia Theory and Applications", Author="Nigel Woodhead", Publisher="Addison-Wesley Publishing Company", Year=1990, From="Elborne College/SLIS 51380 991 00", ISBN="0-201-54442-3" } @Book{RetrievalSystems, Title="Text Information Retrieval Systems", Author="Charles T. Meadow", Publisher="Academic Press", Year=1992, CallNo="Z699.M413 1992", ISBN="0-12-487410-X", } @Book{SortSearch, Author="Donald E. Knuth", Series="The Art of Computer Programming", Volume="{III}", Title="Sorting and Searching", Publisher="Addison-Wesley Publishing Company", Edition="First", Year=1973, CallNo="QA76.5.K57 v.3", LCC="67-26020", } @Book{FundAlgor, Author="Donald E. Knuth", Series="The Art of Computer Programming", Volume="{I}", Title="Fundamental Algorithms", Publisher="Addison-Wesley Publishing Company", Edition="2nd", Year=1973, CallNo="QA76.5.K57 v.1", LCC="73-1830", } @Book{SGMLBook, Author="Charles F. Goldfarb", Title="The {SGML} Handbook", Publisher="Clarendon Press", Year=1990, ISBN="0-19-853737-9", LCC="Z286.E43G64", From="Secretary of State Library (Comm. Canada)" } @Book{HyTime, Author="International Organization for Standardization", Title="Information technology Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language ({HyTime})", Edition="second 1997-08-01", Year=1997, Publisher="International Organization for Standardization", Note="International standard {ISO/IEC} {JTC1/SC18/WG8 N1920}", Keyword="\K{HyTime}" } @Book{MDS, Author="Joseph B. Krushkal and Myron Wish", Title="Multidimensional Scaling", Series="Sage University Press Paper on Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences", Publisher="Sage Publications", Year=1981, Address = "275 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, California 90212, USA", Note="Series / Number 07-011", ISBN="0-8039-0940-3", LCC="77-93286", Keyword="\K{LSI}" } @Book{MSSA, Author="I.~Borg and J.~Lingoes", Title="Multidimensional Similarity Structure Analysis", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Year=1987, CallNo="QA278.2.B685", LCC="87-12795", ISBN="0-387-96525-4 / 3-540-96525-4" } @Book{Krol, Author="Ed Krol", Title="The Whole Internet User's Guide \& Catalog", Publisher="O'Reilly \& Associates, Inc.", Year=1992, ISBN="1-56592-025-2" } @Book{BigWhite, Author="Thomas H. Cormen and Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest", Title="Introduction to Algorithms", Publisher="McGraw-Hill", Year=1991 } @Book{VicAndVic, Author="Brian Vickery and Alina Vickery", Title="Information Science in theory and Practice", Publisher="Butterworths \& Co.", Year=1987, ISBN="0-408-10684-0", LCC="86-29913" } @Book{UNGuidelines, Author="F. W.~Lancaster", Title="Guidelines for the Evaluation of Information Systems and Services", Publisher="United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization", Month=mar, Year=1978 } @Book{MEDLARS, Author="F.~W. Lancaster", Title="Evaluation of the {MEDLARS} Demand Search Service", Month=jan, Year=1968, Publisher="{U.S.} Department of Health, Education, And Welfare", Keyword="\K{MEDLARS}" } @Book{Ra:Expertext, Title="Hypertext: From Text to Expertext", Author="Roy Rada", Publisher="McGraw Hill", Year=1991, CallNo="QA76.76.H94 R33" } @Book{Berenson, Author="Mark L. Berenson and David M. Levine and Matthew Goldstein", Title="Intermediate Statistical Methods and Applications: A Computer Package Approach", Year=1983, Publisher="Prentice-Hall" } @Book{Gr:HTnConvers, Author="Susan H. Gray", Title="Hypertext and the Technology of Conversation: Orderly Situational Choice", Publisher="Greenwood Press", Year=1993, Address="88 Post Rd. West, Westport, {CT} 06881, {USA}", ISBN="0-313-28962-X", CallNo="QA76.9.H85G72 1993" } @Book{Hi:Anaphora, Author="Graeme Hirst", Title="Anaphora in Natural Language Understanding: A Survey", Year=1981, Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Series="Lecture notes in computer science", Number=119 } @Book{Cochran:LSqs, Author="William G. Cochran and Gertrude M. Cox", Title="Experimental Designs", Edition="second", Year=1957, Note="Third printing, 1962", Publisher="Wiley", CallNo="Q180.A1C6" } @Book{ExDesn, Author="J. A.~John and M. H.~Quenouille", Title="Experiments: Design and Analysis", Edition="second", Year=1977, Publisher="John Griffin \& Co. Ltd.", CallNo="Q180.A1.J65 1977" } @Book{5thLang, Author="Robert K. Logan", Title="The Fifth Language: Learning and Living in the Computer Age", Publisher="Stoddart", Year=1995, ISBN="0-7737-2907-0" } @Book{Co:GramPass, Author="Richard M. Coe", Title="Toward a Grammar of Passages", Publisher="Southern Illinois University Press", Year=1988, Organization="Conference on College Composition and Communication", ISBN="0-8093-1420-7", CallNo="PE 1404.C57 1988" } @Book{Sc:DUI2e, Title="Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction", Edition="2nd", Author="Ben Shneiderman", Publisher="Addison-Wesley", Year=1992 } @Book{Sh:DUI98, Title="Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction", Edition="Third", Author="Ben Shneiderman", Publisher="Addison-Wesley", Year=1998, ISBN="0-201-69497-2" } @Book{Ro:Test, Author="Gale H. Roid and Thomas M. Haladyna", Title="A Technology For Test-item Writing", Publisher="Academic Press", Year=1982, Series="Educational technology series", ISBN=0125932502, CallNo="LB3060.32.C74R64" } @Book{Ki:PrHTHy, Author="Eliot W. Kimber", Title="Practical Hypermedia: An Introduction To HyTime", Publisher="Prentice-Hall", Address="New York", Series="Professional Technical Reference", Year=1997, Keyword="\K{HyTime}" } @Book{DeR:HM:Hy, Author="Steven J. DeRose and David G. Durand", Title="Making hypermedia work: a user's guide to HyTime", Publisher="Kluwer Academic", Address="Boston", Year=1994, Keyword="\K{HyTime}" } @Book{Li:CSS, Author="H{\aa}kon Wium Lie and Bert Bos", Title="Cascading Style Sheets: Designing for the Web", Publisher="Addison-Wesley", Year=1997, ISBN="0-201-41998-X" } @Book{H+H, Author="Deborah Hix and H.~Rex Hartson", Title="Developing User Interface Ensuring Usability Through Product \& Process", Publisher="John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.", Year=1993, Series="Wiley Professional Computing", ISBN="0-471-57813-4" } @Book{Sa:HTRB, Author="Eileen E. Sargent and Helen Huus and Oliver Andresen", Title="How to Read a Book", Publisher="International Reading Association", Address="Newark, Delaware, {USA}", Series="Reading Aids", SeriesEditor="Charles T. Mangrum", Note="An {IRA} Service Bulletin, Second printing (March~1971)", Year=1970 ,Keyword="\K{Reading} $\bullet$ \K{CS6606}" } @Book{Ad:HTRaB ,Author="Mortimer J. Adler and Charles {van Doren}" ,Title="How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading" ,Publisher="Simon \& Schuster, Inc." ,Year=1972 ,Address="Toronto" ,ISBN="0-671-212209-5" ,Keyword="\K{Reading} $\bullet$ \K{CS6606}" } @Book{Ru:UsabTest, Author="Jeffrey Rubin", Title="Handbook of Usability Testing: How to Plan, Design, and Conduct Effective Tests", Publisher="John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.", Year=1994, ISBN="0-471-59403-2", CallNo="QA78.9.U83R82 1994", Keyword="\K{HCI} $\bullet$ \K{Testing}" } @Book{No:POET, Author="Donald A. Norman", Title="The Psychology of Everyday Things", Publisher="Basic Books", Year=1988, ISBN="0-465-06709-3", Keyword="\K{Classic} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!models}", SeeAlso="\begin{itemize} \item Clarifications about affordance~\cite{No:ACD} \cite[pp.~123 -- 126, 132, 174]{No:IC} \item Confusion about terms `conceptual model' and `mental model'~\cite[pp.~74 -- 5, 78, 96]{Bo:CMHCI} \end{itemize}" } @Book{Pr:HCI, Author="Jenny Preece and Yvonne Rogers and Helen Sharp and David Benyon and Simon Holland and Tom Carey", Title="Human-Computer Interaction", Year=1994, Publisher="Prentice-Hall Europe", ISBN="0-201-62769-8", SeeAlso="Preece, et al.'s \textit{Interaction Design: Beyond HCI}~\cite{Pr:ID}" } @Book{Pr:ID, Author="Jennifer Preece and Yvonne Rogers and Helen Sharp", Title="Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction", Year=2002, Publisher="John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.", ISBN="0-471-49278-7", LCC="QA76.9.H85 P72 2002", SeeAlso="Preece, et al.'s \textit{Human Computer Interaction}~\cite{Pr:HCI}" } @Unpublished{Le:TCUID, Author="Clayton Lewis and John Rieman", Title="Task-Centered User Interface Design: A Practical Introduction", Year="1993, 1994", Keyword="\K{HCI}", Note="Available at \url{ftp://ftp.cs.colorado.edu}" } @Book{No:IC, Author="Donald A. Norman", Title="The Invisible Computer: Why good products can fail, the personal computer is so complex, and information appliances are the solution", Publisher=MITp, Year=1998, CallNo="QA76.5.N665 1998", ISBN="0-262-14065-9 (hc: alk. paper), 0-262-64041-1 (pb)", Annote="See especially Figure 12.1 (p.~251)", SeeAlso="P.O.E.T.~\cite{No:POET}", Note="{\bfseries Lent to Nur Zincir-Heywood (12 Feb 2001)}" } @Book{Ga:CPIOL, Title="Cognitive Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory", Author="Kathleen M. Galotti", Publisher="Brooks/Cole Publishing Company", Year=1994, ISBN="0-534-21054-6", CallNo="BF 201 G35 1994", Keyword="\K{CogPsych}" } @Book{He:MA, Author="L. V. Hedges and I. Olkin", Title="Statistical Methods for Meta-analysis", Publisher="Academic Press", Address="New York", Year=1985, Note="Citation from Galotti~\cite[p.