package PromptUtil; # file # Chapters 8,9/Appendix A: This module is used to prompt the user for passwords # with echo off. use strict; require Exporter; eval "use Term::ReadKey"; use vars '@EXPORT','@ISA'; @EXPORT = qw(get_passwd prompt); @ISA = 'Exporter'; my $stty_settings; # save old TTY settings sub get_passwd { my ($user,$host) = @_; print STDERR "$user\@$host " if $user && $host; print STDERR "password: "; echo ('off'); chomp(my $pass = <>); echo ('on'); print STDERR "\n"; $pass; } # print a prompt sub prompt { local($|) = 1; my $prompt = shift; my $default = shift; print "$prompt ('q' to quit) [$default]: "; chomp(my $response = <>); exit 0 if $response eq 'q'; return $response || $default; } sub echo { my $mode = shift; if (defined &ReadMode) { ReadMode( $mode eq 'off' ? 'noecho' : 'restore' ); } else { if ($mode eq 'off') { chomp($stty_settings = `/usr/bin/stty -g`); system "/usr/bin/stty -echo ext,

revious, or dit','n'); my $pass = get_passwd(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This package exports two utilities that are handy for prompting for user input. =head1 EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =over 4 =item $result = prompt($prompt,$default) Prints the indicated C<$prompt> to and requests a line of input. If the user types "q" or "quit" returns false. Otherwise returns the input line (minus the newline). If the user hits return without typing anything, returns the default specified by C<$default>. =item $password = get_passwd([$user,$host]) Turns off terminal echo and prompts the user to enter his password. If C<$user> and C<$host> are provided, the prompt is in the format jdoe@host.domain password: otherwise the prompt is simply password: The function returns the password, or undef it the user typed return without entering a password. =back If get_passwd() detects that the Term::ReadKey module is available, it will attempt to use that. Otherwise it will call the Unix stty program, which will not be available on non-Unix systems. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 AUTHOR Lincoln Stein =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2000 Lincoln Stein. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut