CS4173 > Mats > Assig. #3

J. Blustein

Web-centric Computing

[Crs | Ann | Mats | Res]

Assignment 3: Stateful Calendar, Part 1



To gain experience with saving state using cookies and simulated GET-protocol forms, in preparation for a realistic WWW-based calendar system in a later assignment, and to improve working knowledge of the following WWW technologies:

to gain at least familiarity with the following technologies:


02 Mar.
08 Mar. (at 5p.m.)


Create a webpage that uses server-side programming (in the language(s) of your choice) to


Tips & Suggestions

Approximate Grading Scheme

Marking Breakdown
Two ways of keeping state
  • cookies
  • URL rewriting
  • cookie detection
  • pasrsing GET data
Correct calendar 5%
Complexity and style of layout 10%
Error-checking and robustness of code 20%
Use of CSS 10%
Readability and comments 10%
invalid XHTML −30%
not conforming to level “A” of WAI's WCAG −15%
conforming to level “AAA” of WAI's WCAG +5%

Submission Instructions

  1. You will be submitting an entire directory of files electronically.
  2. The files you submit must all be in a directory named 3-state.
  3. Your initial webpage must be named 3-state.html.
  4. You may name the other files whatever you like.
  5. Be sure that your name and student number are in all program source code files and XHTML pages.
  6. turn in all the files in your 3-state directory using the submit program on torch.

Detailed submit Instructions

  1. You will be submitting an entire directory of files electronically.
  2. The files you submit must all be in a directory named 3-state.
  3. Your webpage must be named 3-state.html.
  4. You may name the other files whatever you like.
  5. Be sure that your name and student number are in all program source code files and XHTML pages.
  6. Be sure that your webpage clearly says which browser and version it is intended for. If the marker doesn't know which browser to use and your program doesn't work on the browser he/she chooses then your program does not work and you will lose many marks.
  7. turn in all the files in your 3-state directory using the /opt/bin/submit program on torch.
    1. Before you run the program, make sure that your current directory is the parent of the directory you will be submitting. For example, if your assignment is in your ~/cs4173/3-state/ directory then use cd to make ~/cs4173 your current directory before you run submit.
    2. When submit prompts you for a file or directory name, input 3-state.

02 March 2005
CS 4173 Prof.:
J. Blustein <jamie@cs.dal.ca>
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