~494]{Ga:CPIOL}", Annote="recommended by Galotti (p.423, 438)" } @Book{Ha:SDCA, Author="Diane F. Halpern", Title="Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities", Edition="2nd", Publisher="Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.", Year=1992, ISBN="0-8058-0845-0", CallNo="BF 311 H295 1992", SeeAlso="\begin{itemize} \item Galotti's book~\cite{Ga:CPIOL} \item Halpern and Collaer's chapter~\cite{Ha:SDVA} \end{itemize}", Keyword="\K{spatial ability} $\bullet$ \K{CogPsych}" } @Book{Ki:GTA, Editor="B. Kirwan and L.K. Ainsworth", Title="A Guide To Task Analysis", Publisher="Taylor \& Francis Inc.", Address="Washington, {DC}", ISBN="0-7484-0057-5(cloth)/0-7484-0058-3(paper)", Year=1992, Keyword="\K{task\_analysis}" } @Book{Sh:HTA, Author="Andrew Shepherd", Title="Hierarchical Task Analysis", Publisher="Taylor \& Francis", Address="New York, {NY}", Year="2001", LCC="TA 166 S45 2001", ISBN="0-7484-0387-1(hc) / 0-7484-0838-X(p)", Keyword="\K{task\_analysis}" } @Book{Ea:ITOC, Author="Ken Eason", Title="Information Technology and Organisational Change", LCC="HD 30.2 E17 1988", From="Mt. St. Vincent U.", Publisher="Taylor \& Francis", Address="Philadelphia", Year=1988, ISBN="0-85066-388-1", Note="Reprinted 1990" } @Book{Di:HCI, Author="Alan Dix and Janet Finlay and Gregory Abowd and Russell Beale", Title="Human-Computer Interaction", Edition="2nd", Publisher="Prentice Hall Europe", Year=1998, ISBN="0-13-239864-8" } @Book{Di:HCI3e, Author="Alan Dix and Janet Finlay and Gregory Abowd and Russell Beale", Title="Human-Computer Interaction", Edition="third", Year=2004, Publisher="Prentice Hall", ISBN="0-13-046109-1" } @Book{Fl:pc, Author="Luciano Floridi", Title="Philosophy and Computing: An Introduction", Publisher="Routledge", Year=1999, ISBN="0-415-18024-4 (hbk) / 0-415-18025-2 (pbk)" } @Book{Ma:CIDNM, Author="David J. Marchette", Title="Computer Intrusion Detection and Network Monitoring: A Statistical Viewpoint", Series="Statistics for Engineering and Information Science", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Address="New York", Year=2001, ISBN="0-387-95281-0", LCC="QA76.9.A25.M34 2001", } @Book{Sa:StatsHandbook, Title="Applied statistics: a handbook of techniques", Author="Lothar Sachs", Edition="second", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Year=1984, Location="New York", Series="Springer series in statistics", Note="Translation of: Angewandte Statistik. Translated by: Zenon Reynarowych", ISBN="0-387-90976-1 (New York), 3-540-90976-1 (Berlin)", LCC="QA276.S213 1984" } @Book{Jo:DSCOT ,Author="Bryon Jones and Michael G. Kenward" ,Title="Design and Analysis of Cross-Over Trials" ,Series="Mongraphs on Statistics and Applied Probability" ,Number=34 ,Publisher="Chapman and Hall" ,Location="London" ,Year=1989 ,ISBN="0-412-30000-1" ,LCC="R853.C76.J66 1989" } @Book{CERT:Guide ,Title="The {CERT}$^{\mbox{\textregistered}}$ Guide To System and Network Security Practices" ,Author="Julia Allen" ,Publisher="Addison-Wesley" ,Year=2001 ,ISBN="020173723X" ,Keyword="\K{Security}" } @Book{Sp:Vis ,Title="Information Visualization" ,Author="Robert Spence" ,Publisher="{ACM} Press" ,Year=2001 ,ISBN="0-201-59626-1" } @Book{Ja:Marg ,Author="H. J. Jackson" ,Title="Marginalia: Reader's Writing in Books" ,Publisher="Yale University Press" ,Year=2001 ,LCC="Z1003.J12 2001" ,ISBN="0-300-08816-7" ,Keyword="\K{annotation}" } @Book{Ha:Doc ,Author="Robert Hauptman" ,Title="Documentation: A history and critique of attribution, commentary, glosses, marginalia, notes, bibliographies, works-cited lists, and citation indexing and analysis" ,Publisher="McFarland \& Company, Inc." ,Address="Jefferson, {NC}" ,Year=2008 ,ISBN="978-0-7864-3333-9" ,LCC="PN171.F56H38 2008" ,Keyword="\K{annotation}" } @Book{Sa:TDC ,Author="John Ralston Saul" ,Title="The Doubter's Companion: A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense" ,Publisher="Penguin Books" ,Year=1995 ,LCC="PE1680.S38 1995" ,ISBN="0-14-023707-0" ,Keyword="\K{annotation!glossary}" } @Book{Mo:WSCF ,Author="Harvey Molotch" ,Title="Where Stuff Comes From: How Toasters, Toilets, Cars, Computers, and Many Other Things Come to Be As They Are" ,Publisher="Routledge" ,Note="\copyright{} by Taylor \& Francis Books, Inc." ,Year=2003 ,LCC="TA148.M65 2003" ,ISBN="0-415-94400-7" ,Keyword="\K{colour} (pp.\,101, 102, 114 -- 115?, 121, 128, 135?) $\bullet$ \K{HCI!cultural factors} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!CS6606} $\bullet$ Design" } @Book{Su:CCH ,Title="The Complete Color Harmony: Expert Color Information for Professional Color Results" ,Author="Tina Sutton and Bride M. Whelan" ,Publisher="Rockport Publishers" ,Year=2004 ,ISBN="1-592-53031-1" ,Keyword="\K{colour}" } @Book{Ko:CAPH ,Title="Colorist: A Practical Handbook for Personal and Professional Use" ,Author="Shigenobu Kobayashi" ,Year=1998 ,Publisher="Kodansha International" ,ISBN="4-7700-2323-5" ,Note="First published in Japanese by Kodansha International Limited as \textit{Karaarisuto (Colorist)}. Translated by Keiichi Ogata and Leza Lowitz. Copyright by the author." ,Keyword="\K{colour}" } @Book{Kr:CI ,Title="Color Index: Over 1100 Color Combinations {CMYK} and {RGB} Formulas For Print and Web Media" ,Author="Jim Krause" ,Publisher="{HOW} Design Books (an imprint of {F\&W} Publications, Inc." ,Address="4700 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45236" ,Year=2002 ,ISBN="1-58180-236-6" ,Note="Copyright by the author" ,LCC="NC997 .K73 2002" ,Keyword="\K{colour}" } @Book{Th:SDM ,Title="Screen Design Manual: Communicating Effectively Through Multimedia" ,Author="Frank Thissen" ,Publisher="Springer" ,Year=2004 ,ISBN="3-540-43923-4" ,Note="`Translated from the third edition of the German {\guillemotleft}Kompendium Screen-Design{\guillemotright} (Springer-Verlag 2003, ISBN~3-540-43552-2) by James G. Rage, Johnson City, Tennessee, USA' (quoted from p.\,4)" ,Keyword="\K{colour}" } @Book{Wi:NDDB ,Title="The Non-Designer's Design Book: Design and Typographic Principles for the Visual Novice" ,Author="Robin Williams" ,Publisher="Peachpit Press" ,Address="1249 Eight Street, Berkeley, {CA}, 94710" ,Year=1994 ,Note="Copyright by the author" ,ISBN="1-56609-159-4" ,Keyword="\K{colour} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!CS6606} $\bullet$ \K{System!WWW!CS4173} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!CS4163} $\bullet$ \K{CS4173 (WWW)}" } @Book{Wi:NDDB3 ,Title="The Non-Designer's Design Book: Design and Typographic Principles for the Visual Novice" ,Author="Robin Williams" ,Publisher="Peachpit Press" ,Address="1249 Eight Street, Berkeley, {CA}, 94710" ,Year=2008 ,Edition="Third" ,Note="Copyright by the author" ,ISBN="978-0-321-5304-0" ,Keyword="\K{colour} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!CS6606} $\bullet$ \K{System!WWW!CS4173} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!CS4163} $\bullet$ \K{CS4173 (WWW)}" } @Book{Wi:NDW3B ,Title="The Non-Designer's Web Book: An easy guide to creating, designing and posting your own web site" ,Author="Robin Williams and John Tollett" ,Publisher="Peachpit Press" ,Address="1249 Eight Street, Berkeley, {CA}, 94710" ,Year=2006 ,Edition="Third" ,Note="Copyright by the authors" ,ISBN="978-0-321-30337-0" ,Keyword="\K{colour} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!CS6606} $\bullet$ \K{System!WWW!CS4173} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!CS4163} $\bullet$ \K{CS4173 (WWW)}" } @Book{Hu:LoW ,Title="The Laws of the Web: Patterns in the Ecology of Information" ,Author="Bernardo A. Huberman" ,Publisher=MITp ,Year=2001 ,ISBN="0-262-58225-2" ,LCC="ZA4226.H83 2001" ,SeeAlso="Mobile Web Surfing is the Same as Web Surfing \cite{Ha:MWSWS}" ,Keyword="\K{CS4173 (WWW)}" } @Book{Al:IoC ,Title="Interaction of Color: Unabridged exts and Selected Plates" ,Author="Josef Albers" ,Edition="Revised" ,Publisher="Yale University Press" ,Year=1975 ,Keyword="\K{colour}" } @Book{Bi:PoC ,Title="Principles of Color: A Review of Past Traditions and Modern Theories" ,Author="Faber Birren" ,Publisher="Schiffer Publishing, Limited" ,Address="77 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, {PA} 19310" ,Year=1987 ,Note="From page 2: `New material \copyright{}\,1987 by Faber Birren. Copyright \copyright{}\,1969 by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc.'" ,ISBN="0-88740-103-1" ,Keyword="\K{colour}" } @Book{It:EoC ,Title="The Elements of Color: A Treatise on the Color System of Johannes Itten Based on his book \textit{The Art of Color} Edited and with a forward and Evaluation by Faber Birren. Translated by Ernst van Hagen." ,Author="Johannes Itten" ,Publisher="John Wiley \& Sons, Inc." ,Year=2001 ,Note="From page 2: `Originally published in German under the title {KUNST DER FABRE}, Studeienausgabe by Johannes Itten Copyright \copyright{} 2001 Seemann Verlag, Leipzeig'" ,Keyword="\K{colour}" } @Book{Tr:ECD ,Title="Effective Color Displays" ,Author="David Travis" ,Series="Computer and People" ,Publisher="Academic Press" ,Year=1991 ,ISBN="0-12-697690-2" ,Keyword="\K{colour} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!CS6606}" } @Book{Al:WS ,Title="Web Services: Concepts, Architectures and Applictions" ,Author="Gustavo Alonso and Fabio Casati and Harumi Kuno and Vijay Machiraju" ,Publisher="Springer-Verlag" ,Year=2004 ,ISBN="3-540-44008-9" ,Keyword="\K{System!WWW} $\bullet$ \K{System!WWW!CS4173} $\bullet$ \K{CS4173 (WWW)}" } @Book{Lu:VI ,Title="Visual Illusions: Their Causes, Characteristics \& Applications with a New Introduction by William H. Ittelson" ,Author="M. Luckiesh" ,Publisher="Dover Publications, Inc." ,Year=1965 ,ISBN="0-486-21530-X" } @Book{Ro:PVI ,Title="The Psychology of Visual Illusion" ,Author="J. O. Robinson" ,Publisher="Dover Publications, Inc." ,Year=1998 ,ISBN="0-486-40449-8" ,LCC="QP495.R58 1998" ,Note="Copyright by the author 1972, 1988" } @Book{Mi:CGWN ,Title="The Chicago Guide to Writing about Numbers: The effective presentation of quantitative information" ,Author="Janes E. Miller" ,Publisher="The University of Chicago Press" ,Year=2004 ,ISBN="0-226-52631-3 (paper)" ,SeeAlso="Writing about Multivariate Analysis~\cite{Mi:CGWMA}" ,Keyword="\K{Basic skills for grad students}" } @Book{Mi:CGWMA ,Title="The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis" ,Author="Janes E. Miller" ,Publisher="The University of Chicago Press" ,Year=2005 ,ISBN="0-226-52783-2 (paper)" ,SeeAlso="Writing about Numbers~\cite{Mi:CGWN}" ,Keyword="\K{Basic skills for grad students}" } @Book{vanL:AHfS ,Author="Mary-Claire {van Leunen}" ,Title="A Handbook for Scholars" ,Edition="Revised" ,Publisher="Oxford University Press" ,Year=1992 ,ISBN="0-19-506953-5 (cloth) / 0-19-506954-4 (paper)" ,Keyword="\K{Basic skills for grad students}" } @Book{Ba:MIW ,Author="Pierre Baldi and Paolo Fransconi and Padhraic Smyth" ,Title="Modeling the Internet and the Web: Probabilistic Methods and Algorithms" ,Publisher="John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd." ,ISBN="0-470-84906-1" ,Year=2003 ,Note="Copyright by the authors" } @Book{Po:DUI ,Author="James E. Powell" ,Title="Designing User Interfaces" ,Publisher="Microtrend\texttrademark{} Books, Slawson Communications, Inc." ,Address="{San Marcos}, {CA}, 92069-1436, {USA}" ,Year=1990 ,Series="The DATA BASED ADVISOR\textregistered{} Series" ,ISBN="0-915391-40-6" ,Note="Copyright by the author" ,Keyword="\K{HCI!CS4163} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!CS4163!Brain Surgeon exercises} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!CS3160 (UID)!Brain Surgeon exercises}" } @Book{Ko:FHN, Author = "Bryan Kolb and Ian Q. Wishaw", Title = "Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology", Publisher = {W. H. Freeman}, Address = "New York", Year = 1996, Keyword="\K{spatial ability!Jason Satel}" } @Book{psykologiforlaget71, Author = {Psykologiforlaget}, Title = {Manual till DS-batteriet (Manual for the DS-tests)}, Publisher = {Psykologiforlaget AB}, Address = {Stockholm, Sweden}, Year = 1971, Note=" [In Swedish]. Cited by D{\"{a}}hlback et al.~\cite{dahlback96} and D{\"{a}}hlback \& L{\"{o}}nnqvist~\cite{dahlback00}", Keyword="\K{spatial ability!Jason Satel}" } @Book{Ey:CPSH4, Author="Michael W. Eysenck and Mark T. Keane", Title="Cognitive Psychology: A Students's Handbook", Publisher="Taylor \& Francis", Edition="Fourth", Year=2000, ISBN="0-86377-551-9", } @Book{An:CPII, Author="John R. Anderson", Title="Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications", Publisher="Worth Publishers", Address="New York", Edition="Fifth", Year=2000, ISBN="0-7167-3678-0", Annote="Spatial ability: pp.\,451--456", Keywords="\K{spatial ability}" } @Article{Ek:MBRM ,Title="Cognitive Factors: Their Identification and Replication" ,Author="Ruth B. Ekstrom and John W. French and Harry H. Harman" ,Journal="Multivariate Behavioral Research Monographs" ,Publisher="Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology, Inc." ,Volume="79-2" ,Year=1979 ,LCC="BF 311 E46" } @Book{Ko:FoHN ,Title="Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology" ,Author="Bryan Kolb and Ian Q. Whishaw" ,Editon="Fifth" ,Year=2003 ,Publisher="Worth Publishers" ,SeriesTitle="A Series of Books in Psychology" ,SeriesEditor="Richard C. Atkinson and Gardner Lindzey and Richard F. Thompson" ,ISBN="0-7167-5300-6" ,Annote=" \begin{description} \item [p.\,573] `There is a growing consensus among researchers that two-dimensional paper-and-pencil tests may not tap the same spatial abilities that are exercised in the real-life process of way finding. Just as it is difficult to subject brain-injured patients to real-life tests of navigating through novel and familiar environments, it is not possible to perform brain scans on subjects as they perform real-life tasks. Consequently, the use of computer-based virtual spatial tasks has increased in the hope that these tasks can evaluate the same abilities as those used in a real spatial world.' \end{description}" ,Keyword="\K{spatial ability} $\bullet$ \K{Navigation}" } @Book{Kl:TLKIA ,Editor="Robert Klanten and Kika Mischler and Silja Bilz" ,ISBN="978-3-89955-167-9" ,Title="The Little Know-It-All: Common Sense for Designers" ,Publisher="Die Gesalten Verlag" ,Year=2007 ,Address="Berlin" } @Book{Ca:HCA ,Author="J.~B. Carroll" ,Title="Human Cognitive Abilities: A Survey of Factor-Analytic Studies" ,Publisher="Cambridge University Press" ,Address="New York" ,Year=1993 } @Book{Pa:MRDCA ,Author="Allan Paivio" ,Title="Mental Representations: A Dual Coding Approach" ,Publisher="Oxford University Press" ,Year=1986 ,ISBN="0-195-06666-9" } @Book{McB:RM ,Author="Donald H. McBurney and Theresa L. White" ,Title="Research Methods" ,Year=2004 ,Edition="6th" ,Publisher="Wadsworth" ,Address="Toronto" ,ISBN="0-534-52418-4" ,Annote="Jack Duffy says (12 Feb 2004, e-mail) that these authors claim that a $p$ level of $.10$ is acceptable for \emph{exploratory} research" } @Book{Ko:CtP ,Author="Stephen M. Kosslyn" ,Title="Clear and to The Point: 8 Pyschological Principles for Compelling {PowerPoint$^{\mbox{\textregistered}}$} Presentations" ,Publisher="Oxford University Press" ,Year=2007 ,ISBN="978-0-19-532069-5" ,LCC="P93.53.M534K67 2007" ,Keyword="\K{HCI!colour} $\bullet$ \K{Basic skills for grad students}" } @Book{Ga:TSIS ,Author="Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein" ,Title="They Say I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing" ,Publisher="W. W. Norton" ,Year=2006 ,ISBN="978-0-393-92409-1" ,Keyword="\K{Basic skills for grad students}" } @Book{Ro:CMEG ,Author="Naomi B. Robbins" ,Title="Creating More Effective Graphs" ,Publisher="John Wiley \& Sons, Inc." ,Year=2005 ,ISBN="0-471-27402-X" ,LCC="HA31.R535 2005" ,SeeAlso="example in Clear and to the Point \cite[pp.\,28--32, Figs.\,2.6--2.8]{Ko:CtP}" ,Keyword="\K{Basic skills for grad students}" } @Book{Jo:IN ,Author="Erik Jonsson" ,Title="Inner Navigation: Why we get lost and how we find our way" ,Publisher="Scribner" ,Year=2002 ,ISBN="0-7432-2206-7" ,Keyword="K{Navigation}" } @Book{Sq:GIRwT ,Author="Victoria Squire and Hans Peter Willberg and Friedrich Forssman" ,Title="Getting it Right with Type: The dos and don'ts of typography" ,Publisher="Laurence King Publishing Ltd" ,Year=2000 ,Address="London (UK)" ,ISBN="978-1-85669-474-2" ,Keyword="K{Design!typography}" } @Book{Lu:TwT ,Author="Ellen Lupton" ,Title="Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, \& Students" ,Publisher="Princeton Architectural Press" ,Year=2004 ,Address="New York, {NY}" ,ISBN="978-1-56898-448-3" ,LCC="Z246.L87 2004" ,Keyword="K{Design!typography}" } @Book{Ha:IGACIR ,Author="Rob3ert L. Harris" ,Title="Information Graphics: A Comprehensive Illustrated Reference" ,Publisher="Oxford University Press" ,Year=1999 ,ISBN="978-0-19-513532-9" ,LCC="QA90.H287 1999" ,Keyword="\K{Basic skills for grad students}" } @Book{Sh:DTUI4e ,Author="Ben Shneiderman and Catherine Plaisant" ,Title="Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction" ,Edition="Fourth" ,Year=2005 ,Publisher="Addison-Wesley" ,ISBN="978-0-321-19786-3" ,Keyword="\K{HCI!Intro!textbook} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!CS3160 (UID)} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!CS4163} $\bullet$ \K{CS3160 (UID)}" } @Book{St:UID+E ,Author="Debbie Stone and Caroline Jarrett and Mark Woodroffe and Shailey Minocha" ,Title="User Interface Design and Evaluation" ,Publisher="Elsevier, Inc." ,Year=2005 ,Series="Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive Technologies" ,ISBN="978-0-12-088436-0" ,LCC="QA76.9.U83U835 2005" ,Note="\copyright\,The Open University 2005" ,Keyword="\K{HCI!Intro!textbook} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!CS3160 (UID)} $\bullet$ \K{CS3160 (UID)}" } @Book{He:ResInt ,Author="Steven Heim" ,Title="The Resonant Interface: {HCI} Foundations for Interaction Design" ,Year=2007 ,Publisher="Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc." ,ISBN="0-321-37596-3" ,Keyword="\K{HCI!Intro!textbook} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!CS3160 (UID)} $\bullet$ \K{CS3160 (UID)}" } @Book{Sm:Tagging ,Author="Gene Smith" ,Title="Tagging: People-Powered Metadata for the Social Web" ,Publisher="New Riders" ,Address="Berkeley, {CA}" ,Year=2008 ,ISBN="978-0-321-52917-6" ,LCC="Z 666.7 S65 2008" } @Book{Wa:InfoVpfd ,Author="Colin Ware" ,Title="Information Visualization: Perception for Design" ,Edition="second" ,Publisher="Elsevier Inc." ,ISBN="1-55860-819-2" ,Year=2004 ,Keyword="\K{HCI!colour} $\bullet$ \K{HCI!CS3160 (UID)} $\bullet$ \K{CS3160 (UID)}" } @Book{Cr:JSGP ,Author="Douglas Crockford" ,Title="{JavaScript}: The Good Parts" ,Publisher="O'Reilly Media, Inc." ,Year=2008 ,ISBN="978-0-596-51774-8" ,Note="\copyright\,2008 Yahoo! Inc." ,Keyword="\K{System!WWW!CS4173} $\bullet$ \K{CS4173 (WWW)} $\bullet$ JavaScript" } @Book{Ko:ppkJS ,Author="Peter-Paul Koch" ,Title="{\th}p{]}\textbraceleft{} on {JavaScript}" ,Publisher="New Riders" ,Year=2007 ,ISBN="0-321-42330-5" ,Keyword="\K{System!WWW!CS4173} $\bullet$ \K{CS4173 (WWW)} $\bullet$ JavaScript" } @Book{Ra:BR ,Author="Peter J. Rabinowitz" ,Title="Before Reading: Narrative Conventions and the Politics of Interpretation" ,Address="Columbus, {OH}" ,Publisher="Ohio State University Press" ,Year=1998 ,HowPublished="\url{http://www.ohiostatepress.org/index.htm?/books/complete%20pdfs/rabinowitz%20before/rabinowitz%20before.htm}" ,Keyword="\K{CS6606} $\bullet$ \K{Reading}" } @Book{Ma:RWeB ,Author="Catherine C. Marshall" ,Title="Reading and Writing the Electronic Book" ,Series="Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services" ,Publisher="Morgan \& Claypool Publishers" ,Year=2010 ,DOI="10.2200/S00215ED1V01Y200907ICR009" ,Note="The paper version is monochrome. Lecture 9 in the series edited by Gary Marchionini." ,Annote=" \begin{description} \item[p.\,16 \S2.1.1] Active reading \item[p.\,20 Table 2.1] Characterisation of reading types \item[p.\,48 Table 3.3] Examples of different functions of annotation \item[p.\,68 \S3.4] Bookmarks as annotation \item[p.\,71 (footnote 18) \S3.5.2] Written vs. types annotation \item[Chapter 5] How to experiment and study readers \begin{itemize} \item[] p.\,108 \S5.3.4 Mechanical Turk \end{itemize} \item[p.\,116 \S5.4.6] Don't confuse data analysis tools with methods \item[pp.\,119--120] Openbook and IDPF \item[pp.\,136\textit{ff} \S6.3.3] 2005 PhD about eBooks especially textbooks \item[p.\,139 \S6.4] Short definition of blog and wiki \item[pp.\,152--157 \S7.1.2] \begin{itemize} \item how people read following annotation (especially pp.\,152--153) \item see also p.\,59 in \S3.2.3 for notes on orientation \end{itemize} \item[\S7.2.3] gathering and triage \end{description}" ,Keyword="\K{Evaluation} $\bullet$ \K{Reading} $\bullet$ \K{hardware!digital paper} $\bullet$ \K{hardware!e-paper} $\bullet$ \K{Testing} $\bullet$ \K{interface} $\bullet$ \K{annotation} $\bullet$ \K{} $\bullet$ \K{} $\bullet$ \K{} $\bullet$" } @Book{Ei:CHASM ,Title="A Critical Hypertext Analysis of Social Media: The True Colours of Facebook" ,Author="Volker Eisenlauer" ,Publisher="Bloomsbury Academic" ,Year=2013 ,Address="London (UK)" ,LCC="HM743.F33E57 2013" ,ISBN="\begin{description} \item[(hc)] 978-1-4411-7088-0, \item[(PDF) 978-1-4411-0514-1, \item[(ePUB)] 978-1-4411-5970-0 \end{description}" ,Annote="\begin{description} \item[pp.\,64--65 (q.v. p.\,62)] \begin{quotation} [Link-based] Hypertexts are combined in \emph{multilinear} ways rather than in one single linear, causal and temporal order. As a result of their \emph{fragmentary} organization, independent text clusters can be connected into meaningful wholes. Such a re-assembling is built on user's \emph{interaction} with the text that encompasses not only a manipulation of textual structures, but, moreover, its cognitive processing as well as the users' active participation in the production of text content. Hypertexts combine \emph{multimodal} representational formats, such as text, pictures, audio or film, into cohesive and coherent textual artefacts. \end{quotation} % \item[p.\,78] \begin{quotation} The formation of a mental model within a hypertextual environment goes hand in hand with the retrieval and arrangement of the text surface. Thus hypertext users must persistently integrate their declarative'knowledge with their procedural knowledge about proceeding through hypertext. lntranodal and internodal coherence-building processes are typically based on a common reference frame, while extranodal coherence-building encompasses a variety. of reference frames, thus suppressing the set-up of shared knowledge systems among authors and readers. \end{quotation} % \item[p.\,132] \begin{quotation} [S]oftware services, such as Fb [Facebook], leave participants no other choice than to present facets of their self images in a multilinear and hyper linked structure. In the same vein, the discussion of Fb in terms of 'multilinearity' has revealed that Fb's pre-set structure (and default templates) restrict members' options for self-presentation. In contrast to a member's complex and subtle comprehension of self, \emph{the individual text actions building her/his Fb profile are bound to standardized templates, default options and a more or less fixed hierarchical structure. However, the sheer quantity of pre-set options and default processes of (semi-)automatic text generation make it difficult for users to become aware of the other-directedness of their text actions.} \end{quotation} % \item[p.