% % % Strings % % % %% Macros %% @String{procof = "Proceedings of "} @String{procofthe = procof # "the "} %% Publishers / Associations %% @String{asis = "{American Society for Information Science}"} @String{LEA = "Lawrence Erlbaum Associates"} @String{MITp = "{The MIT Press}"} %% Journals %% @String{cacm = "Communications of the {ACM}"} @String{EP-odd = "Electronic Publishing --- Origination, Dissemination and Design"} @String{ijmms = "International Journal of Man-Machine Studies"} @String{ijhcs = "International Journal of Human-Computer Studies"} @string{int = "{interactions}"} @String{ipm = "Information Processing \& Management"} @String{jasis = "Journal of the American Society for Information Science"} @String{jasist = "Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology"} @String{jdoc = "The Journal of Documentation"} @String{JEHM = "Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia"} @String{JoDI = "Journal of Digital Information (JoDI)"} @String{NRHM = "The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia"} @String{tchi = "{ACM} Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction"} @String{tois = "{ACM} Transactions on Information Systems"} @String{sciam = "Scientific American"} @String{sigir = "{ACM} {SIGIR} Forum"} @String{sigois = "{ACM} {SIGOIS} Bulletin"} @article{allen98, author = {Allen, B.}, title = {Information space representation in interactive systems: Relationship to spatial abilities}, journal = {ACM Digital Library}, volume = {}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {1-10}, year = {1998}, url = {}, } @article{allen00, author = {Allen, B.}, title = {Individual differences and the conundrums of user-centered design: Two experiments}, journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science}, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {508-520}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @inproceedings{benyon97, author = {Benyon, D. and Hook, K.}, title= {Navigation in information spaces: Supporting the individual}, booktitle = {Proceedings of human-computer interaction: INTERACT’97}, year = {1997}, pages = {39-46}, location = {London, England}, publisher = {Chapman and Hall}, } @article{benyon93, author = {Benyon, D. and Murray, D.}, title = {Adaptive systems: From intelligent tutoring to autonomous agents}, journal = {Knowledge-Based Systems}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, month = {}, pages = {115-121}, year = {1993}, url = {}, } @article{caplan98, author = {Caplan, B. and Romans, S.}, title = {Assessment of spatial abilities}, journal = {In G. Goldstein, P. Nussbaum, and S. Beers (Ed.), Neuropsychology}, pages = {379-419}, year = {1998}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Plenum Press}, } @book{carroll93, author = {Carroll, J. B.}, title = {Human Cognitive Abilities: A Survey of Factor-Analytic Studies}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {New York}, year = {1993}, } @article{castelli98, author = {Castelli, C. and Colazzo, L. and Molinari, A.}, title = {Cognitive variables and patterns of hypertext performances: Lessons learned for educational hypermedia construction}, journal = {Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia}, volume = {7}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {177-206}, year = {1998}, url = {}, } @article{chen00a, author = {Chen, C. and Czerwinski, M. and Macredie, R.}, title = {Individual differences in virtual environments: Introduction and Overview}, journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science}, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {499-507}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @article{chen00b, author = {Chen, C.}, title = {Individual differences in a spatial-semantic virtual environment}, journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science}, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {529-542}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @article{chen96, author = {Chen, C. and Rada, R.}, title = {Interacting with hypertext: A meta-analysis of experimental studies}, journal = {Human-Computer Interaction}, volume = {11}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {125-156}, year = {1996}, url = {}, } @inproceedings{cribbin01, author = {Cribbin, T. and Chen, C.}, title= {Exploring Cognitive Issues in Visual Information Retrieval}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth IFIP TC.13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, INTERACT 2001}, year = {2001}, pages = {}, location = {Tokyo, Japan}, publisher = {}, } @article{curl98, author = {Curl, S. S. and Olfman, L. and Satzinger, J. W.}, title = {An Investigation of the roles of individual differences and user interface on database usability}, journal = {The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems}, volume = {29}, number = {1}, month = {}, pages = {50-65}, year = {1998}, url = {}, } @inproceedings{dahlback00, author = {Dahlback, N. and Lonnqvist, P.}, title= {Navigation and learning: A cognitive analysis of user tasks in electronic information spaces}, booktitle = {Proceedings of NordiCHI ’00}, year = {2000}, pages = {}, location = {}, publisher = {}, } @inproceedings{dahlback96, author = {Dahlback, N. and Hook, K. and Sjolinder, M.}, title= {Spatial cognition in the mind and in the world: The case of hypermedia navigation}, booktitle = {The Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, CogSci ’96}, year = {1996}, pages = {}, location = {University of California, San Diego}, publisher = {}, } @article{dillon00, author = {Dillon, A.}, title = {Spatial-semantics: How users derive shape from information space}, journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science}, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {521-528}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @article{dillon98, author = {Dillon, A. and Gabbard, R.}, title = {Hypermedia as an educational technology: A review of the quantitative research literature on learner comprehension, control, and style}, journal = {Review of Educational Research}, volume = {68}, number = {3}, month = {}, pages = {322-349}, year = {1998}, url = {}, } @article{dillon96, author = {Dillon, A. and Watson, C.}, title = {User analysis in HCI – the historical lessons from individual differences research}, journal = {International Journal of Human-Computer Studies}, volume = {45}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {619-637}, year = {1996}, url = {}, } @article{egan88, author = {Egan, D.}, title = {Individual differences in human-computer interaction}, journal = {In M. Helander (Ed.), Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction}, pages = {543-568}, year = {1998}, location = {Amsterdam}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers}, } @article{egan85, author = {Egan, D. and Gomez, L.}, title = {Assaying, isolating, and accommodating individual differences in learning a complex skill}, journal = {In R. Dillon (Ed.), Individual Differences in Cognition}, pages = {173-217}, year = {1985}, location = {Orlando, Florida}, publisher = {Academic Press}, } @book{ekstrom76, author = {Ekstrom, R. B. and French, J. W. and Harman, H. H. and Dermen, D.}, title = {Manual for Kit of Factor-Referenced Cognitive Tests [Cited in: Allen, 1998; Allen, 2000; Chen, 2000; Cribbin and Chen, 2001; Curl et al., 1998; Stanney and Salvendy, 1995]}, publisher = {Educational Testing Service}, address = {Princeton, NJ}, year = {1976}, } @article{ford00, author = {Dillon, A. and Watson, C.}, title = {Cognitive styles and virtual environments}, journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science}, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {543-557}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @article{hofman99, author = {Hofman, R. and van Oostendorp, H.}, title = {Cognitive effects of a structural overview in a hypertext}, journal = {British Journal of Educational Technology}, volume = {30}, number = {2}, month = {}, pages = {129-140}, year = {1999}, url = {}, } @inproceedings{hook97, author = {Hook, K.}, title= {Evaluating the utility and usability of an adaptive hypermedia system}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI’97)}, year = {1997}, pages = {}, location = {Orlando, Florida}, publisher = {}, } @inproceedings{hook96, author = {Hook, K. and Dahlback, N. and Sjolinder, M.}, title= {Individual differences and navigation in hypermedia}, booktitle = {SICS Research Report, R96:01, SICS}, year = {1996}, pages = {}, location = {Sweden}, publisher = {}, } @article{jordan98, author = {Jordan, P. W.}, title = {What is Usability?}, journal = {In An Introduction to Usability}, pages = {5-23}, year = {1998}, location = {}, publisher = {Taylor and Francis Ltd.}, } @article{kim95, author = {Kim, H. and Hirtle, S.}, title = {Spatial metaphors and disorientation in hypertext browsing}, journal = {Behaviour and Information Technology}, volume = {14}, number = {4}, month = {}, pages = {239-250}, year = {1995}, url = {}, } @book{kolb96, author = {Kolb, B. and Wishaw, I.}, title = {Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology}, publisher = {W. H. Freeman}, address = {New York}, year = {1996}, } @article{kritchevsky88, author = {Kritchevsky, M.}, title = {The elementary spatial functions of the brain}, journal = {In J. Davis, M. Kritchevsky, and U. Bellugi (Eds.), Spatial cognition: Brain bases and development}, pages = {111-140}, year = {1988}, location = {Hillsdale, NJ}, publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum Associates}, } @inproceedings{larson98, author = {Larson, K. and Czerwinski, M.}, title= {Web page design: Implications of memory, structure and scent for information retrieval}, booktitle = {Making the Impossible Possible: CHI 98 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference Proceedings}, year = {1998}, pages = {}, location = {}, publisher = {}, } @article{liu94, author = {Liu, M. and Reed, W.}, title = {The relationship between the learning strategies and learning styles in a hypermedia environment}, journal = {Computers in Human Behavior}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, month = {}, pages = {419-434}, year = {1994}, url = {}, } @inproceedings{maglio98, author = {Maglio, P. and Matlock, T.}, title= {Metaphors we surf the web by}, booktitle = {Workshop on Personalized and Social Navigation in Information Space}, year = {1998}, pages = {}, location = {Stockholm, Sweden}, publisher = {}, } @inproceedings{maglio97, author = {Maglio, P. and Barrett, R.}, title= {On the trail of information searchers}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society}, year = {1998}, pages = {}, location = {Mahwah, NJ}, publisher = {LEA}, } @article{mcdonald96, author = {McDonald, S. and Stevenson, R.}, title = {Disorientation in hypertext: The effects of three text structures on navigation performance}, journal = {Applied Ergonomics}, volume = {27}, number = {1}, month = {}, pages = {61-68}, year = {1996}, url = {}, } @article{messick70, author = {Messick, S.}, title = {The criterion problem in the evaluation of instruction: Assessing possible, not just intended, outcomes}, journal = {In M. Wittrock and D. Wiley (Eds.), The Evaluation of Instruction: Issues and Problems [Cited in Carroll, 1993]}, pages = {183-220}, year = {1988}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Holt, Rinehart and Winston}, } @article{palmquist00, author = {Palmquist, R. and Kim, K.}, title = {Cognitive style and on-line database search experience as predictors of web search performance}, journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science}, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {558-566}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @book{psykologiforlaget71, author = {Psykologiforlaget}, title = {Manual till DS-batteriet (Manual for the DS-tests) (In Swedish) [Cited in Dahlback et al., 1996; Dahlback, and Lonnqvist, 2000]}, publisher = {Psykologiforlaget AB}, address = {Stockholm, Sweden}, year = {1971}, } @article{quaglino1867, author = {Quaglino, A. and Borelli, G.}, title = {Emiplegia sinistra con amaurosi; guaragione; perdita totale della percezione dei colori e della configurazione degli oggetti (In Italian) [Cited in Caplan and Romans, 1998]}, journal = {Giornale Italiano di Oftalmologia}, volume = {10}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {106-117}, year = {1867}, url = {}, } @article{sjolinder96, author = {Sjolinder, M.}, title = {Individual differences in spatial cognition and hypermedia navigation}, journal = {from Exploring Navigation}, volume = {}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {61-72}, year = {1996}, url = {}, } @article{spence99, author = {Spence, R.}, title = {A framework for navigation}, journal = {International Journal of Human-Computer Studies}, volume = {51}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {919-945}, year = {1999}, url = {}, } @article{stanney95, author = {Stanney, K. M. and Salvendy, G.}, title = {Information visualization: Assisting low spatial individuals with information access tasks through the use of visual mediators}, journal = {Ergonomics}, volume = {38}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {1184-1198}, year = {1995}, url = {}, } @article{vicente88, author = {Vicente, K. J. and Williges, R. C.}, title = {Accommodating individual differences in searching a hierarchical file system}, journal = {International Journal of Man-Machine Studies}, volume = {29}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {647-688}, year = {1988}, url = {}, } @book{witkin71, author = {Witkin, H. and Oltman, P. and Raskin, E. and Karp, S.}, title = {A manual for the Embedded Figure Tests [Cited in Castelli et al., 1998]}, publisher = {Consulting Psychologists Press}, address = {Palo Alto, CA}, year = {1971}, } @InProceedings{allen98, author = {Allen, Bryce}, title = {Information space representation in interactive systems: Relationship to spatial abilities}, booktitle = "Proceedings of the third {ACM} conference on Digital libraries", editor="Ian Witten and Rob Akscyn and Frank M. Shipman, III", pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {1998}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/276675.276676}, } @article{allen00, author = {Allen, Bryce}, title = {Individual differences and the conundrums of user-centered design: Two experiments}, journal = JASIST, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = apr, pages = {508 -- 520}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @inproceedings{benyon97, author = {Benyon, David and H{\"{o}}{\"{o}}k, Kristina}, title= {Navigation in information spaces: Supporting the individual}, booktitle = {Proceedings of human-computer interaction: {INTERACT'97}}, year = {1997}, pages = {39--46}, location = {London, England}, publisher = {Chapman and Hall}, } @article{benyon93, author = {Benyon, David and Murray, D. M.}, title = {Adaptive systems: From intelligent tutoring to autonomous agents}, journal = {Knowledge-Based Systems}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, month = {}, pages = {115 -- 121}, year = {1993}, url = {}, } @article{burin00, author = {Burin, D. and Delgado, A. and Prieto, G.}, title = {Solution strategies and gender differences in spatial visualization tasks}, journal = {Psicologica}, volume = {21}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {275 -- 286}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @InCollection{caplan98, author = {Caplan, B. and Romans, S.}, title = {Assessment of spatial abilities}, booktitle="Neuropsychology", pages = {379 -- 419}, year = {1998}, crossref={Go:N98}, } @Book{Go:N98, editor="Gerald Goldstein and Paul David Nussbaum and S. Beers", title="Neuropsychology", year=1998, location = {New York}, publisher = {Plenum Press}, ISBN="030645646X", } @book{carroll93, author = {Carroll, John Bissell}, title = {Human Cognitive Abilities: A Survey of Factor-Analytic Studies}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {New York}, year = {1993}, } @article{castelli98, author="Carlo Castelli and Luigi Colazzo and Andrea Molinari", title = {Cognitive variables and patterns of hypertext performances: Lessons learned for educational hypermedia construction}, journal = JEHM, volume = {7}, number = {2/3}, month = {}, pages = {177 -- 206}, year = {1998}, url = {}, } @article{ch:IDVEO, author = {Chen, Chamoei and Czerwinski, Mary and Macredie, Robert}, title = {Individual differences in virtual environments: Introduction and Overview}, journal = JASIS, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = apr, pages = {499 -- 507}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @article{ch:IDSSVE, author = {Chen, Chamoei}, title = {Individual differences in a spatial-semantic virtual environment}, journal = JASIS, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {529 -- 542}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @article{chen96, author = {Chen, Chamoei and Rada, Roy}, title = {Interacting with hypertext: A meta-analysis of experimental studies}, journal = {Human-Computer Interaction}, volume = {11}, number = {2}, month = {}, pages = {125 -- 156}, year = {1996}, url = {}, } @inproceedings{cribbin01, author = {Cribbin, T. and Chen, C.}, title= {Exploring Cognitive Issues in Visual Information Retrieval}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth IFIP TC.13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, INTERACT 2001}, year = {2001}, pages = {}, location = {Tokyo, Japan}, publisher = {}, } @article{curl98, author = {Curl, S. S. and Olfman, L. and Satzinger, J. W.}, title = {An Investigation of the roles of individual differences and user interface on database usability}, journal = {The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems}, volume = {29}, number = {1}, month = {}, pages = {50 -- 65}, year = {1998}, url = {}, } @inproceedings{czerwinski02, author = {Czerwinski, Mary and Tan, Desney S. and Robertson, George}, title = {Women take a wider view}, booktitle = {Changing the World, Changing Ourselves: CHI 2002 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference Proceedings}, pages = {}, year = {2002}, url="http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/503376.503412", } @inproceedings{dahlback00, author = {D{\"{a}}hlback, Nils and L{\"{o}}nnqvist, Peter}, title= {Navigation and learning: A cognitive analysis of user tasks in electronic information spaces}, booktitle = {Proceedings of NordiCHI '00}, year = {2000}, pages = {}, location = {}, publisher = {}, } @inproceedings{dahlback96, author = {D{\"{a}}hlback, Nils and H{\"{o}}{\"{o}}k, Kristina and Sj{\"{o}}linder, Marie}, title= {Spatial cognition in the mind and in the world: The case of hypermedia navigation}, booktitle = {The Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, CogSci '96}, year = {1996}, pages = {}, location = {University of California, San Diego}, publisher = {}, } @article{dee99, author = {Dee-Lucas, D.}, title = {Information location in instructional hypertext: Effects of content domain expertise}, journal = {In B. Collis and R. Oliver (Eds.), Proceedings of the ED-MEDIA 99 World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia}, pages = {431 -- 468}, year = {1999}, location = {Charlottesville, VA}, publisher = {Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education}, } @article{dillon00, author = {Dillon, A.}, title = {Spatial-semantics: How users derive shape from information space}, journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science}, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {521 -- 528}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @article{dillon98, author = {Dillon, A. and Gabbard, R.}, title = {Hypermedia as an educational technology: A review of the quantitative research literature on learner comprehension, control, and style}, journal = {Review of Educational Research}, volume = {68}, number = {3}, month = {}, pages = {322 -- 349}, year = {1998}, url = {}, } @article{dillon96, author = {Dillon, A. and Watson, C.}, title = {User analysis in HCI – the historical lessons from individual differences research}, journal = {International Journal of Human-Computer Studies}, volume = {45}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {619 -- 637}, year = {1996}, url = {}, } @article{egan88, author = {Egan, D.}, title = {Individual differences in human-computer interaction}, journal = {In M. Helander (Ed.), Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction}, pages = {543 -- 568}, year = {1998}, location = {Amsterdam}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers}, } @article{egan85, author = {Egan, D. and Gomez, L.}, title = {Assaying, isolating, and accommodating individual differences in learning a complex skill}, journal = {In R. Dillon (Ed.), Individual Differences in Cognition}, pages = {173 -- 217}, year = {1985}, location = {Orlando, Florida}, publisher = {Academic Press}, } @book{ekstrom76, author = {Ekstrom, R. B. and French, J. W. and Harman, H. H. and Dermen, D.}, title = {Manual for Kit of Factor-Referenced Cognitive Tests}, publisher = {Educational Testing Service}, address = {Princeton, NJ}, year = {1976}, note = "Cited by Allen~\cite{allen98,allen00}, Chen~\cite{ch:IDVEO}, Cribbin and Chen~\cite{cribbin01}, Curl et al.~\cite{curl98}, Stanney and Salvendy~\cite{stanney95}", } @article{ford00, author = {Dillon, A. and Watson, C.}, title = {Cognitive styles and virtual environments}, journal = JASIS, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {543 -- 557}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @article{hofman99, author = {Hofman, Rijk and {van Oostendorp}, Herre}, title = {Cognitive effects of a structural overview in a hypertext}, journal = {British Journal of Educational Technology}, volume = {30}, number = {2}, month = apr, pages = {129 -- 140}, year = {1999}, url = {}, } @inproceedings{hook97, author = {H{\"{o}}{\"{o}}k, Kristina}, title= {Evaluating the utility and usability of an adaptive hypermedia system}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI'97)}, year = {1997}, pages = {}, location = {Orlando, Florida}, publisher = {}, } @techreport{hook96, author = {H{\"{o}}{\"{o}}k, Kristina and D{\"{a}}hlback, Nils and Sj{\"{o}}linder, Marie}, title= {Individual differences and navigation in hypermedia}, institution={Swedish Institute of Computer Science}, type = {SICS Research Report}, number= {R96-01}, year = {1996}, url={ftp://ftp.sics.se/pub/SICS-reports/Reports/SICS-R--96-01--SE.ps.Z}, } @inbook{jordan98, author = {Jordan, Patrick W.}, title = {What is Usability?}, booktitle = {An Introduction to Usability}, chapter={2}, pages = {5 -- 23}, year = {1998}, publisher = {Taylor and Francis Ltd.}, ISBN= {0-7484-0762-6}, } @article{kim95, Author="Hanhwe Kim and Stephen C. Hirtle", title = {Spatial metaphors and disorientation in hypertext browsing}, journal = {Behaviour and Information Technology}, volume = {14}, number = {4}, month = {}, pages = {239 -- 250}, year = {1995}, url = {}, } @book{kolb96, author = {Kolb, Bryan and Wishaw, Ian Q.}, title = {Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology}, publisher = {W. H. Freeman}, address = {New York}, year = {1996}, } @incollection{kritchevsky88, author = {Kritchevsky, M.}, title = {The elementary spatial functions of the brain}, booktitle = {Spatial cognition: Brain bases and development}, pages = {111 -- 140}, crossref={Da:SC88}, } @book{Da:SC88, editor="J. Davis and M. Kritchevsky and U. Bellugi", title="Spatial cognition: Brain bases and development", year = {1988}, location = {Hillsdale, New Jersey}, publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum Associates}, } @inproceedings{larson98, author = {Larson, Kevin and Czerwinski, Mary}, title= {Web page design: Implications of memory, structure and scent for information retrieval}, booktitle = {Making the Impossible Possible: CHI 98 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference Proceedings}, year = {1998}, pages = {25 -- 32}, location = {Los Angeles}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/274644.274649}, } @article{lazonder00, author = {Lazonder, A. and Biemans, H. and Wopereis, G.}, title = {Differences between novice and experienced users in searching information on the World Wide Web}, journal = JASIS, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {576 -- 581}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @article{liu94, author = {Liu, M. and Reed, W.}, title = {The relationship between the learning strategies and learning styles in a hypermedia environment}, journal = {Computers in Human Behavior}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, month = {}, pages = {419 -- 434}, year = {1994}, url = {}, } @inproceedings{maglio98, author = {Maglio, Paul and Matlock, T.}, title= {Metaphors we surf the web by}, booktitle = {Workshop on Personalized and Social Navigation in Information Space}, year = {1998}, pages = {}, location = {Stockholm, Sweden}, publisher = {}, } @inproceedings{maglio97, author = {Maglio, Paul and Barrett, R.}, title= {On the trail of information searchers}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society}, year = {1998}, pages = {}, location = {Mahwah, New Jersey}, publisher = {LEA}, } @article{mcdonald96, author="Sharon McDonald and Rosemary J. Stevenson", title = {Disorientation in hypertext: The effects of three text structures on navigation performance}, journal = {Applied Ergonomics}, volume = {27}, number = {1}, month = {}, pages = {61 -- 68}, year = {1996}, url = {}, } @incollection{messick70, author = {Messick, S.}, title = {The criterion problem in the evaluation of instruction: Assessing possible, not just intended, outcomes}, booktitle="The Evaluation of Instruction: Issues and Problems", crossref={Wi:EoI88}, pages = {183 -- 220}, note="Cited by Carroll and Bissell~\cite{carroll93}", } @book{Wi:EoI88, editor="M. Wittrock and D. Wiley", title="The Evaluation of Instruction: Issues and Problems", year=1988, location = {New York}, publisher = {Holt, Rinehart and Winston}, note="Cited by Carroll and Bissell~\cite{carroll93}", } @article{palmquist00, author = {Palmquist, R. and Kim, K.