#!/opt/bin/perl -Tw #++ # Based on # # Source code to accompany # _Official Guide to Programming with CGI.pm: The Standard for Building # Web Scripts_ # by Lincoln Stein # (c) 1998 byLincoln Stein # Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. #-- use CGI qw(:standard :Carp -debug); use diagnostics; # verbose error messages use strict; # check for mistakes $| = 1; # flush output after each output statement $\ = "\n"; # include \n at end of all output statements # initialize variables my @advice = ( # hardcoded array 'A stitch in time saves nine.', 'Look both ways before crossing the street.', 'Chew completely before swallowing.', 'A penny saved is a penny earned.', 'Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.' ); my $action = param('action'); # field from HTML form # HTML output begins here print header; print "Good Advice"; print "

Good Advice

"; # truly dynamic generation # output changes depending on input if ($action=~/Message (\d+)/) { # untainting data my $message_no = $1 - 1; # arrays begin at 0 print ' ', $advice[$message_no], ''; } # this part is always present print "
"; my $message; $\ = ""; # to stop the \n from being treated as a space in the HTML foreach $message (1..scalar(@advice)) { # scalar(@advice) is ... # ... # of elements in @advice print ''; } $\ = "\n"; print "
"; ## End of example ##