%% Bibliographies %% @Article{Fr:Bibliog, Title="An Annotated Hypertext Bibliography", Author="Carl Franklin", Journal="Online", Month=mar, Year=1988, Pages="42 -- 46" } @InProceedings{Ka:HMBib89, Author="Paul Kahn", Title="Hypermedia Bibliography, 1989", BookTitle=HTSt, CROSSREF="HTStand", Year=1990, Pages="249 -- 264" } @InBook{Ni:Bib90, Title="Hypertext and Hypermedia\cite{Nielsen}", Author="Jakob Nielsen", Publisher="Academic Press", Note="Appendix {B}: Annotated Bibliography", Pages="199" # " -- " # 252, Year=1990 } @InBook{Ni:Bib95, Title="Appendix: Annotated Bibliography", BookTitle="Multimedia and Hypertext: The Internet and Beyond", Author="Jakob Nielsen", Publisher="AP Professional", Pages=363 # " -- " # 449, Year=1995 } @Misc{Le:UTexasBib, URL="ftp://world.std.com:obi/Hypertext/Texas.A.M/htbib.ascii.Z", Month="28~"# feb, Year=1993, Author="John J. Legget and Charles J. Kacmar and John L. Schnase", Title="Working Bibliography of Hypertext" } @Misc{Pe:HCIBib, Title="The {HCI} Bibliography Project", Month=13 # "~" # sep, Year=1992, Author="Gary Perlman", URL="http://www.hcibib.org/", Annote="Abstract: `The HCI Bibliography is a free-access online extended bibliography on Human-Computer Interaction. The basic goal of the project is to put an online bibliography for most of HCI on the screens of all researchers, developers, educators and students in the field through anonymous ftp access, mail servers, and Mac and DOS floppy disks. Through the efforts of volunteers, the bibliography has passed 5300 entries, consuming over 4.8 megabytes, with abstracts and/or tables of contents; eventually, citation information and hypertext access will be added.'", Note="An ongoing update of: Perlman, G. (1991) `The HCI Bibliography Project' {ACM} {SIGCHI} Bulletin, 23:3, 15--20. Author's e-mail address is $\langle$\path{perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu}$\rangle$" } @Article{vanD:HTRevI, Author="H. {Van Dyke} Parunak", Title="Comparative Review 9310-0766", Journal="Computing Reviews", Month=oct, Year=1993, Pages="534 -- 538", Note="Part 1 of a two-part comparative review of books about Hypertext", SeeAlso="Part 2~\cite{vanD:HTRevII}", Keyword="\K{Review}" } @Article{vanD:HTRevII, Author="H. {Van Dyke} Parunak", Title="Comparative Review 9403-0149", Journal="Computing Reviews", Month=mar, Year=1994, Pages="149 -- 155", Note="Part 2 of a two-part comparative review of books about Hypertext", SeeAlso="Part 1~\cite{vanD:HTRevI}", Keyword="\K{Review}" } @UnPublished{Mi:Bbird, Title="bowerbird hypermedia research engine", URL="http://bowerbird.rmit.edu.au:8080/", Author="Adrian Miles and Stuart Moulthrop", Note="WWW search engine for hypertext theory" } @UnPublished{Be:HTComp, Author="Eastgate Systems", Title="Hypertext Resources Compendia", URL="http://www.eastgate.com/hypertext/Compendia.html", Note="A list of links and descriptions of WWW sites related to hypertext" } @Misc{BUBL, Author="{BUBL} Information Service", Title="{BUBL} Journals", HowPublished="\url{http://bubl.ac.uk/journals/}", Note="Contents, abstracts or full texts of many current journals and newsletters" }