}, title = {Cognitive style and on-line database search experience as predictors of web search performance}, journal = JASIS, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {558 -- 566}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @book{psykologiforlaget71, author = {Psykologiforlaget}, title = {Manual till DS-batteriet (Manual for the DS-tests)}, publisher = {Psykologiforlaget AB}, address = {Stockholm, Sweden}, year = {1971}, note=" [In Swedish]. Cited by D{\"{a}}hlback et al.~\cite{dahlback96} and D{\"{a}}hlback and L{\"{o}}nnqvist~\cite{dahlback00}", } @article{quaglino1867, author = {Quaglino, A. and Borelli, G.}, title = {Emiplegia sinistra con amaurosi; guaragione; perdita totale della percezione dei colori e della configurazione degli oggetti}, journal = {Giornale Italiano di Oftalmologia}, volume = {10}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {106 -- 117}, year = {1867}, url = {}, note="[In Italian]. Cited by Caplan and Romans~\cite{caplan98}", } @misc{PERSONApubs, author= {Swedish Institute of Computer Science}, title= "Towards a Framework for Design and Evaluation of Navigation in Electronic Spaces", url="http://www.sics.se/humle/projects/persona/web/littsurvey/abstracts.html" } @incollection{sjolinder96, author = {Sj{\"{o}}linder, Marie}, title = {Individual differences in spatial cognition and hypermedia navigation}, booktitle = "Towards a Framework for Design and Evaluation of Navigation in Electronic Spaces", publisher={Swedish Institute of Computer Science}, pages = {61 -- 72}, year = {1996}, url = {http://www.sics.se/humle/projects/persona/web/littsurvey/ch5.pdf}, } @article{spence99, author = {Spence, Robert}, title = {A framework for navigation}, journal = IJHCS, volume = {51}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {919 -- 945}, year = {1999}, url = {}, } @article{stanney95, author = {Stanney, K. M. and Salvendy, G.}, title = {Information visualization: Assisting low spatial individuals with information access tasks through the use of visual mediators}, journal = {Ergonomics}, volume = {38}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {1184 -- 1198}, year = {1995}, url = {}, } @article{vicente88, author="Kim J. Vicente and Robert C. Williges", title = {Accommodating individual differences in searching a hierarchical file system}, journal = IJMMS, volume = {29}, number = {6}, month = dec, pages = {647 -- 688}, year = {1988}, url = {}, } @book{witkin71, author = {Witkin, H. and Oltman, P. and Raskin, E. and Karp, S.}, title = {A manual for the Embedded Figure Tests}, publisher = {Consulting Psychologists Press}, address = {Palo Alto, California}, year = {1971}, note="Cited by Castelli et al.~\cite{castelli98}", } @InProceedings{Wa:MVS ,Title="The Mind' Views of Space" ,Author="Hongbin Wang and Todd R. Johnson and Jiajie Zhang" ,BookTitle="Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cognitive Science" ,Pages=191#" -- "#198, Year=2001 ,URL="http://acad88.sahs.uth.tmc.edu/research/publications/iccs2001spatial.pdf" ,Note="citation information NOT confirmed. URL used" ,Annote="\begin{itemize} \item (first page) `It is the purpose of this paper to review some of the relevant findings about spatial information processing in the brain.' \item (first page) `Those tasks we typically called spatial tasks are generally not purely spatial but extensively involve perception, attention, general cognition, and motor components.' \item (first page) `A large body of evidence has shown that, regardless of how it is acquired --- either through direct explorations or by means of spatial artifacts (e.g., maps, virtual reality, and language description) --- psychological space is often distored, relative, asymmetric, hierarchical, and segmented. How and why this is so remains elusive (for reviews, see McDonald \& Pellegrino, 1993; Hunt and Waller, 1999; Tversky, 2000).' \end{itemize}" ,Keyword="\K{spatial ability}" } @InProceedings{Be:PattHT ,Author="Mark Bernstein" ,Title="Patterns of Hypertext" ,BookTitle="Proceedings of the ninth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia: links, objects, time and space---structure in hypermedia systems: links, objects, time and space---structure in hypermedia systems" ,Pages=21#" -- "#29 ,Location="Pittsburgh, {PA}, {USA}" ,Publisher="{ACM} Press" ,Year=1998 ,URL="http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/276627.276630" } % % % Strings % % % %% Macros %% @String{procof = "Proceedings of "} @String{procofthe = procof # "the "} %% Publishers / Associations %% @String{asis = "{American Society for Information Science}"} @String{LEA = "Lawrence Erlbaum Associates"} @String{MITp = "{The MIT Press}"} %% Journals %% @String{cacm = "Communications of the {ACM}"} @String{EP-odd = "Electronic Publishing --- Origination, Dissemination and Design"} @String{ijmms = "International Journal of Man-Machine Studies"} @String{ijhcs = "International Journal of Human-Computer Studies"} @string{int = "{interactions}"} @String{ipm = "Information Processing \& Management"} @String{jasis = "Journal of the American Society for Information Science"} @String{jasist = "Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology"} @String{jdoc = "The Journal of Documentation"} @String{JEHM = "Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia"} @String{JoDI = "Journal of Digital Information (JoDI)"} @String{NRHM = "The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia"} @String{tchi = "{ACM} Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction"} @String{tois = "{ACM} Transactions on Information Systems"} @String{sciam = "Scientific American"} @String{sigir = "{ACM} {SIGIR} Forum"} @String{sigois = "{ACM} {SIGOIS} Bulletin"} @InProceedings{allen98, author = {Allen, Bryce}, title = {Information space representation in interactive systems: Relationship to spatial abilities}, booktitle = "Proceedings of the third {ACM} conference on Digital libraries", editor="Ian Witten and Rob Akscyn and Frank M. Shipman, III", pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {1998}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/276675.276676}, } @article{allen00, author = {Allen, Bryce}, title = {Individual differences and the conundrums of user-centered design: Two experiments}, journal = JASIST, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = apr, pages = {508 -- 520}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @inproceedings{benyon97, author = {Benyon, David and H{\"{o}}{\"{o}}k, Kristina}, title= {Navigation in information spaces: Supporting the individual}, booktitle = {Proceedings of human-computer interaction: {INTERACT'97}}, year = {1997}, pages = {39--46}, location = {London, England}, publisher = {Chapman and Hall}, } @article{benyon93, author = {Benyon, David and Murray, D. M.}, title = {Adaptive systems: From intelligent tutoring to autonomous agents}, journal = {Knowledge-Based Systems}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, month = {}, pages = {115 -- 121}, year = {1993}, url = {}, } @article{burin00, author = {Burin, D. and Delgado, A. and Prieto, G.}, title = {Solution strategies and gender differences in spatial visualization tasks}, journal = {Psicologica}, volume = {21}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {275 -- 286}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @InCollection{caplan98, author = {Caplan, B. and Romans, S.}, title = {Assessment of spatial abilities}, booktitle="Neuropsychology", pages = {379 -- 419}, year = {1998}, crossref={Go:N98}, } @Book{Go:N98, editor="Gerald Goldstein and Paul David Nussbaum and S. Beers", title="Neuropsychology", year=1998, location = {New York}, publisher = {Plenum Press}, ISBN="030645646X", } @book{carroll93, author = {Carroll, John Bissell}, title = {Human Cognitive Abilities: A Survey of Factor-Analytic Studies}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {New York}, year = {1993}, } @article{castelli98, author="Carlo Castelli and Luigi Colazzo and Andrea Molinari", title = {Cognitive variables and patterns of hypertext performances: Lessons learned for educational hypermedia construction}, journal = JEHM, volume = {7}, number = {2/3}, month = {}, pages = {177 -- 206}, year = {1998}, url = {}, } @article{ch:IDVEO, author = {Chen, Chamoei and Czerwinski, Mary and Macredie, Robert}, title = {Individual differences in virtual environments: Introduction and Overview}, journal = JASIS, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = apr, pages = {499 -- 507}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @article{ch:IDSSVE, author = {Chen, Chamoei}, title = {Individual differences in a spatial-semantic virtual environment}, journal = JASIS, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {529 -- 542}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @article{chen96, author = {Chen, Chamoei and Rada, Roy}, title = {Interacting with hypertext: A meta-analysis of experimental studies}, journal = {Human-Computer Interaction}, volume = {11}, number = {2}, month = {}, pages = {125 -- 156}, year = {1996}, url = {}, } @inproceedings{cribbin01, author = {Cribbin, T. and Chen, C.}, title= {Exploring Cognitive Issues in Visual Information Retrieval}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth IFIP TC.13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, INTERACT 2001}, year = {2001}, pages = {}, location = {Tokyo, Japan}, publisher = {}, } @article{curl98, author = {Curl, S. S. and Olfman, L. and Satzinger, J. W.}, title = {An Investigation of the roles of individual differences and user interface on database usability}, journal = {The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems}, volume = {29}, number = {1}, month = {}, pages = {50 -- 65}, year = {1998}, url = {}, } @inproceedings{czerwinski02, author = {Czerwinski, Mary and Tan, Desney S. and Robertson, George}, title = {Women take a wider view}, booktitle = {Changing the World, Changing Ourselves: CHI 2002 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference Proceedings}, pages = {}, year = {2002}, url="http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/503376.503412", } @inproceedings{dahlback00, author = {D{\"{a}}hlback, Nils and L{\"{o}}nnqvist, Peter}, title= {Navigation and learning: A cognitive analysis of user tasks in electronic information spaces}, booktitle = {Proceedings of NordiCHI '00}, year = {2000}, pages = {}, location = {}, publisher = {}, } @inproceedings{dahlback96, author = {D{\"{a}}hlback, Nils and H{\"{o}}{\"{o}}k, Kristina and Sj{\"{o}}linder, Marie}, title= {Spatial cognition in the mind and in the world: The case of hypermedia navigation}, booktitle = {The Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, CogSci '96}, year = {1996}, pages = {}, location = {University of California, San Diego}, publisher = {}, } @article{dee99, author = {Dee-Lucas, D.}, title = {Information location in instructional hypertext: Effects of content domain expertise}, journal = {In B. Collis and R. Oliver (Eds.), Proceedings of the ED-MEDIA 99 World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia}, pages = {431 -- 468}, year = {1999}, location = {Charlottesville, VA}, publisher = {Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education}, } @article{dillon00, author = {Dillon, A.}, title = {Spatial-semantics: How users derive shape from information space}, journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science}, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {521 -- 528}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @article{dillon98, author = {Dillon, A. and Gabbard, R.}, title = {Hypermedia as an educational technology: A review of the quantitative research literature on learner comprehension, control, and style}, journal = {Review of Educational Research}, volume = {68}, number = {3}, month = {}, pages = {322 -- 349}, year = {1998}, url = {}, } @article{dillon96, author = {Dillon, A. and Watson, C.}, title = {User analysis in {HCI} – the historical lessons from individual differences research}, journal = {International Journal of Human-Computer Studies}, volume = {45}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {619 -- 637}, year = {1996}, url = {}, } @article{egan88, author = {Egan, D.}, title = {Individual differences in human-computer interaction}, journal = {In M. Helander (Ed.), Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction}, pages = {543 -- 568}, year = {1998}, location = {Amsterdam}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers}, } @article{egan85, author = {Egan, D. and Gomez, L.}, title = {Assaying, isolating, and accommodating individual differences in learning a complex skill}, journal = {In R. Dillon (Ed.), Individual Differences in Cognition}, pages = {173 -- 217}, year = {1985}, location = {Orlando, Florida}, publisher = {Academic Press}, } @book{ekstrom76, author = {Ekstrom, R. B. and French, J. W. and Harman, H. H. and Dermen, D.}, title = {Manual for Kit of Factor-Referenced Cognitive Tests}, publisher = {Educational Testing Service}, address = {Princeton, NJ}, year = {1976}, note = "Cited by Allen~\cite{allen98,allen00}, Chen~\cite{ch:IDVEO}, Cribbin and Chen~\cite{cribbin01}, Curl et al.~\cite{curl98}, Stanney and Salvendy~\cite{stanney95}", } @article{ford00, author = {Dillon, A. and Watson, C.}, title = {Cognitive styles and virtual environments}, journal = JASIS, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {543 -- 557}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @article{hofman99, author = {Hofman, Rijk and {van Oostendorp}, Herre}, title = {Cognitive effects of a structural overview in a hypertext}, journal = {British Journal of Educational Technology}, volume = {30}, number = {2}, month = apr, pages = {129 -- 140}, year = {1999}, url = {}, } @inproceedings{hook97, author = {H{\"{o}}{\"{o}}k, Kristina}, title= {Evaluating the utility and usability of an adaptive hypermedia system}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI'97)}, year = {1997}, pages = {}, location = {Orlando, Florida}, publisher = {}, } @techreport{hook96, author = {H{\"{o}}{\"{o}}k, Kristina and D{\"{a}}hlback, Nils and Sj{\"{o}}linder, Marie}, title= {Individual differences and navigation in hypermedia}, institution={Swedish Institute of Computer Science}, type = {SICS Research Report}, number= {R96-01}, year = {1996}, url={ftp://ftp.sics.se/pub/SICS-reports/Reports/SICS-R--96-01--SE.ps.Z}, } @inbook{jordan98, author = {Jordan, Patrick W.}, title = {What is Usability?}, booktitle = {An Introduction to Usability}, chapter={2}, pages = {5 -- 23}, year = {1998}, publisher = {Taylor and Francis Ltd.}, ISBN= {0-7484-0762-6}, } @InCollection{Ch:EoH, Author="Davida Charney", Title="The Effect of Hypertext on Processes of Reading and Writing", Chapter=10, Pages=238#" -- "#263, BookTitle="Literacy and Computers: The Complications of Teaching and Learning with Technology", Publisher="The Modern Language Association of America", Year=1994, Address="New York, {NY}", Editor="Cynthia L. Selfe and Susan Hilligoss", } @article{kim95, Author="Hanhwe Kim and Stephen C. Hirtle", title = {Spatial metaphors and disorientation in hypertext browsing}, journal = {Behaviour and Information Technology}, volume = {14}, number = {4}, month = {}, pages = {239 -- 250}, year = {1995}, url = {}, } @book{kolb96, author = {Kolb, Bryan and Wishaw, Ian Q.}, title = {Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology}, publisher = {W. H. Freeman}, address = {New York}, year = {1996}, } @incollection{kritchevsky88, author = {Kritchevsky, M.}, title = {The elementary spatial functions of the brain}, booktitle = {Spatial cognition: Brain bases and development}, pages = {111 -- 140}, crossref={Da:SC88}, } @book{Da:SC88, editor="J. Davis and M. Kritchevsky and U. Bellugi", title="Spatial cognition: Brain bases and development", year = {1988}, location = {Hillsdale, New Jersey}, publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum Associates}, } @inproceedings{larson98, author = {Larson, Kevin and Czerwinski, Mary}, title= {Web page design: Implications of memory, structure and scent for information retrieval}, booktitle = {Making the Impossible Possible: CHI 98 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference Proceedings}, year = {1998}, pages = {25 -- 32}, location = {Los Angeles}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/274644.274649}, } @article{lazonder00, author = {Lazonder, A. and Biemans, H. and Wopereis, G.}, title = {Differences between novice and experienced users in searching information on the World Wide Web}, journal = JASIS, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {576 -- 581}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @article{liu94, author = {Liu, M. and Reed, W.}, title = {The relationship between the learning strategies and learning styles in a hypermedia environment}, journal = {Computers in Human Behavior}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, month = {}, pages = {419 -- 434}, year = {1994}, url = {}, } @inproceedings{maglio98, author = {Maglio, Paul and Matlock, T.}, title= {Metaphors we surf the web by}, booktitle = {Workshop on Personalized and Social Navigation in Information Space}, year = {1998}, pages = {}, location = {Stockholm, Sweden}, publisher = {}, } @inproceedings{maglio97, author = {Maglio, Paul and Barrett, R.}, title= {On the trail of information searchers}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society}, year = {1998}, pages = {}, location = {Mahwah, New Jersey}, publisher = {LEA}, } @article{mcdonald96, author="Sharon McDonald and Rosemary J. Stevenson", title = {Disorientation in hypertext: The effects of three text structures on navigation performance}, journal = {Applied Ergonomics}, volume = {27}, number = {1}, month = {}, pages = {61 -- 68}, year = {1996}, url = {}, } @incollection{messick70, author = {Messick, S.}, title = {The criterion problem in the evaluation of instruction: Assessing possible, not just intended, outcomes}, booktitle="The Evaluation of Instruction: Issues and Problems", crossref={Wi:EoI88}, pages = {183 -- 220}, note="Cited by Carroll and Bissell~\cite{carroll93}", } @book{Wi:EoI88, editor="M. Wittrock and D. Wiley", title="The Evaluation of Instruction: Issues and Problems", year=1988, location = {New York}, publisher = {Holt, Rinehart and Winston}, note="Cited by Carroll and Bissell~\cite{carroll93}", } @article{palmquist00, author = {Palmquist, R. and Kim, K.}, title = {Cognitive style and on-line database search experience as predictors of web search performance}, journal = JASIS, volume = {51}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {558 -- 566}, year = {2000}, url = {}, } @book{psykologiforlaget71, author = {Psykologiforlaget}, title = {Manual till DS-batteriet (Manual for the DS-tests)}, publisher = {Psykologiforlaget AB}, address = {Stockholm, Sweden}, year = {1971}, note=" [In Swedish]. Cited by D{\"{a}}hlback et al.~\cite{dahlback96} and D{\"{a}}hlback and L{\"{o}}nnqvist~\cite{dahlback00}", } @article{quaglino1867, author = {Quaglino, A. and Borelli, G.}, title = {Emiplegia sinistra con amaurosi; guaragione; perdita totale della percezione dei colori e della configurazione degli oggetti}, journal = {Giornale Italiano di Oftalmologia}, volume = {10}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {106 -- 117}, year = {1867}, url = {}, note="[In Italian]. Cited by Caplan and Romans~\cite{caplan98}", } @misc{PERSONApubs, author= {Swedish Institute of Computer Science}, title= "Towards a Framework for Design and Evaluation of Navigation in Electronic Spaces", url="http://www.sics.se/humle/projects/persona/web/littsurvey/abstracts.html" } @incollection{sjolinder96, author = {Sj{\"{o}}linder, Marie}, title = {Individual differences in spatial cognition and hypermedia navigation}, booktitle = "Towards a Framework for Design and Evaluation of Navigation in Electronic Spaces", publisher={Swedish Institute of Computer Science}, pages = {61 -- 72}, year = {1996}, url = {http://www.sics.se/humle/projects/persona/web/littsurvey/ch5.pdf}, } @article{spence99, author = {Spence, Robert}, title = {A framework for navigation}, journal = IJHCS, volume = {51}, number = {}, month = {}, pages = {919 -- 945}, year = {1999}, url = {}, } @book{spence01, author = {Spence, Robert}, title = {Information Visualization}, publisher = "{ACM} Press", year = {2001}, url = {}, } @article{stanney95, author = {Stanney, K. M. and Salvendy, G.