\32] \begin{quotation} From September 2011 onwards Fb [Facebook] modified the Personal Profile by introducing the so-called `Timeline'. The [sic] book's analysis is based on an earlier Fb version effective between January 2010 and April 2011. \end{quotation} % \item[pp.\,207--209] \begin{quotation} From the very beginning the Internet was perceived as a social space.{}\ldots the social spaces allocated by Internet and/or Web 2.0 technologies are by no means 'neutral environments', but are occupied with the ideas and visions of a given society.{}\ldots Comparable to printed forms (blanks), software templates are designed to elicit certain information, while suppressing other choices. However, unlike their printed counterparts, software services also generate, present and distribute provided user information in public or semi-public contexts. \emph{It follows that software services, such as Fb [Facebook], cannot be considered as mere transport media, but as technological tools that deprive text authors of their individual semiotic choices and intervene in the flow of discourse among users}.{}\ldots In the case of Fb, the software service enables the formation and maintenance of social relations among users, while at the same time standardizing the underlying communicative actions.{}\ldots Fb also has great impact on the members' perception and conceptualization of time and space. \emph{If we define ideology as a set of beliefs bf which we are barely conscious, [as something that] instructs us about time, space, and number fand that] forms our ideas of how we stand in relation to nature and to each other' (Postman 1992: 123), we can regard software services, such as Fb, as highly ideological tools.} % Through the 'technization of the lifeworld' people recurrently experience that they are nonautonomous beings dependent on technological tools and their creators. Weizenbaum (1976) has shown that 'a tool gains its power from the fact that it permits certain actions and not others' (1976:37). In his view, the power of tools emerges from simultaneously reducing and extending human action and experience. With the introduction of new technologies --- or in our case software services --- people acquire not only novel sets of practices, but also new perspectives on and new understandings of social reality.{}\ldots \emph{As shown, the software environment displaces users by providing them with text generation and distribution tools that have great impact on how they choose, arrange and give coherence to their texts}.{}\ldots % In the analysis, the identification of Fb as an ideological tool can be specified in the following way: When utilizing complex text automation tools, Fb members gradually hand over control of their actions to the software service. \end{quotation} % \item[pp.\,211--212] \begin{quotation} In contrast to a member's complex and subtle comprehension of self, the individual texts building her/his Fb [Facebook] profile are bound to standardized templates, default options and a more or less fixed hierarchical structure. \emph{While in real life contexts discourse participants determine different things appropriate for different kinds of audiences, within Fb contexts users outsource the dispersion of their texts partially to the text automation properties of the software}. \end{quotation} % \item[p.\,21] \begin{quotation} \emph{Social Software-based} Websites whose primary aim is \emph{establishing and maintaining online communities} by asking participants to present themselves (in the form of public or semi-public profiles) and to connect and communicate with other participants. \end{quotation} % \item[p.\212] \begin{quotation} \emph{We can therefore establish that Fb [Facebook] acts as a kind of author: By facilitating and/or allocating distinct sets of dkcourse patterns Fb intervenes in the communication between profile owner (first author) and profile recipient (second author). As a third author it shapes the structure and/or contents of the respective discourses and, moreover, controls the contexts in which the texts are presented}. As a consequence, Fb members experience a gradual loss of control over their texts: Due to automatic text generation, Fb members may set off software-generated texts against their will; likewise, as an effect of automatic text distribution, members may lose control over the context, in which their posts, comments or other personal data is presented.{}\ldots In both cases, a member is neither in control of nor responsible for the communicative outcome of the action; the displayed and distributed texts bear no relation to her/his individual communicative aims. \end{quotation} \end{description}" ,Keyword="\K{HT!General} $\bullet$ \K{Social media} $\bullet$ \K{Discourse analysis}", }