CS4173 > Mats > examples/ > XHTML/ > entities/ > ASCII Table

J. Blustein

Web-centric Computing

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Some Example Code

ASCII Codes For Non-Alphanumeric Printable Characters

These hexadecimal codes are for use in URLs. The symbols are presented in tabular form and also in lists by category.

Table of All

Selected ASCII Values
hex char
hex char
%20  (blank)
%21 !
%22 "
%23 #
%24 $
%25 %
%26 &
%27 '
%28 (
%29 )
%2a *
hex char
hex char
%2b +
%2c ,
%2d -
%2e .
%2f /
%3a :
%3b ;
%3c <
%3d =
%3e >
%3f ?
hex char
hex char
%40 @
%5b [
%5c \
%5d ]
%5e ^
%5f _
%60 `
%7b {
%7c |
%7d }
%7e ~

By Category

The categories are

  1. General Punctuation
  2. Brackets
  3. Mathematical Symbols
  4. Miscellaneous Characters

[Jump to Top]

  1. General Punctuation

    , (comma)
    " (double quote mark)
    ` (left (opening) single quotation mark)
    ' (right (closing) quotation mark, apostrophe)
    - (hyphen)
    : (colon)
    ; (semicolon)
    ? (question mark)
    . (full stop, period)
    ! (exclamation point, bang)

    [Jump to category list]

  2. Brackets

    ( (left parenthesis)
    ) (right parenthesis)
    [ (left (square) bracket)
    ] (right (square) bracket)
    { (left (opening) brace)
    } (right (closing) brace)
    < (left (opening) angle bracket, less-than sign)
    > (right (closing) angle bracket, greater-than sign)

    [Jump to category list]

  3. Mathematical Symbols

    + (plus sign)
    - (negative sign (minus sign is entity &minus; or &8722;))
    * (asterisk, multiplication sign)
    / (slash, division sign)
    = (equal sign)
    < (less-than sign, left (opening) angle bracket)
    > (greater-than sign, right (closing) angle bracket)
    . (decimal point)

    [Jump to category list]

  4. Miscellaneous Characters

    (blank), (space)
    In the CGI specification + can be used for space too
    # (number sign, hash sign, hash mark, octophorp)
    $ (dollar sign)
    % (percent sign)
    & (ampersand, and-sign)
    @ (commercial at-sign)
    / (slash, division sign)
    \ (back slash)
    ^ (caret)
    _ (underscore)
    | (vertical bar)
    ~ (tilde)

    [Jump to category list]

07 December 2003
CS 4173 Prof.:
J. Blustein <jamie@cs.dal.ca>

This document is written in valid XHTML 1.0