}, title = {Information visualization: Assisting low spatial individuals with information access tasks through the use of visual mediators}, journal = {Ergonomics}, volume = {38}, number = {6}, month = {}, pages = {1184 -- 1198}, year = {1995}, url = {}, } @article{vicente88, author="Kim J. Vicente and Robert C. Williges", title = {Accommodating individual differences in searching a hierarchical file system}, journal = IJMMS, volume = {29}, number = {6}, month = dec, pages = {647 -- 688}, year = {1988}, url = {}, } @book{witkin71, author = {Witkin, H. and Oltman, P. and Raskin, E. and Karp, S.}, title = {A manual for the Embedded Figure Tests}, publisher = {Consulting Psychologists Press}, address = {Palo Alto, California}, year = {1971}, note="Cited by Castelli et al.~\cite{castelli98}", } @InProceedings{Wa:MVS ,Title="The Mind' Views of Space" ,Author="Hongbin Wang and Todd R. Johnson and Jiajie Zhang" ,BookTitle="Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cognitive Science" ,Pages=191#" -- "#198, Year=2001 ,URL="http://acad88.sahs.uth.tmc.edu/research/publications/iccs2001spatial.pdf" ,Note="citation information NOT confirmed. URL used" ,Annote="\begin{itemize} \item (first page) `It is the purpose of this paper to review some of the relevant findings about spatial information processing in the brain.' \item (first page) `Those tasks we typically called spatial tasks are generally not purely spatial but extensively involve perception, attention, general cognition, and motor components.' \item (first page) `A large body of evidence has shown that, regardless of how it is acquired --- either through direct explorations or by means of spatial artifacts (e.g., maps, virtual reality, and language description) --- psychological space is often distored, relative, asymmetric, hierarchical, and segmented. How and why this is so remains elusive (for reviews, see McDonald \& Pellegrino, 1993; Hunt and Waller, 1999; Tversky, 2000).' \end{itemize}" ,Keyword="\K{spatial ability}" } @InProceedings{Be:PattHT ,Author="Mark Bernstein" ,Title="Patterns of Hypertext" ,BookTitle="Proceedings of the ninth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia: links, objects, time and space---structure in hypermedia systems: links, objects, time and space---structure in hypermedia systems" ,Pages=21#" -- "#29 ,Location="Pittsburgh, {PA}, {USA}" ,Publisher="{ACM} Press" ,Year=1998 ,URL="http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/276627.276630" } @Article{We:Cf23CD ,Title="A comparison of the cognitive demands of navigating two-versus three-dimensional spatial database layouts" ,Author=" S. J. Westerman" ,Journal="Ergonomics" ,Month=feb ,Year=1998 ,Volume=41 ,Number=2, Pages=207#" -- "#212 ,Publisher="Taylor and Francis Ltd." ,URL="http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tandf/terg/1998/00000041/00000002/art00015" ,ISSN="ISSN 0014-0139" } @Artcle{Do:SVADEIS ,Author="Ricard E. Downing and Joi L. Moore and Steven W. Brown" " ,Title="The effects and interaction of spatial visualization and domain expertise on information seeking" ,Journal="Computers in Human Behavior" ,Volume=21 ,Number=2 ,Pages=195#" -- "#209 ,Year=2005 ,Month=mar ,URL="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2004.03.040" ,Abstract=" Information seeking skills are becoming increasingly important as rapid and widespread developments in technology have made information available in more formats and from more sources than ever before. Research in human computer interaction (HCI) has demonstrated that primary cognitive abilities represent a powerful predictor of information-seeking success in electronic information systems. Specifically, spatial visualization ability (SVA) seems to be particularly related to hierarchical menus systems navigation within databases, online learning environments, information archival systems, and virtually all internet web sites. Research indicates that individuals with low SVA take longer to complete tasks and experience more errors on first attempts to find information in hierarchical databases compared to those with high SVA. Understanding the influences of SVA as well as its interaction with other aspects of individual differences, such as domain expertise, is critical to the design of systems intended to accommodate individual differences in users. Thirty-five college students (23 males and 12 females) were selected from the general student body of two universities and assigned to groups based upon their self-reported membership in one of two specific disciplines: business (n=26) or biology (n=9). Participants were then assigned to groups based upon scores on tests of SVA using a median-split. Each participant conducted five searches: one neutral search, two searches for business related information, and two searches for biology related information using the FirstSearch archival search tool. A $2 \times $2 factorial Analysis of Variance with one between-groups variable (high vs. low SVA) and one within-group variable (high vs. low domain expertise) indicated a significant main effect of SVA as well as a significant main effect of Domain Expertise on the time required to find their first relevant article on the search topic. The analysis also revealed that there was no main effect for SVA on the total number of relevant articles found during the search period but there was a significant main effect of Domain Expertise on the total total-number-of-relevant-articles found. There was no interaction between SVA and Domain Expertise on either time to first article or total number of articles found. Results of the study extend existing knowledge regarding the effects of SVA and domain expertise on information seeking by demonstrating a strong effect of SVA and domain expertise on information seeking skills. The results of this study also provide evidence in support of interface designs that are friendlier to information seekers who have low SVA. Related findings and suggestions for further research are discussed." }